7 - Looking Up

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I had been home for a week and I was slowly getting back to the routine I needed to be in. I was walking to the shop to open up while texting Eve.

DESTINY: You know no one here can make a decent London Fog.

EVE: You can always make your own.

DESTINY: I'm part of the population that sucks at making them. I think I need to come back.

EVE: For a drink?

DESTINY: I think it's warranted.

EVE: Sure it has nothing to do with a certain man you met at the park on your last day and accepted his apology?

DESTINY: Henry talk to Daniel?

EVE: Yeah, said you turned down his invitation to dinner though. Why?

DESTINY: I didn't want to get roped in with him right before I was going to be leaving.

EVE: Didn't have to wait so long...


I unlocked the door and walked inside the shop turning on all the lights, my own little sanctuary.

EVE: So...I may have done something...

DESTINY: Which was...?

EVE: Given the website info to some people here that seemed interested when they asked about what my amazing Maid of Honor did in America.


EVE: What?! You ship international...well you can start. Get your work out there! Be the amazing artist you are.

I just shook my head at this but smiled.

DESTINY: Whatever you say. Okay I just opened so I'm going to go. Love you!

EVE: Love you.

I went and started working on some new vases that needed painted. The day pasted pretty uneventfully some people came in, bought things, picked up special orders and that was the extent of my day.

I was checking the online orders before I left and I noticed I had someone purchase 3 vases and a salad bowl. I was pretty impressed as I walked around the store and grabbed everything they wanted. They paid with credit card and then I started looking up the shipping information and huffed a laugh.

"Henry Cavill...." I said shaking my head. I packed up his order and then printed out the shipping label ready to go out tomorrow. I looked up his info and found his phone number. I knew there was a 5-hour time difference and seeing as it was 5 now, I wasn't sure if it was too late to text him. Oh well...

DESTINY: I got your order...

HENRY: Dezi?!

DESTINY: Who else did you order from in America?

HENRY: No one but I mean you just text me...how did you even get my number.

DESTINY: You caught me! I'm your stalker. I came to London to find you, found you in the pub and have been stalking you ever since. I had to ignore you to make it look good.

HENRY: I knew it!

DESTINY: I got your number off your order info on the website you weirdo.

HENRY: Yeah, I thought about that after I asked how you got it.

DESTINY: Well, I just wanted to say I got your order and it will be sent out tomorrow. I just closed up actually.

HENRY: Thanks. So...miss us yet?

I laughed at this as I walked down the street. I'm sure the people walking the opposite direction thought I was crazy.

DESTINY: I miss some people...I really miss being able to get a good London Fog.

HENRY: You ever tried making your own?

DESTINY: I can't make them either.

DESTINY: And you might be on the list of people I miss, I mean I miss annoying you.

HENRY: You miss annoying me?

DESTINY: I mean I was really good at it...

HENRY: You were.

There was silence from both of us for a few minutes and then finally I got an answer back from him.

HENRY: Dezi, I wish that night at the pub would have gone differently. I wish a lot would have gone differently. I was completely in the wrong that night.

I stopped in my tracks and dropped my head. Why did he have to do this, why did he have to be this way? Why now that I was a whole ocean away.

DESTINY: Henry, you already apologized and I accepted it. I wish things had been different too, but we can't change the past. I shouldn't have done what I did with Tim either just to annoy you and get understand your skin.

HENRY: Well, it worked. I wanted to snap his head off his shoulders.

I finally got home and I walked inside.

DESTINY: Oh god, I feel like an arse.

HENRY: No, I think I deserved it honestly. I mean maybe not to that full extent but close enough.

DESTINY: Well how about we both just admit to making bad mistakes and whenever I'm back in London we can have that dinner you invited me to.

HENRY: I would really like that, Dezi. You think you will be coming back anytime soon?

DESTINY: Most likely. I miss it.

HENRY: And you need a good London Fog.

DESTINY: That I do.

HENRY: Dezi, would it be okay if I called you sometime?

DESTINY: I would like that. Right now, though I'm getting dinner and bed soon. It's also late there, you need to go to sleep as well.

HENRY: Yeah, it's getting late here. Good night, Dezi, sweet dreams.

DESTINY: Good night, Henry.

I put my phone down beside me on the couch and I sighed.

This whole day had been out of whack, and I really didn't plan on talking to Henry tonight. Things were looking up in all aspects and of like and who knew where it was going to lead but maybe I was going to like it.

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