Chapter 14: Shattered

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The rain smacked against the window as I splashed my face with water, preparing for the dinner reservation I had later that night. I walked out into the bedroom where the soft flames of the candles flickered against the bare walls.

Pulling my phone out from the bag, I sat on the bed and opened my messages. I had decided that this would be a phone free weekend but I still had a few hours to kill before I had to leave.

As I scrolled through the billions of messages I had, I came across a few from Emma mainly asking what I was up to and why it seemed like I had fallen off the grid. I typed out a quick response of where I was and what I was up to and was immediately met with a reply.

"Jealous. You should have brought me with 😕"

"Sorry. Needed a weekend away. I'll bring home a lobster roll for you 😉"

"Yessss pleassseee!!!"

I closed out of my messages and decided to do some research on anything else that I could do while I was here since the night market I had hoped to go to tonight was probably going to be cancelled given the weather.

Art galleries, shops, bars, restaurants, beaches, historic landmarks, the options were endless yet limited. I decided to just head towards the restaurant early and browse the nearby shops.

Later that night I was loading the little brown paper bags into my car, filled with locally made goods. I officially felt like my mother now, buying overpriced handmade candles. Something that I wouldn't be able to justify buying in the city.

As soon as I walked into the seafood restaurant the delicious smell of fresh sourdough filled my nose. I looked around the waterfront restaurant where piles of boiled seafood sprawled over red and white checkered table clothes.

I took the sticky menu from the waitress and smiled to myself at how such a seemingly normal restaurant could be so difficult to get a reservation for. Browsing the menu, I already knew exactly what I wanted. The lobster roll and clam chowder in a sourdough boll.

With the first bite into the roll, I no longer resented the rain for ruining my plans. Nothing else mattered in this moment, the purpose of my trip was fulfilled. I closed my eyes after taking another bite as the buttery lobster set off fireworks on my tastebuds.

Once I had finished my food, the temptation to order another lobster roll was strong. But my full stomach said otherwise. I thanked my waitress as I grabbed Emma's to go bag and walked out into the chilled salty air. The rain had stopped and the lights and chatter of a nearby bar drew me closer. Gorgeous people filled the inside, lined up at the bar and dancing on the floor as they cheered the DJ on.

Flagging down the bartender, I ordered a vodka soda and then made my way onto the dance floor. I let the rhythm take control of my body as the liquor pumped through my blood, loosening my tensed muscles.

The bar emptied as the night passed and I pulled out one of the seats at the bar. I ordered another vodka soda and watched the few people left on the dance floor, their once rhythmic movements now sloppy and drunken.

"Thank you" I smiled at the bartender as she handed me my drink.

As I took a sip of my drink, a hand rested on the chair beside me.

"Is this seat taken?"

I stared at the blurred liquor bottles lined up against the wall as I listened to the smooth voice. The voice was all too familiar, as if I was dreaming it. Actually I believed that I was dreaming it, or I was so drunk that I was imagining it. Either way, I didn't bother to look up until they pulled the seat back. My head shot up in their direction and there he was.

"Killian?" I whispered, not believing my own eyes.

"May I?" He asked and I nodded.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, dumbfounded by how a man who was just in my imagination was now standing before me.

"Emma told me you were here, alone" His hazel eyes stared into mine. He didn't even have to ask me why my boyfriend wasn't here with me, I already knew he was wondering.

"So you drove here from the city??" My eyes widened. "I don't remember clearing you to drive" I scolded.

"You didn't have to, I'm fine. Besides I don't think you would have ever agreed to see me again to do so anyways" He chuckled. He was right. I was avoiding him at all costs, at least until I could figure out what I was doing.

"Okay, fine. But you didn't answer my question. What are you doing here?"

"What, a guy can't come to the Hampton's on a stormy November weekend?"

"I mean, it's not exactly what any normal person would do"

"So why are you here?" He asked, the playful tone no longer in his voice and his eyebrows raised. "Needed an escape?".

"Um," I thought out loud, not even sure why I came here. "I guess so" I shrugged my shoulders. I regretted drinking those vodka sodas. Sober me would've ran out of the bar the instant I saw him, but the temptation and curiosity made me stay.

"I see" Killian nodded his head. "I guess I could say the same. Don't get me wrong, having Emma and Adam at my beck and call has been wonderful and I'm thankful, but I needed to get out of the apartment. The second I heard you were here, I don't know. I guess my common sense just stopped making sense and all of a sudden here I was."

"I know what you mean" I muttered as I looked down at the sticky bar.

"Let's go for a walk" Killian suggested and his hazel eyes warmed to an amber, giving off a gleam of hope.

"I don't know-"

"Just outside, I need some air. Its stuffy in here and i'm pretty sure they closed ten minutes ago" He pointed out and I looked around, realizing that it was just us and the bartenders left.

"But what about the people-"

"Taken care of." His voice deepened as he stood from the chair and paid the tab, knowing exactly what I was talking about.

A knot formed in my stomach at his words. I didn't know what 'taken care of meant' but at the same time, I did.

"Let's go" he spoke as he placed his finger tips at the small of my back, guiding me out of the bar. The rain had stopped since and the roads now glimmered as the street lights reflected off of them. We strolled through the street in silence, passing my car and another black car with deeply tinted windows, probably Killian's.

As we approached the boardwalk, the beach's cold breeze found its way through my rain jacket. A deep shiver travelled down my spine and Killian looked over at me.

"You've never dressed for the weather" He chuckled and slipped his wool coat off, placing it over my cold shoulders.

"Thanks" I shivered and pulled the warm jacket tighter around my body. I paused in place and stared at the moons reflection in the water, breathing in the fresh salty air. A familiar warmth grew inside me and all of a sudden I was brought back to the night of our first date.

A gust of cold wind blew on my back causing me to shiver from within. Crossing my arms I hoped that I would warm up a little and let out a deep sigh. I really regret not going back into my house to grab a jacket.

As I was scolding myself in my head, I felt a warm coat being draped over my shoulders and a strong arm wrapped around my waist, pulling forward. I looked up at Ian and realized that he had taken off his suit jacket and placed it on me. His defined and well built muscles straining against the fabric of his shirt as we walked. Wow.

I looked at him and truly took in his appearance for the first time that night. His chocolate hair was a neat mess and his beard was longer than usual but still cleanly trimmed. Small scars were scattered over his neck and face and a few small wrinkles laid on his forehead. His body was still as large as I could remember, if not more.

"Hi Doll" he smiled when he caught me looking at him and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him. I took a deep breath in and smelled his familiar scent.

And in that moment, the ten years of armor that I had built around myself shattered.

My Protector | His AngelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz