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Trigger warning; Mentions of disordered eating.

Days pass and Taehyung's right. Slowly, there's improvement in sight. Jimin opened up to him and told him what happened. And it was the hardest thing they've had to go through.

Yet, talking about it helps. Even if it hurts.

Jimin has started with yoga while Taehyung meditates daily, both taking time every day to exercise and take their minds off things. Every day is different and balanced, matching their current mood. They like going for walks, watching movies, talking for hours on end, cooking or baking and the list goes on and on. As long as it makes them feel good.

Jimin's still struggling with being alone, but he's challenging himself more and more every day. Sometimes, he tells Taehyung to leave the room or he decides to cook by himself, softly humming a melody to distract himself. The hardest part is trying to get out of his panic attacks. He's tried shouting at Jackson as soon as he sees him or hears his voice. He knows that it isn't real, but fighting against your conscience takes a toll on everyone.

Unexpectedly, cutting contact with Yoongi feels nearly as bad as the panic attacks. He misses Yoongi a lot. He can't help but sometimes wish that he was here with him instead of Taehyung, but then again, somewhere deep inside him, the rational part of his brain, knows that it's the right thing to do. He needs distance.

Distance from Yoongi and everything that reminds him of what happened.

Still, Jimin craves Yoongi's touch at night, misses his voice, his warmth and the way Yoongi always dropped everything just to be by his side.

Taehyung's priority is Jimin. Sleeping has become difficult for him and he can barely stomach food. It's even worse whenever Jimin has an attack. He mostly needs to force his best friend to eat something and after putting him to sleep, his own appetite has vanished along with his chance to sleep. He slowly notices the effects of prioritizing his best friend's wellbeing over his own, but he ignores it all.

He can't take a rest when Jimin needs him.

Every night, he watches over Jimin in case he has a nightmare or wakes up needing something.

The fact that Jimin's in love with Yoongi, a fucking mafia boss that could kill them both in mere seconds, scares the shit out of him. Jimin doesn't want to cut ties with him, neither distance himself. They haven't really talked about it yet. Taehyung knows that Jimin is avoiding it on purpose. He knows that Jimin's afraid that he's going to break Yoongi and him apart. That he's going to confront him about the fact that an abduction like this could happen again anytime.

And to be frank, that's exactly what Taehyung has in mind.

"Y-You don't understand. I love him," Jimin cries, wiping his tears. "And what do you fucking imagine your future will be? Yoongi has killed people? He fucking took lives!" He's livid. Taehyung doesn't remember ever raising his voice at Jimin.

"Why are you yelling at me?" Jimin screams back. He's curled up on the couch, unzipping his sweater with trembling fingers. Taehyung feels his throat close up. "I-I didn't choose this, I-I'm scared too!" Jimin tries to cover his face, tries to hide his hurt. "Min–" Taehyung starts, carefully approaching the small human bundle. "I'm sorry," he whispers, pulling Jimin close. "I'm sorry for yelling."

Eyes wet with tears, Jimin looks up. "I love him, Tae. I-I really do." He breathes out shakily. "And the last thing I can do is leave him. Y-You don't know what he went through. He's not a monster. Everyone he...he killed was bad. I'm not saying I'm okay with him killing, because I'm not, but it's not my place to forgive him for killing."

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