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It's around four o'clock in the afternoon when Yoongi slumps on his bed, sighing deeply while his thoughts once again revolve around something - more like someone - he doesn't want to think about. Since the early morning, he's been instructing Mr. Hwang how to earn the stolen money back by tracking down the people that don't pay their bills, fuck up a drug deal, or don't follow the instructions they're given. It's exhausting. He just wants some rest. Yoongi unlocks his phone and reads Jimin's message, replying to the one from yesterday.

Just as he's about to put his phone away again and go to the meeting room, Jimin texts him again. He would like to talk to him on the phone. Yoongi hesitates for a moment, debating whether to call the smaller male or not. Eventually, he decides to just go for it and presses the call button.

"Hi, Yoongi-Hyung! How are you?", Jimin's sweet voice rings through his ears right away and Yoongi briefly wonders if the other male has been waiting for his call. "Fine, what about you?", Yoongi asks in response, unable to stop himself from smiling after hearing Jimin's cute giggles at the other end. "I'm good too, thanks for asking Hyung.", the younger male replies shyly. Jimin goes on to talk about his day until Yoongi stops him abruptly, a sudden thought crossing his mind. It's already pretty late and it wouldn't be long until the sun sets.

"Jimin, would you like to go out with me? Right now?", Yoongi blurts out, only realizing what he just said when Jimin agrees happily.

And so, it's settled.

Ten minutes later, Yoongi stands in front of Jimin's apartment, ringing the doorbell while he racks his brain for a perfect place to go. The fact that he's taking Jimin on a date doesn't feel real - he's never taken someone on a date. People always asked him out, never the other way around. When Jimin opens his door, the bright smile Yoongi adores so much but would never openly admit, is full-on display. "Hi!", Jimin squeals nervously, scratching the back of his head because he's so damn nervous. His legs feel like they're out of jelly and his heart feels like it's going to burst soon. "Ready to go?", Yoongi asks calmly. "Yes!"

Once again, Jimin wonders how Yoongi manages to seem so relaxed and cool all the time - while he's about to die from nervousness.

"So, do you have any place you want to go? There's this amusement park somewhere-", before Yoongi manages to finish his sentence, Jimin interrupts him with a squeal. "I love amusement parks so much, I'm sorry.", Jimin explains, a blush visible on his cheeks. "Well, I'll take that as a yes then.", Yoongi answers simply and chuckles when Jimin nods excitedly.

After they manage to figure out the way, they start walking, heading towards the amusement park. While they're walking, Jimin can't help but stare at Yoongi's large hands, wanting to take them into his own, but he feels just too shy to ask.

They arrive at the amusement park just when the sun is setting right above them. "Could you take a photo of me with the sunset in the background? Sunsets are my favorite thing!", Jimin asks quickly, looking at Yoongi with pleading eyes. "Yeah sure.", Yoongi mumbles in response, taking his phone from his pocket and taking a picture of the beautiful young man in front of him. He takes three, before he nods softly, satisfied with the pictures. He hopes Jimin is too.

"Excuse me? Would you two like a photo together? I can take one.", someone suddenly asks them and both males turn around, facing a friendly woman with her little child. Jimin looks at Yoongi, hoping for the older male to say yes. "Why not?", Yoongi murmurs, not wanting to ruin the happy mood. 

So the two males step a little further away from the woman, Jimin handing her his phone and explaining how to take the pictures before he rushes up to Yoongi, standing right beside him. "Beautiful! One, two and three-", the woman says sweetly, counting until she takes the photo. "Thank you so much!", Jimin thanks her, smiling brightly as he looks at the photo, barely trusting his eyes when he sees the small smile on Yoongi's lips. "You're cute.", Yoongi mumbles suddenly, looking at the photo as well. The biggest blush creeps onto Jimin's face. "Thank you Hyungie.", Jimin whispers, giggling when Yoongi raises his eyebrow at the altered honorific.

𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 | 𝐲.𝐦.Where stories live. Discover now