Chapter 4: DOA

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"Killian" I whimpered when I looked down at his face, bloodied and bruised.

"We've lost pulses!" I heard one of the nurses call out.

My legs subconsciously started to step backwards as I continued to stare at Killian's face, beaten beyond recognition. His body started to jolt as the nurse started chest compressions on him.

Suddenly the room became one bright orb and all I could hear and feel was my heart beat pounding rapidly.

"KILLIAN!!" My shrill scream pierced through the room

"Somebody get Dr. Connor in here and get Dr. Richards out of here!" The beat in my ears were disrupted my Gabe's demand.

A large hand wrapped itself around my forearm and guided me out of the crowded room before it all went black.

"Hi Doll," Killian offered me a warm smile as he stood across from me in a large grassy field.

"What are we doing here?" I whispered as I quickly turned my head, taking in our surroundings, not recognizing where we were.

"I'd like to think of it as a reunion." His gentle voice twirled itself into my ears as an air of melancholy surrounded us.

"No, not like this" I voiced out.

"It is what it is Doll," Killian took a step forward and brought his hand up to my cheek, stroking it ever so gently like he used to. "I've missed you, my sweet Loren. You have no idea how much it killed me to just watch you live your life from afar, not be a part of your successes, the hardships, the sweet moments..."

"You were always with me" I assured him.

"And I always will be" His voice changed as he solemnly whispered and grabbed my hand, placing it over his heart.

I looked down and noticed a deep red liquid soaking through the white shirt that he was wearing.

"No, not yet" I whispered as a tear fell from my cheek.

"Then come save me, Doll. You know that you're the only one."

With his last words he slowly disappeared into a fine mist amongst the tall blades of bright green grass. Soon enough I was left by myself  to decide what was next. Suddenly I too disappeared from the field and everything went black.

"Loren? Loren, come back to me," A familiar voice repeated itself over and over again.

I slowly opened my eyes to find that I was laying down on a stretcher in one of the empty ER rooms. The room was and dark and sitting beside me was..

"Adam?" I whispered as my eyes landed on an all too familiar face. He had grown into his lanky figure and now had mounds of muscles meticulously placed over his arms, back, chest..

"How are you feeling?" His voice was soft and gentle and he held a cool cloth to my forehead.

"I- uh, confused" I muttered looking around the room again. "W- what happened?" I asked and his eyes wandered to the ground.

"Killian, he uh, some guys got to him. Outnumbered him and a few of our guys. Killed everyone but him... but, um, I don't think it's looking too good for him either." He forced out the last painful words as he finished his sentence.

"I need to go" I pushed myself off of the bed and ripped the cords off of my arms.

"Your friend said you need to stay in here and rest" Adam protested

"I don't give a shit Adam, let me go" I muttered and pushed him aside, running out into the hall. Just across the hall was a room of commotion which I figured was Killian's. I ran in just as people were starting to walk out of the room, a familiar look of defeat on their face.


"They might as well have pronounced him dead on arrival when they found him" One of the nurses mumbled as they walked past me.

"What happened?" I asked Gabe once I found him.

"I'm sorry, we, we uh, couldn't do it"

"No... no... NO" my voice rose with each repetition.

"Dr. Richards" Dr. Connor apologetically looked at me. "We tried everything we could, I'm sorry."

"One more round" I begged as I took another step further into the room. Dr. Connor looked over at Gabe who slowly nodded his head in agreement.

"Okay fine, one more" He agreed as he turned Killian's monitor back on.

I stepped up to the side of the bed beside his lifeless body and placed my cold hands over his bloodied chest, the wounds oozing of thick blood.

"Push one more of epi" I instructed the pharmacist.

"Last one" He raised an eyebrow and advised me. I nodded in response.

"Okay Killian," I spoke as I started to bounce my torso up and down as I pressed into his chest to the rhythm of a heart beat. "You told me to come save you, so let me save you."

I continued as the room stayed silent through my compressions.

"Alright Mr. East wake up, enough playing dead, you aren't a possum." I breathed out in between the tiring compressions.

"Time! Let's do a pulse check" The nurse who stayed behind called out. I stepped away from the bed and stared up at the monitor which continued to show a flat line.

"Come on come on come on" I whispered as I stepped back forward, grabbing his limp arm off of the side of the bed. "I need you, who else is going to send me flowers for my birthday every year?" I whispered into his hand as I left a soft kiss over the top of it earning a stare from the nurse.

I looked up at the monitor and again, nothing.

"Please" I begged as I squeezed his hand, my tears rolling off of my chin and onto the top of his hand where my lips just were.

A few more seconds of silence passed until finally, a rhythm returned on the face of the monitor. I looked at Gabe to confirm that what I was seeing in front of me was true and he nodded, quickly turning to call the nurses back into the room.

"Wait..." I stared at the screen. "Shit, he's in Vfib. Somebody quick, charge the paddles we need to shock him!"

The nurse quickly turned the defibrillator on and charged it accordingly, handing me the paddles.

I placed the paddles over his chest and left side and looked back up at the monitor.

"Clear!" I yelled out and as soon as the last person took their hands off of Killian, I shocked him.

His body jolted off of the bed as the electricity ran through it, resetting the dangerous rhythm. For a second there was nothing on the monitor but was later replaced with a reassuring rhythm. I shut my eyes and released a breath that I had been holding.

"Let's hurry and get him into the OR before he codes again" Gabe instructed everybody in the room. He looked at me and smiled. "Let's go, Dr. Angel" He patted my back and walked me down to the OR.


BRB crying 😭

My Protector | His Angelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें