353 16 1

This chapter contains gun violence and injuries.

The next few days are a blur to Jimin. He spends most of his time in his room and sometimes helps Jin out in the kitchen. He hasn't talked to Yoongi. It still hurts. The fear and the wound of being lied to are still too fresh. His feelings are all over the place. He isn't really mad at Yoongi; he understands why he had to keep it from him, but he doesn't know if he's ready to approach him yet. It's like there's a wall, right between them, one that can't be broken through.

Jimin spends most of his time talking to Taehyung. They talk almost every day. Hearing Taehyung's voice makes him feel so much better.

Aside from Jin, he hasn't opened up to anyone else. The other three males aren't around, mostly out on missions. The thought that they could be killing someone every single time crossed his mind one too many times.

"Jimin, have you had lunch yet?", Jungkook's soft voice rings through his ears and rips him from his thoughts. He turns around, seeing the youngest lean against the doorframe. He didn't hear him come in. "N-No.", he replies quietly, avoiding eye contact. It's the first thing he heard Jungkook say in days. "You okay, Hyung? You're a bit pale.", Jungkook comments, a frown settling on his face. Jimin knows he must look horrible.

Sudden anger pulsates through his body. "No! How could I? I'm stuck here! Everyone lied to me like I'm some kind of puppet that you can toy with! You lied to me! Yoongi fucking lied to me. J-J-Just fuck off! I don't want to see you," he snaps at Jungkook, burying his face in his hands. Regret fills his body almost immediately. It's not Jungkook's fault. He was ordered to keep quiet about it. But what about him? He doesn't deserve this.

"Why don't we go get some fresh air?" Jungkook suggests after a few seconds, giving Jimin a soft smile as the male raises his head. He doesn't seem intrigued or annoyed at him, rather understanding and worried. Jimin hates this. He can't stay mad.

After forcing himself to get up and walk onto the balcony, Jimin feels the fresh air rushing through his hair and filling his lungs with oxygen. Jungkook's right, letting the wind rush through his hair makes him feel better instantly. "I've heard you talked to Jin and Yoongi about everything. Maybe talking to me can lessen the tension between us as well? I really don't enjoy it like this, spending time with you is too much fun for that.", Jungkook then says, catching Jimin by surprise by his sudden statement.

"I'm sorry for lying to you. It wasn't my intention to hurt you in any way. Yoongi ordered to not tell you anything. He wanted to be the one to break it to you.", Jungkook continues before Jimin can answer him, nervously scratching his neck. He's started to feel like Jimin is one of his brothers, so he doesn't want to lose him under any circumstances.

Jimin almost forgot that the youngest had come with him. "Thank you for apologizing.", he mumbles after a few minutes of pure silence, enjoying how the wind disheveles his hair, which wasn't made in the first place anyway. Breathe, he just needs to breathe and relax. Thinking and speaking can come later. "I really am sorry.", Jungkook adds, giving Jimin a slight smile. His eyes wander from the view of Seoul to the few houses next to them. Of course, all of them are owned by them and only their most trusted men live across the street.

However, a small movement in the corner of his eye catches his attention and Jungkook quickly turns his head. His eyes meet with the eyes of a strange man sitting in one of the bushes across the street, holding a sniper rifle in his hands, aiming it directly at him and Jimin. "Get down!", Jungkook shouts and grabs Jimin, a loud gunshot ringing through both of their ears, causing Jimin to scream in fear. Jungkook feels a sharp pain surge through his side before they both drop to the ground, Jungkook's arms wrapped protectively around Jimin.

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