Chapter 39: Fuck Peter

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"Killian always loved to play hide and seek when we were children" Matteo paced across the hospital conference room.

"So this is where you work Loren?" Tino looked around as he settled in. 

"For the last few years yeah" I nodded my head. "I'm not so sure about how much longer I'll be here though. Given recent circumstances. I'm not sure how long before I can come back..." I trailed off and Tino nodded his head.

"Hopefully soon." He responded before looking up at Matteo. 

"Do we know of anything that Mr. East and Mr. Johnson were doing any sort of... shady business with recently? Anybody they had pissed off?"

"I mean, come on Tino. Anybody could be pissed off at those two."

"Yes Matteo, but anybody specific." Tino folded his hands together beside me as Matteo shook his head. 

"I spent that entire plane flight thinking of something and come here with nothing. Niente."

"I may have." I spoke up and they shifted their attention my way. Since we've reunited, Killian has been having so many phone calls with somebody in some sort of Scandinavian language. With each bit I've seen or heard they haven't been very peaceful conversations.."

"You don't know what language it was?" Matteo stopped pacing.

"I- Uh-" I thought out loud for a few seconds. "I never asked. He never seemed happy during them and would always hang up as soon as I walked in." I racked my head through each memory. 


"Bellissima" His voice excited my core. I never realized how much I craved his hearty voice until he spoke. It was almost like he spoke sparingly just to keep me wanting more. He didn't want to give me too much.

"You've never spoken to me in Italian" I whispered. He looked at me for a second before his lip curled up into a one sided smile.

"Hermosa" He took a step closer to me.

"Schönes Mädchen" And another.

"Vacker tjej" Finally he stood in front of me and I laughed.

"What language is that???"

"Swedish" He smiled. "I could go on if you like, belle.


"Swedish" I gasped. "It must have been Swedish. He had said something to me after one of the phone calls and told me it was Swedish."

"Well, that's the most popular language of Scandinavia." Matteo sighed. "But I know a group in Denmark. But they are one of the least troublesome gangs around." He leaned back in the office chair. "Unless they aren't.." 

I stared at the cup of coffee in front of me as I combed through our memories for anything more. 

"When did Killian have this phone call?" Tino asked

"It was when we were in California, so about a month ago?" 

"Matteo, do you have somebody who can hack into phone records and look into this?"

"I do, Loren I need the exact date and time. And location."

"Um" I pulled out my phone calendar trying to map out the days of our vacation. "November twenty eighth, around two in the morning. We were at their home in Los Angeles."

Matteo nodded as he typed this out. "I've got somebody looking into this right now."

I listened as they continued to brainstorm and I continued to comb through my memories trying to find anything that might point us in the right direction. But something just did not sit right about his phone calls that I had walked in on. 

"Adam had mentioned something, or rather somebody in Denmark actually" Emma spoke up for the first time since Matteo and Tino got here.

"What did he say?" Everybody's ears perked up.

"It didn't really make sense, we were out clubbing and we had both gotten a little too drunk, but he was looking at his phone and saw something that must have upset him because he was like 'Fuck Peter!' in the middle of the club. I was really confused and was like who is Peter? He said 'Some asshole in Denmark' and that was the end of it."

Matteo didn't blink as she recalled what had happened, but rather stared at her intently as the blood drained out of his face. 

"Peter is the name of the head guy of a Danish gang."

The room fell silent. 

"So this is good right? We have a pretty strong lead, Matteo you said that they aren't much of a threat-"

"I said that they aren't very troublesome Principessa, not that they aren't a threat. Two different things." He sighed. "If they were able to take Killian and Adam both, they're a threat."

My lip quivered as he corrected me and Tino shifted uncomfortably beside me. 

"So then, can't we just go to Denmark and get them?" Emma spoke up and Matteo sighed again.

"If only it were that easy Amor, if I marched in there then they would know something was up and they would kill both of them instantly, if they haven't already. They want something and I have a feeling we'll be finding out what exactly soon."

"Well what if we went?" Emma suggested and motioned towards me. "They don't know us."

"Maybe if this happened two days ago Em but we went public at that Gala remember?" 

"We could change our appearance though" Emma desperately grasped at straws.

"Actually" Matteo sat up in his chair. "Thats a good idea." 

"It is?" Emma and I spoke in sync.

"It is" Tino sat up as well. "If we can get to them before these fella's in Denmark make a move, we can catch them by surprise. And Loren nobody knows about you taking over?" 

I looked to Matteo who shook his head. 

"Only a small group of people and they're either sitting in this room or somewhere in Denmark. Or at home in Seattle" I looked at Tino warily.

"You don't have to worry about them, they're loyal and I'll shove a sock in their mouth before they even open their mouths." Tino placed a comforting hand over mine. 

"But the question is, are you two prepared for something like this?" Matteo glanced between Emma and I. 

"Absolutely" I nodded my head and Emma slowly joined in. 

"Sure" She whispered. "I'll do whatever it takes" Her soft yet firm voice broke the silence. 

"It's decided then. We're going to Denmark." 


Pack your bags and get your passport! We're hopping on a plane for some international travel! 

Do you have any theories on what the heck happened to K&A??  

Thank you again for your kind words, I love to read your messages and comments. I had some extra time this week so wanted to write up another chapter for you all. 

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