307 16 1

Trigger warning; this chapter contains descriptions of attempted suicide and murder.

Yoongi's hand drifts down Jimin's waist, up to his back and to his neck. "You're so beautiful," he whispers, breathless when they pull away. Jimin's heart races. "You have no idea for how long I've wanted to kiss you." Jimin can only giggle stupidly. "I've been thinking about it too," he says, cheeks burning.

"This isn't a dream, right?" Chuckling,Yoongi shakes his head and says, "No. It's too good to be a dream." Jimin keeps his eyes closed, the warmth of Yoongi's lips still lingering on his own. "Isn't it the other way around? People say it's too good to be true, don't they?" Yoongi licks his lips, maybe a little bit embarrassed. "Uhm, I like my version better."

Yoongi's chest fills with warmth. Jimin is smiling again, eyes sparkling in joy. He doesn't want to admit how much he missed it. "You're such a dork," Jimin says, pinching his cheeks. "But you're my dork." Yoongi's cheeks hurt a little from smiling so long and so big, but he doesn't care.

Not when Jimin is finally his.

Jimin finds himself drowning in his thoughts after settling on Yoongi's lap. Now that he's in an official relationship with him and Jackson's gone from their life, is he going to be able to go back to his old life? "Yoongi?" Jimin starts off, raising his head to look into his now boyfriend's eyes. Yoongi hums in response, gently running a hand through Jimin's hair.

"I really want to work in my café again. I don't have to give that up, do I?"

Jimin said that he's ready to face challenges and hardships with Yoongi. Yoongi's life is dangerous, unpredictable. There's always a chance that someone uses Jimin to harm Yoongi. Always a chance that someone harms Yoongi. He will always have enemies. No one knows how far each of them are willing to go.
Is Jimin really ready to face all of that?

With a soft sigh, Yoongi brushes some of Jimin's bangs from his forehead, his smile fading. "I don't want you to stop with anything you enjoy just because of me, but you should take my requests into consideration." Jimin swallows thickly. "We can talk all about it tomorrow, but just off the top of my head we'd need to install a CCTV camera and an emergency button. It's important that if something happens, we have it on video and if you feel anxious or threatened, you can push the button and we'll get notified."

Jimin nods. Yoongi's right. This is necessary. "Besides, most stores have a security system. It won't damage your reputation."

"I'd feel even better if you'd take some security with you. Maybe one of my men could work with you as to not draw attention to himself, maybe even Jungkook if you'd feel safer with someone you know." Yoongi tucks some hair behind Jimin's ear, gently caressing his cheek. "We're going to talk about things like this and look for a suitable solution for the both of us, okay? I'll always protect you. We're in this together."

"Okay," Jimin replies softly and presses his lips against Yoongi's again, wrapping an arm around Yoongi's neck. It's silent again after they pull away, Jimin resting his head on Yoongi's chest listening to his heartbeat. There's another question lingering in his mind, eager to be answered, but he hesitates.

Yoongi notices "Go on, sunshine. You can ask me anything." Jimin's heart flutters, but soon there's dread filling his heart. "What about killing? Can I ask you to stop?" Yoongi sucks in a breath. He knew this was coming sooner or later. He's been thinking about it too. And he knows exactly what to say.

"As long as there's another solution, I promise you that I won't ever use my gun again."

Sudden shouting from downstairs cuts their time alone short. Jimin raises his head to see what's going on when Yoongi pulls him back, protectively holding him by his waist. "Let's go," Yoongi grumbles. As soon as they exit the room, Jungkook rushes up to them. He looks terrified and immediately grabs Jimin's arm.
"Kook, what's going on?" Jimin asks softly, concerned about their youngest who's usually so composed.

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