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Seo Jun sat down in the school stadium glancing at a text book. Seo Yun, Kan Ta, Seung and some other guys got ready to play while Eun Woo and other girls were out to cheer.
Seung then walked up to Seo Jun and took his bag.
"When are you guys going to start?, It's taking so much time" said Seo Jun.
Seung drank water and faced Seo Jun. "When are you going to play with us?, You just sit there like forever!"
"I don't have anyone to cheer for me"
"Are you kidding me?, All you need to do is ask, there are millions of girls ready to cheer for you" said Seung and Seo Jun chuckled
"You think?"
"I don't think, I know it!".
"Don't worry, I know who'll cheer for me already" replied Seo Jun.
"Seo Jun!!" Shouted Eun Kyung and everyone turned to her.
She was walking fastly to Seo Jun with Nari and some school girls following from behind.
"Why does she look so furious?" Asked Seung as he observed her.
She finally made it to them and stood in front of Seo Jun who stood up.
Tears filled as eyes as she stared at him. She raised her hand to hit him but stopped half way as his stare was steadily fixed at her, he didn't even brace for the impact.
"Who exactly are you?" She asked. "What did I do to you, to all of you?" She asked looked around.
"What's wrong?" Asked Seo Jun
"What's wrong?, What's wrong?!!" She shouted
"Eun Kyung calm down!"
"Don't tell me to calm down!, I thought you really did care about me but no you didn't, you just wanted to hurt me!"
"Okay, let's talk about this" said Seo Jun and he held her hand but she yanked it away.
"Let me go!, I don't want to talk about anything!" She screamed making people chuckle as they watched while some took a video.
"You posted it!, You posted the video didn't you?, But why?" She asked
"I don't understand"
"You don't?" She asked and turned backwards snatching Nari's phone from her hand and showing him the video.
"What's this?" She asked
"I didn't do that"
"You're lying now?, It was only you who had the video only you. Give me your phone?"
"Eun Kyung!" He called
"Just give it to me" she wept and he gave it to her, she opened it and saw the video in his phone
"You promised to delete it but it was all a lie"
"I was going to but it skipped my mind"
"No it didn't!!, You never wanted to"
"Hey Eun Kyung enough yelling at my brother!" Said Seo Yun walking up to them
"It's cool Seo Yun" said Seo Jun
"I know I'm the miserable girl In school, the one everyone wants to make fun of but you?, I didn't think you'd ever do this".
Seo Jun sighed and put his hand in his pocket. " I already told you" he replied
"And you expect me to believe it without any evidence?" She asked but he kept quiet
"Answer me!!" She shouted but he still won't say a word.
"Choi Seo Jun answer me!!" She yelled shaking him.
"Eun Kyung that's enough" said Nari and she pulled Eun Kyung from Seo Jun.
Eun Kyung now cleaned her tears. "I hate you!" She finally said and walked away.
Everyone murmured as she left.

Eun Kyung sat on a bench hugging her bag when Nari approached her
"Eun Kyung!, How could you say such things to Seo Jun?, Didn't you know he was hurt?"
"I don't care, he shouldn't have posted the video, he just gave them reasons to insult me"
"What if Seo Jun didn't post that video, just what if?, You don't know and you just reacted like that, he was so hurt and you as a person needs to control your stupid anger issues cause I've had it to my full"
Eun Kyung angrily stood up. "What's your problem?"
"My problem is since you got back from staying with your mother you've become someone else and I hate that"
"This is me Nari,Seo Jun hurt me"
"No he did not, you're just making a fuss out of nothing" now she walked away angrily.

Hwang ran into Eun Kyung's room holding a painting book
"Hey Eun Kyung, look what I did today" he said and placed the book in front of her.
"What do you think?" he asked but she didn't reply
"Uhh.. Eun Kyung are you okay?" He asked and Eun Kyung faced him faking a smile.
"Yeah, I am and your painting is beautiful" she commented
"Oh, thanks" he said and took his book from her climbing down from the bed.
"Where are you going?" She asked
"Out, giving you your privacy, you look like someone who needs it" he then smiled before leaving.

Seo Jun and Seo Yun walked into the house and met Seo Hiah seated.
"Welcome boys" she said and walked to them but Seo Jun didn't reply but walked pass her.
"What's with him?" Asked Seo Hiah
"Em, something about Eun Kyung in school, I don't know the whole story but she was blaming him for something, Mom the story is complicated but for now, I'm hungry" he said
"What!, You have the appetite for food when your brother is not happy?"
"Mom he'll be fine and he never told me anything yet".
Eun Hiah walked into Seo Jun's room and saw him on his bed reading a book
"I made dinner, your dad is not around so we'll eat together"
"Go ahead with Seo Yun, I'm not hungry" he said and she sighed slowly walking close and sitting on the bed
"Is there something you want to talk about?" She asked
"No" he replied
"Did Eun Kyung say something to you?" She asked and he looked at her
"Seo Jun please stop all these, come let's eat and talk about this please" she begged and stretched her hand to take his
"Just go Mom" he said and placed the book on a table close to him laying on the bed facing the other side of the room
"Seo Jun..."
"Just go Mom" he whispered
Seo Hiah sighed and stood from the bed walking away.
"Hey Mom" said Seo Yun after seeing his mother
"Seo Jun didn't tell you anything at all?" She asked
"You sound like Seo Jun tells me anything, that guy's a mystery, let's eat" he said
"I don't have the appetite" she said
"What!, Because Seo Jun won't eat?" He asked
"Seo Yun!"
"This is crazy, Seo Jun is just upset and I'm sure by tomorrow he'll be fine, you're just overreacting"
Seo Hiah didn't say another word to him and walked towards the kitchen.

The next morning, Seo Hiah hurriedly walked into Seo Jun's room but he wasn't on his bed, she looked around the room when he walked out on his school trousers and shirt
"Good morning Mom" he greeted and she smiled before moving to him hugging him.
"Are you okay?" He asked her
"You scared me yesterday, come down for breakfast, Seo Yun's waiting for us" she said and he nodded.
Seo Yun smiled on seeing both of them walk down
"I thought I was going to school by myself" he said and Seo Hiah smiled before passing Seo Jun his plate of food.
"Just eat so Seok can take you both to school" she said.
They started eating quietly and Seo Yun decided to break the silence.
"Hey Seo Jun, did you really ask Eun Kyung to be your girlfriend?" He asked but Seo Jun didn't reply.
"Seo Yun please leave this discussion" said Seo Hiah
"Why?, I'm not messing with him" now he chuckled
"You should have seen his face when Eun Kyung rejected his proposal"
"What?, Eun Kyung rejected you?" Asked Seo Hiah looking at Seo Jun
Seo Jun sighed and kept eating
"I'm sure it was a mistake, maybe she was stressed or something..., But did you think about it before asking her?" Asked Seo Hiah
"Eun Kyung wasn't going to say no to me, no matter what... just that some people couldn't keep their hands off my stuffs" he said and there was silence before Seo Hiah faced Seo Yun.
"Seo Yun did you know anything about this?" She asked
"What? About what?" He asked
"Did you mess with something important to your brother?" She asked
"No, why would I?" He asked
"Oh, Seo Jun, what then do you mean?" Asked Seo Hiah.
Seo Jun drank water and cleaned his mouth with a cloth. "See you soon Mom" he said and stood up to leave
"Wait there!" Yelled Seo Yun stopping him. "Do you hold me responsible for what happened?"
"Considering you're the only one who accesses my phone fully, what do you think?" Asked Seo Jun
"What!!, Why would I even do that to you?" He asked
"I don't know, you tell me?" he asked
"Okay boys that's enough" said Seo Hiah standing between them
"Enough?, He just blamed me for releasing the video, why would I do that?" He asked annoyed
"Seo Yun calm down, I'm sure Seo Jun doesn't mean any of what he said...."
"I do Mom, only he could do it maybe ignorantly" said Seo Jun
"You fool!" Shouted Seo Yun hurrying to him but Seo Hiah stopped him
"That's enough stay where you are!!" She shouted
"He's blaming me Mom, I didn't do it!" He shouted
"Then stop reacting like someone who did" she said
"I don't understand, you really think I did it?" He asked
"Maybe by mistake or something....,you know..."
"I did not do it and you shouldn't take sides Mom!" He said
"I'm not taking sides Seo Yun...."
"Yes you are!, You're taking Seo Jun's side even when I'm saying I didn't do it you feel like a did"
"Because it's the truth!" Said Seo Jun
Seo Yun now laughed bitterly. "You're supposed to be my brother, taking my side but you're blaming me for something like this?, I really don't understand?"
"I'm going to school Mom" said Seo Jun and kissed his mother's forehead.
"This is stupid, you don't still believe I didn't do it?" He asked
"Seo Yun just go to school, we will continue this discussion when you both come back from school" said Seo Hiah
"Don't worry mother, there's nothing to continue" he said and looked at Seo Jun who rested on the wall.
"It's okay for him not to believe me so I'm not surprised but you?..., It's obvious who you like more between us and here I was thinking your love for us was equal, when Seo Jun got missing I did everything to make you happy and tried so hard to comfort you but I was wasting my time, deep inside you, you wished it were me taken not him"
"Hey, that's an unfair thing to say..." Said Seo Hiah
"Are you sure, cause I know you'd go lengths for Seo Jun than me, I just wanted proof...., I already got it. Somehow I wish he never came back..... At least you'd give me little attention" he then picked up his bag
"Seo Yun!" Called Seo Hiah close to tears as he walked pass her quacking Seo Jun before leaving the house.
"Mom" called Seo Jun holding his mother who was now weeping
"How can he say such to me, I'm his mother and I love him" she wept.
"It's okay, it's okay" he whispered rubbing her hair.
After a while, Seo Jun walked outside seeing only Seok
"Where's Seo Yun?"
"He left, he ignored me and left" answered Seok
Seo Jun sighed and got into the car.

Eun Kyung wrote what was taught on a book when Nari walked into the class, their eyes met and Nari looked away walking to another seat.
Eun Kyung sighed as other students got into the class.
Seo Yun walked in and she looked to see if Seo Jun would follow but he didn't, she was too focused looking around that she didn't notice Seo Yun walk close to her and sat in front of her.
He waved to her face and she noticed him. "Oh Seo Yun" she called
"I'm sure you're looking for my brother but why?, You insulted him yesterday and I had to get a little of it"
"What are you talking about?" She asked.
"You don't understand?, Okay I'll make you understand" he said and grabbed her hand when a teacher walked into the class and asked them to be seated.
"This is not over" he whispered before leaving her and walking back to his seat.
Eun Kyung rubbed her wrist and looked up when her eyes locked with Seo Jun's who just walked into the class, the stare lasted for a while before Seo Jun looked away walking to his seat where Choon Hee waited for him happily.
It was sport time and some students went out but Eun Kyung didn't, Nari also left the class without talking to her. That was the first time Nari had ignored her for long.
She didn't have time to think, she took her bag and walked to the library, she got in and picked a spot and dropped her bag.
She then walked to the shelf to look for a book.
She found her book and turned to her seat but saw Seo Jun coming to the shelf she was, his eyes were buried in the book he read so he didn't notice her, she looked away and faced the shelf like she was looking for something until he passed her. She hurried back to her seat and sat down, she bent her head for a while, 'What was Seo Jun doing in the library, he supposed to be sporting with others' she thought. Brushing the thoughts away, she faced her book and started jotting down key points in the textbook.

Seo Jun yawned and packed his books, the school was over and he needed to go home, whatever happened that morning needed to be corrected, he shouldn't have blamed Seo Yun, he behaved stupidly.
He packed his books and began leaving when Mrs Donna called him
"Seo Jun, please help an old lady" she joked and he laughed
"How would I do that?" he asked
"Those students refused to lock the windows of the library and I cannot do it all, I already asked someone to help but more hands would be needed" she said
"Okay" he replied and dropped his books, he walked to the windows of the library closing each and all of them when his eyes caught someone, it was a girl who's head was bent probably sleeping. He didn't know someone was still in the library and Mrs Donna was closing up.
He sighed, she would just stay there till the next day, he closed the window where he was and slowly walked to her.
He slowly tapped her hand and she moved a little but didn't still wake.
He shook her this time and she raised her head up looking at the blur environment around her.
"You shouldn't be sleeping here" he said and the girl looked up at him, she removed her hair from her face and gasped, she then bent to her to books hurriedly packing them when a textbook fell down.
Seo Jun bent to pick it and she did the same making their heads hit against each other.
"Sorry" said Seo Jun before he picked the book and stood back up handling it to her.
Eun Kyung sighed and took her bag standing up to him
"Thanks" she muttered and held the book but Seo Jun wouldn't release it to her.
"Let go Seo Jun" she said and he smiled making her look away.
"I didn't post the video but why should you feel terrible, you weren't terrible in it, you danced beautifully" he said and she scoffed
"You're mocking me, let go" she said and he smiled again.
He pulled the book close making Eun Kyung move close to him as their faces were close to each other's.
"I didn't post it" he whispered and the air from his mouth brushed against her face.
Eun Kyung gulped, all she could see was his closeness, his scent filled her nostril and her eyes lowered to his lips which were slightly parted, her heart skipped a beat on the thought of the kiss he gave her, she looked away hurriedly breathing, she needed to step away from him before she made her feelings obvious.
"Let me go" she whispered
"I'm not holding you" he replied and Eun Kyung realized she was the one close to him, he did pull the book forward bringing her close to him but she didn't step backwards.
"Seo Jun did you......" Stopped Mrs Donna on seeing them
Eun Kyung hurriedly moved from him looking from Mrs Donna.
"I will pretend I didn't see anything, now please let's leave the library"
"Eun Kyung" called Seo Jun and she glared at him making him smirk
"Let's go" he said
"No, leave first Seo Jun, she'll follow" she said and Seo Jun gave Eun Kyung one last look before leaving.
Eun Kyung slowly looked up at Mrs Donna
"Can we go young lady?" She asked and she faked a smile leaving.
Three of them walked outside and Mrs Donna locked the library.
Eun Kyung avoided Seo Jun's stares which she felt was on her, in a short while his phone rang and he stepped away to answer it.
"Eun Kyung" called Mrs Donna
"Yes" she replied
"You should go now with..., Where's Seo Jun?" She asked and Eun Kyung looked around, Seo Jun wasn't where he was answering the call.
"Maybe he had to leave, okay bye" she said and left.
Eun Kyung nodded when Mrs Donna left. She looked back at where Seo Jun stood, maybe he didn't want to talk to her or have anything to do with her, maybe he hated her.
She scoffed, what was she expecting?, She told him she hated him, he ought to feel hurt, she inhaled deeply looking up before walking away.

Seo Jun hurriedly rushed into the house to see his mother seated in the house in tears.
"Mom!" He called and on seeing him, she stood up running to his arms.
"What's wrong?, Seok called me while I was in the library saying Seo Yun left, I had to rush here" he said
"He left, your father went to look for him" she wept
"How?, He was in school today..."
"Did you talk to him?" She asked in expectancy
"No.., I... I didn't have the time" he said and she wept walking back to the seat
"He gave us a text saying he'd never come back and we would never see him again, it must have been because of the argument today" she wept
"Don't worry Mom, I'll go look for him, I'll ask all his friends"
"No Seo Jun don't go, I don't want to loose you too"
"You won't Mom, never" he said and she nodded.

Seok and Seo Jun drove to all Seo Yun's friend's house but he wasn't there, his phone was switched off, frustrated they drove back home.

Seo Jun made breakfast for his parents and called them down for breakfast.
Seo Young walked down
"Good morning dad" he greeted and his father nodded walking close to him, on reaching him he tapped his shoulder.
"If a woman rejects you it doesn't mean you're not good enough, you shouldn't blame other people for things you cannot understand"
"Dad, I'm sorry..., I..., I'm sorry" he stammered.
"We have to find him Seo Jun, if your sorry can't bring him back, it's not considered here" he said
"What!!" Shouted Seo Hiah coming down from the stairs
"Seo Jun is Seo Yun's brother and his disappearance is hurting him too, don't be so unfair to talk to him like that!" She said
"Seo Hiah, you both didn't think about anything when you said all those hurtful words to him yesterday did you?" He asked
"Seo Jun was just not happy and he's sorry" he said
"Stop!!, Defending Seo Jun when he does something wrong, you scold Seo Yun so much why can't you scold Seo Jun?".
"That's not true, I scold both of them" she said
"No, you scold Seo Yun more and that was how he explained it to me in the text."
"Yes, Seo Yun broke down his feelings to me, he's hurting and I want to find him with so much energy and enthusiasm as to when Seo Jun was missing, I just hope I'm fast enough" he said and looked at both of them before walking out of the house.
"Seo Jun don't listen to your father, he's just hurt" she said
"Is it true?" He asked
"What?" She asked
Seo Jun inhaled deeply. "That you love me more than Seo Yun?" He asked
"What?, I love you both but I have to take a side when you both are fighting, I take your side because you're calm and won't want to fight with your brother but he always wants to fight, I don't want you two fighting" she said
Seo Jun nodded. "Noted" he said and turned to leave
"You think I'm not a perfect mother?" She asked
"No Mom, I just don't want to think about anything" he replied and left without looking at her.

In school, Seo Jun couldn't find Seo Yun anywhere and his friends didn't have any clue.
The weekend came and the atmosphere in the house wasn't friendly, they barely ate together and didn't associate much.

It was Monday morning and Seo Hiah who was seated on the sofa saw Seo Jun on a casual wear coming down from the stairs.
"Seo Jun?, It's Monday you should be in school" she said
"I will go when I find my brother" he replied and she slowly stood up
"Have you lost all your senses?, You have to go to school!"
"Mother!, I said not until I find Seo Yun" with that he left the house.

Eun Kyung got dressed for school when Hwang walked to her
"Dad's still busy, could you buy me some chocolate from across the street please" he begged
"Hwang?, No more chocolates for you" she said
"Please Eun Kyung" he begged.
Eun Kyung sighed ."One last time" she said and he beamed
Eun Kyung smiled before leaving to get the chocolate.

She walked to the street and bought the chocolate, on going back, she saw someone familiar in a basketball court close by, she then walked to it and saw who it was.
"Seo...., No..Seo Yun" she called and as if hearing her, he looked at her.
He frowned and began walking to her as she slowly moved backwards
"Who sent you here?, What do you want?" He asked
"No one sent me, I just came to get chocolate" she replied and tried running but he gripped her hand
"Don't tell anyone you saw me here okay?"
"Yeah, I promise" she replied fearfully and he left her making her run away.

Eun Kyung sat down waiting for Nari to pass by, she was done with the quarrel.
She waited when someone stood in her front
"Hello Eun Kyung" said Choon Hee
"What do you want?" Asked Eun Kyung and Choon Hee laughed out loud
"Very funny, you're not an easy going person, besides I heard you and Seo Jun are fighting, very sweet" she laughed but Eun Kyung didn't say a word
"No one competes with me for a man" she said
"I'm not competing" she replied and Choon Hee gently pat her head
"Good kitty" she laughed and walked away.
Eun Kyung exhaled when she was gone, things weren't really going her way, she looked left and saw Nari standing at a distance
"Nari!" She called but Nari took another route and before she could reach, Nari was out of sight.

Nari sat angrily when the school was over, Eun Kyung wasn't even affected by her attitude, she was speaking so sweetly with Choon Hee and she was the fool.
Choon Hee and some of her friends came into the court where Nari was and dropped their things close to her, they giggled and Nari noticed, after they left to practice.
Nari scoffed, they really worked hard to be noticed in school.
Suddenly a ringing phone was heard which tone was like hers, she hurriedly searched for her phone but it wasn't the ringing phone. She looked at where Choon Hee and her friends left their things and saw a phone ringing, it was fancy so she thought it would be Choon Hee's, they had the same ringing tone, she scoffed and looked away but the phone kept ringing but none of them even walked to check it, were they deaf or what?, She thought.
She glanced at the phone and leaned forward picking it without their notice, the caller's number wasn't saved so she didn't know who it was, she stopped it from ringing and made to drop the phone but stopped half way, she was holding Choon Hee's phone, no way she wouldn't see to know what was inside it. Luckily for her it wasn't locked so she checked her gallery seeing all her photo before she saw a video that looked familiar, she tapped on it and realized it was Eun Kyung's video but how did she get it?
One of the girls began walking back to where their things were and she hurriedly dropped back the phone, she then stood up and left.
Choon Hee had Eun Kyung's video but how?, It only explains why the video was posted, Choon Hee must have taken it from Seo Jun and posted it, she's such a sly.
Nari was angry now, Seo Jun was innocent and he had to receive all those hurtful words from Eun Kyung, she would stop that madness.
The school was over and Nari looked for Eun Kyung but she couldn't find her, she then left.

Seo Jun had a cold bath when he got back, he had searched for his brother all the places he knew but still couldn't find him, where on earth was Seo Yun.
He was done bathing and got dressed before laying on his bed when a knock came on his door, he stood from the bed and walked to the door opening it to see his father.
"Your Mom wants you to have dinner with us, you've been out too early today" he said
"I want to rest, after that I'll eat" he replied
"Why not eat with us?" He asked
"I don't want to!" He replied and made to close the door but Seo Young stopped him making him walk to his bed
"I just want to be alone" he said
"Seo Jun, you have to eat with us, your mom's hurting already, you cannot cause anymore trouble"
"Trouble?, I don't plan causing any trouble that's why I'm staying here" he said
"Seo Jun..."
"Dad!, I just want to be alone" he said
"You can't be alone, I don't want much people to know about Seo Yun disappearance so it's on us and few police me".
"I..., I don't want to have dinner yet dad"
"You don't have a choice" he answered and Seo Jun sighed
"We're waiting downstairs" he said and left the room.
Seo Young walked to Seo Hiah who was seated in wait
"So?" She asked
"He'll be down soon" he answered and she smiled.
Few seconds had passed when a message popped up in Seo Hiah's phone, it was from Seo Jun.
'Don't worry Mom, I'm fine just needed to be alone'
She looked at Seo Young who had a questioning look on his face before she rushed up the stairs with him following from behind.
They got to Seo Jun's room but he wasn't there and his window was open.
Seo Hiah sat on the bed in tears
"Why are they all leaving me" she wept
"They're not, Seo Jun will be back" he consoled
"When?, It's late already, it's late Seo Young.

Eun Kyung laughed at a joke Hwang cracked as they had dinner when Him Chan stood up.
"That's enough for today Hwang, to bed"
"Oh dad please" he begged
"No Hwang" he said touching his hair
"You need to sleep" he said
"Dad, please let Eun Kyung keep me company cause I feel funny" he said and Him Chan touched his face
"Oh my God, Hwang has a fever and there are no medicines here, hurry Eun Kyung go buy some aspirin please" he said and Eun Kyung nodded standing up from the seat and running out.
"It's okay Hwang, Eun Kyung will be back soon" he said to his son.

Seok was standing in front of Seo Young
"You're his driver so you must know where he goes to, talk now" he said
"Well, he goes lots of places" replied Seok
"Okay, our servant will stay with Seo Hiah, take me all the places he goes when he's sad".

Seo Jun stood outside Eun Kyung's house looking at the closest window, he knew he shouldn't be there but he couldn't help it, he needed someone to talk to. He sighed and covered his head with his hood and turned backwards to leave when he saw Eun Kyung standing behind him.
She held a small nylon on her hand, he didn't know he'd meet her there, he thought she was inside but he was wrong, she was right in front of him, she was looking at him. His feet moved from where it stood to where she stood. He had mixed feelings, Eun Kyung was standing in front of him and he just wanted to embrace her, to be with her for the rest of the night, he took a step forward closing the little gap between them and pulled her close in a deep hug, he just wanted to be like that forever, he finally found solace, he would eventually calm down , that hug was all he needed all he yearned for, Eun Kyung just stood there, she wasn't hugging back but he was grateful she wasn't resisting, he exhaled wrapping his arms more closely around her, he buried his face to her hair gently rubbing her back as he heard her rapid heart beat.
He eventually pulled from her and moved backwards
"I'm sorry" he said and she faked a smile
"I should go" she said and made to leave
"No wait!" Said Seo Jun hurriedly taking her hand
"I.., I just want to talk to someone" he said and she looked into his eyes, he looked like he was hurting even his dressing wasn't Seo Jun's dressing style, something was just off. She gulped and pulled her hand from his
I have to go, my uncle is waiting for me" she said
"Oh ,well will you come back here?" He asked
"I don't know" she replied
"Oh, well.... My brother's missing for three days and we haven't seen him, I just want someone to talk to but if you're busy it's really okay, I'll wait for you here"
Eun Kyung turned from him
'Brother?' She thought and began walking towards her house. She got in and closed the gate.
She gave Him Chan the medicine and walked to her window looking at Seo Jun resting on a tree looking at the house.
Seo Jun looked at the room which had it's lights on, someone's shadow was cast, it was Eun Kyung's. He sighed and picked his phone to text her when a car drove to him from behind, he turned and used his hand to cover his eyes which the headlights almost blinded.
The door of the car opened and a man walked close to him and he could see it was his dad.
"Seo Jun let's go home please" he begged
"How did you find me?" He asked and Seo Young narrowed his eyes to Seok who stood with his head bent
"Oh Seok, I forgot" he said
"Let's talk at home" he said
Seo Jun looked at the window but no one was there and the light were no longer on.
He sighed and followed his father to the car, they got in and drove off.
Eun Kyung looked through the window seeing Seo Jun get into the car with the man and the car slowly drove off.
She looked until the car was out of sight, tears filled her eyes as she sat on the ground hugging her legs......

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