Chapter 6: Success

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Loren's POV

It was six long and tense hours until we were finally closing up. His pulses had been strong and present for the entirety of the procedure. Gabe jokes that I'm Killian's angel but I say that the donors who donated their blood are the real angels.

I watched as the nurse prepped him to be wheeled back to his recovery room while I washed my hands, scrubbing out of the most stressful surgery of my life.

"I don't know what I would've done Gabe...If he didn't come back"

"He did though Loren, thanks to you. Now let's focus on keeping him with us." He reassured me and gently squeezed my shoulder when he finished washing his hands.

We walked through the halls silently as we processed the events of what just happened.

"We should probably go update Adam" I remembered once we reached the ER.

"Who?" Gabe blinked as he stared at me.

"Adam, Killian's best friend practically brother, he was here with Killian."

Gabe raised an eyebrow as he continued to stare blankly at me. "Nobody came here with him Loren."

"Well he was in the room when I woke up" I stated "He told me that you said that I need to stay in the room and rest".

"I did say that but I don't recall seeing anybody else in there other than our staff.." Gabe responded just as confused as I was.

"Huh" I thought out loud and tried to make sense of this strange day.

"Get some rest girl, I've got rounds covered. You've had quite enough shit for the day".

I nodded and offered him a thankful smile as he left me in the lounge to myself.

"What happened to you guys?" I wondered out loud.


I slowly walked through the dark and empty halls of the hospital once my shift had come to an end. Thankfully the remainder of the day was mild after Killian came in. I wasn't sure how I could handle anything more.

The elevator doors shut behind me but stayed put as it waited for me to push the button of my destination. My finger hovered over the big L but then moved up to the 10, the floor that Killian was staying on. I shook my head of the possibility of going up to see him and quickly pressed the L. As the elevator started to move down I couldn't help but shake off the thought of him. For Christ's sake I was his doctor, I can go see him if I want. I slammed my finger over the 10 and waited through the course of the elevator going down to the lobby and back up.

Finally the doors opened up to his floor. The hall was dark and filled with the all too familiar muffled beeps of the various monitors.

The young nurse who was sitting behind the desk looked up from her book and smiled at me as I walked by.

"I thought your shift was over an hour ago Dr. Richards" She giggled

"I'm just stopping by to check on one last patient" I smiled at her and continued on towards Killian's room. Outside stood two men dressed in suits practically standing guard at his room.

Some VIP huh? Could it be any more obvious that he was in the mafia? These guys looked scary as shit.

"Hold on" One of them spoke as he raised his hand to stop me.

I paused in my tracks and looked up at him, eyebrows raised. "Can I help you?" I asked confidently.

"No visitors" The man grunted and I squinted my eyes, pulling my jacket aside to reveal my badge.

"Not a visitor, I'm his doctor."

The gruff man stepped aside and hesitantly let me past. I rolled my eyes in the process.

As I stepped into Killian's room, the door shut behind me. Beside him the monitor beeped a steady rate and showed nice and normal vitals. I took a few steps further inside to find him laying peacefully on the bed, a large thick bandage wrapped around his chest.

"What happened to you. Who did this to you?" I whispered as I looked down at his resting body, taking in the little details I had missed earlier.

He had a few tattoos that he never had before and his knuckles were scarred. His face was just as handsome as I could remember, the strong jaw line his behind the swelling from his injuries.

I took a few steps closer to the bed and took his rough hand in mine.

"Not quite how I imagined we would meet again after ten years" I whispered as I rubbed my thumb over the back of his limp hand, the callouses on his palm rough against the rest of my fingers. "I'm sure this isn't how you wanted it to happen either. Who knows, maybe you never even wanted to see me again anyways" I chuckled as I struggled to hold back my tears.

I sat in silence for a few more moments as I continued to hold his hand.

What are you doing here, Loren? You're his doctor, not his wife. What if he doesn't even want you here? I'm sure that this is breaking a multitude of rules right now.

I carefully set his hand back down on the bed beside him and pulled my stethoscope out, listening to his lungs and heart working away. He was lucky the bullets didn't hit either one or any other major organs, really. He lost a lot of blood but other than that he was going to be just fine.

"Don't cause any trouble up here Ian, I don't want to get any phone calls while I'm home about you." I joked as I backed up, taking in the cold room that he was in. Not a single balloon, vase of flowers, or teddy bear sat in the room. It was quite the opposite of the other patients I had. I wondered if his parents even knew that he was in here.

I stood in front of the door for a few minutes debating if I wanted to tell the two guards by his door who I was and ask if they knew if his family knew that he was here. But then again they probably had no idea who I was and probably didn't even care. I hadn't spoken with Killian in a decade, he wouldn't be telling each and every one of his employees who his girlfriend ten years ago was. Hell, he might have even moved on and could be married by now.

I shook my head and my placed my hand on the door knob, slowly turning it and then walking past the two guards who suspiciously eyed me up and down.

"He's looking pretty good in there" I spoke to the nurse once I reached her desk again.

"Right?!" She squealed "He's so hot. I've never seen anybody with guys like that standing guard outside of their room 24/7 though." She quietly whispered so that they wouldn't hear.

"Not what I meant by looking good" I chuckled and her cheeks turned a bright red. "Do you know more of his history now that he's been here a while? Has anybody stopped by to visit?"

"No not really, only what you know. The nurses have all come up with their own theory though. Nothing worth repeating in my opinion though, it's all just junk. Honestly instead of gossiping they should probably focus on their job" This time she spoke louder so that the rest of the nurses could hear her. I chuckled as a few of them turned their heads and wished her a good night as I left.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket as I walked outside and found a number of text messages and missed calls from Emma.

S.O.S come over ASAP

I sighed as I realized there would be one more thing standing in between me and my bed. But I knew better than to ignore an S.O.S from Emma so instead of driving towards my apartment, I headed down towards Emma's.

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