Chapter 33: The Funeral

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"Have a safe trip deary!" The older woman cheered as she bid farewell to Killian.

"You get put in between two adorable old ladies and I get put next to a grumpy man who thought that having somebody next to him would ruin his flight, despite his seat already being right next to the lavatory."

"So I heard" Killian chuckled as he retrieved our carryons from the overhead compartment.

We walked off of the plane and reunited with my mother and Kevin who waited at the gate.

Outside, Seattle welcomed us with it's signature overcast and rain. When we were descending from the plane, I managed to sneak a peak out of the grumpy mans window and could just barely spot the Space Needle through the clouds.

"Home sweet home" I smiled as the cool, fresh air hit my face. No other state could even compete with the air quality of Washington. It was fresh and clean, even in the middle of the city.

"So Killian, when was the last time you were back here in Washington?" My mother asked while waiting for the attendant to bring us our rental car.


"You haven't been here in years yet you're the CEO of a company based out of Seattle?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Long term, I haven't been here long term in years. I fly in every now and then and stick around for a few days or weeks but I haven't actually lived here in years."

"Ah I see, and why is that?"

"New York has felt more like home in the last few years" His simple response warmed my cheeks.

"I see" My mother nodded. I shot her a sharp look, confused as to why she was giving him the third degree in the middle of a parking garage.

Thankfully the attendant was pulling up in front of us in a silver sedan.

"Sorry" Kevin apologized as the small car sat in front of us. "We weren't expecting an extra person with us so we only booked a sedan"

"Not a problem" Killian shrugged and put the suitcases in the trunk.

I was surprised at Killian's patience towards my family. And by how hospitable he was. I don't think I had ever seen him putting luggage into a car until today.

We didn't stay at the house that I lived in years ago as it was currently being rented out. I requested that Kevin drive by, but my mother refused. She didn't want to 'relive those times'.

Instead we stayed at the Four Seasons. Killian and I had also agreed not to stay at his Penthouse. The last time I was there was during a painful time, and I didn't want to return there with my mother here. So the Four Seasons hotel it was.

"Your Uncle's memorial will be tomorrow morning. Do you have something nice to wear?"

I glanced over at my mother.


"I'm not trying to be difficult Loren but your Uncle's crowd is a bit different and I want you to make a good impression."

I showed my mother the dress I had brought and she instantly shook her head.

"That won't work honey, I remember buying you that dress while you were in College."

"But it's still a nice dress" I disappointedly looked at the simple fitted dress. There was no give away that it was from over a decade ago.

"I know, but trust me honey." She pursed her lips and shook her head apologetically. "Killian, would you take Loren out to buy a different dress? I think she might benefit from the taste of a f-" She paused mid sentence. "fashionable gentleman like yourself" She smiled.

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