Chapter 27: Not With Me

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Loren's POV:

Killian and I walked through the hotel lobby straight into the amusement park just in front of the huge grizzly bear shaped mountain. Every few seconds you could hear the joyful screams of the families as they rode the rapid ride down the mountain getting either splashed or soaked by water.

I told Killian that our first stop once we entered the park was a stand that sold Mickey ears. He seemed confused initially but agreed nonetheless.

After walking for a few minutes we came to gift stand with racks of ears, all with different themes. I held up the bride and groom ears to Killian and laughed when he made the face when he doesn't like something but doesn't want to tell me so that my feelings don't get hurt.

"I think I'll get these" I held up a sparkly pair of pink ears. "How about you?"

"Me?" Killian widened his eyes. "No, I don't need any" He shook his head.

"What? Where's the fun in that!"

"No" He repeated and took the ears I was holding and walked over to the register.

"Killian come on you'd look so cute"

"Even more reason to say no, I do not need to look cute"

"Ugh" I groaned as we got in line. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a black baseball cap with a small Mickey stitched on the front.

"Ooooo" I walked over to grab it. "This" I grinned as I held it out to show him. I watched his shoulders drop as he sighed. "Come on Killian you can't come to the happiest place on earth and not wear at least something remotely Disney related"

"Yes I can"

"Please, it'll help keep you from being recognized by anybody too" I whispered as I bargained with him.

"Fine" He grabbed the hat and placed it on the counter next to the pink ears. As soon as he pulled the black cap over his neatly styled hair, I couldn't help but smile. It went well with his outfit. He wore jeans with a white long sleeve shirt, white leather sneakers, and of course sunglasses so dark you couldn't see his eyes.

I also wore jeans with holes in the knees and a black t-shirt with similar white leather sneakers. I didn't have much to choose from with what Killian had packed for me. He carefully placed the pink ears over my hair and took a step back to admire his recent purchase.

"I have to admit Doll, when we first walked up here I was skeptical but these are quite adorable on you" He smiled and pulled me back out into the crowd.

The following two days were nothing short of magical. Killian patiently stood in line for the rides with me, and I could've sworn I heard him screaming beside me as we dropped from the top of the Tower of Terror.

We filled our stomachs with Mickey shaped ice creams and beignets as we watched the parades, and sipped on milkshakes from Flo's Diner in Radiator Springs.

Our two days at Disney ended in front of the castle where the fireworks were scheduled to go off in just a few minutes. As we settled ourselves on the grass, Killian pulled me to his side.

"I hope you're having fun Doll"

"I think I should be saying that to you, not the other way around" I laughed. "I'm surprised you brought me here, I remember you telling me how much you hate amusement parks and how you would never come to one, no matter what"

"Well, you'd be surprised by the things you'd do for somebody you-" As he spoke, the night time show started and eventually rest of his sentence was drowned out by the loud music and colorful booms of the fireworks.

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