Chapter 12: Stay A While

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I tossed and turned in the empty bed as Ethan spent yet another late night at the office.

I'd be lying if I said that I didn't miss Killian, if I didn't find myself wide awake in the middle of the night longing for his touch.. because I did. I had replayed our memories in my head so many times since he returned that they had practically come to life once again. I wasn't even sure what was reality versus what was fabricated by my own desires.

I picked up my phone and the bright screen blinded my already squinted eyes. No texts from Emma. She had barely even texted me in the few days that Killian had been staying with her. I hoped he wasn't giving her hell.

After about a minute of staring at the empty text box, I decided to send her a message.

Hows it going? - Me, 9:55 PM

To my surprise, almost immediately after hitting send, a text bubble popped up as she typed her response.

Come find out and bring some Chinese food. The Princess is craving it. 🙄-Emma, 9:55 PM

You guys don't want to go get it? - Me, 9:56 PM

Nope lol. He hasn't eaten all day. Adam ordered Italian but he is refusing it. Such a brat!!!! He keeps demanding chow mein and orange chicken. Adam went out and I can't just leave him here. HELP ME. - Emma, 9:56 PM

Tempting, but I might have to pass. - Me, 9:58 PM

I... am... begging 😫- Emma, 10:01 PM

Fine. For you. - Me, 10:02 PM

And just like that, I was getting dressed, making my way towards the Chinese place by Emma's. The sweet woman behind the counter quickly took my order and soon enough sent me out the door with a hot bag of food and a few free egg rolls. My stomach grumbled at the sweet, tangy scent of the orange sauce.

I lifted my fist and after one knock, Emma was swinging the door open, defeat all over her face.

"Thank God you're here. I don't know how much longer I can take." She quietly huffed.

"Why didn't you text me before? I thought all was good with how little I was hearing from you."

"I didn't want to burden you" She looked up at me apologetically. She grabbed my hand and hastily pulled me towards the room that Killian was staying in but I stopped halfway through the hallway.

"What are you doing?" She turned around and stared at me.

"I didn't realize I would be personally delivering the food" I whispered harshly. "I thought I was just going to deliver it and then hangout with you!!"

"Avoiding him?" She teased. "You realize that even if you wait outside, he could walk out into the kitchen and see you".

"He's walking by himself??" I questioned and my eyes widened.

Emma shrugged her shoulders and pursed her lips, proceeding to pull me towards his room, practically pushing me into the door once we got there. I gently knocked on the door which in turn, slowly pushed it open. I peeked my head inside the room to find Killian laying on the bed, his eyes shut.

I knocked again, louder this time and took a step into the room. The floor boards creaked under my feet and Killian opened his eyes. I watched as his gaze wandered in my direction and finally landed on my face. His facial expression changed from cold and emotionless to... shocked?

"D-doll" He stuttered. I could tell that I was the last person he was expecting to see.

His coffee brown hair was messy and unmade but it was still neat. The bruised discoloration of his face had faded and the swelling had subsided, revealing the strong jaw line that I spent too long staring at. His usual fiery hazel eyes were now a dull green that couldn't break off of me. A clean white bandage remained wrapped around his torso; Emma and Adam were taking good care of him.

"I heard you aren't eating" I spoke flatly as I held up the bag of take out.

A rosy color filled Killian's cheeks and I could tell that he was embarrassed by his childish behavior.

"I'm just not hungry" He lied.

"Just not hungry for Italian food" I corrected him and he looked at the bag of takeout. "Orange chicken and chow mein" I paused as I sat the bag down, "and I think theres a few extra egg rolls in there."

"Thank you" He spoke quietly and shifted in the bed. I don't think I had ever found Killian to be short of words or even speechless but this... this felt like it. I quickly realized how much of a mistake I made coming in here. I turned to walk out of the room but stopped when he spoke again.

"Care to join me?" The confident tone that I knew all too well cut the uncomfortable tension that lingered in the air.

"Um" I thought out loud "No, I should probably get going." I decided.

Killian nodded and stared straight ahead as if he knew exactly why I wouldn't stay. But it's not like I would have stayed had I been single, would I? This was a chapter that I had closed a long time ago. In a book that I did not need to reopen.

"Do you need anything else?" I asked and walked out when he just shook his head no.

As I walked through the hallway I passed Emma who had obviously been eavesdropping.

"You're going back home?" She asked when I put my hand on the door knob.

"Yeah, I shouldn't have come over in the first place." I flattened my lips and Emma nodded in defeat. I think part of her was hoping that we would be able to rekindle our relationship but this would just be wrong for both Ethan and Crystal. Any feelings that I had for Killian needed to be squashed, I couldn't do this to my boyfriend.

I walked back home through the cool air that whistled in between the city buildings. It was mid October and we had just transitioned from the end of summer into the beginning of autumn. A mess of thoughts raced through my mind and I wished the wind would blow through my ears, pushing them all out.

As I made my way into the apartment I realized that Ethan had come home while I was gone and was already asleep in our bed. I gently climbed in beside him and pulled the covers over my cold body, a warm tear warming the skin as it silently slid down my cheek bone. I knew what I needed to do next.


When I tell you, I originally did Loren dirty in this chapter but ultimately decided to rewrite it 😂


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