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"Sick?" Asked Eun Kyung.
"Yeah" .
"How and.... I don't understand" she said.
"Okay listen I won't really call it sickness but he has lots of allergies, he reacts to things very easily, when we were growing he would have rashes when he takes chocolate chips but nothing happened when he takes chocolate. I think he's allergic to beer" now he laughed. "Which man copes without drinking"
"Hey Eun Kyung" called Seo Yun after noticing how lost she was.
"Hmm" said Eun Kyung looking at him.
"Did he hurt you?" He asked.
"Seo Jun normally goes violent when he starts feeling that way, the last time he did that, he held onto my Mom tightly and almost pulled out all her hair strands, the other time he threw the soup we served him to the ground, that was because it was hot and made with mushrooms. He's allergic to that too. Did he hurt you?".
Eun Kyung now thought about the kiss. "No he didn't" she replied.
"Lair, just spill it you need to go to the hospital if it's that severe"
"He didn't hurt me, he would never" answered Eun Kyung.
He now parked the car by her house side.
"So this is where you stay?" He asked.
"Don't come visit, you're not welcome" said Eun Kyung and she got down from the car, Seo Yun also followed.
"Don't worry, I'm your knight in shining armor "
"I don't need a knight in shining armor, even if I did need one, it won't be you" she said.
Now Seo Yun walked close to her.
"You lie, you need me. Take care of yourself okay" he said and plastered a kiss on her forehead.
"What!!" Yelled Eun Kyung and she raised her hand to hit him but he held it.
"No more hitting me, okay?" Now he let go off her. "See ya" he said and got into the car driving away.
Eun Kyung got dressed the next day which was Saturday when Him Chan walked by her door and stopped.
"You wanna talk about yesterday?,".
"You arrived so late and I was worried. Did anything happen?".
"No, it was just the traffic" she replied.
Him Chan now sighed. "Okay, let me drop you at Seo Jun's house, I would love to know where he lives".
Both rode with Hwang at the back seat, Him Chan was taking him for a ride.
"You good back there buddy?" Asked Him Chan.
"Yeah" he replied.
"After my exams, we'll go out. Just the two of us" said Eun Kyung
"Three. You possibly can't leave me" said Him Chan and she chuckled.
"You can't come dad, you're an adult leave us young people to enjoy our days" said Hwang
"Oh really?" He asked.
"Yeah" now he moved close to Eun Kyung "Do I get to pick where I want to go to?".
"Yeah, If you want".
"I want to!!!" He yelled happily.
"Cool, just let the exams be over first" said Him Chan.
They arrived at the building and Him chan stopped by the side of the road close to the house.
"You're not driving in?" Asked Hwang.
"I'm okay here" said Eun Kyung and she got down.
"Take care and call me if you need anything" said Him Chan.
"Yeah" .
"Bye Eun Kyung!!".
"Bye Hwang".
Eun Kyung now walked in and met Seok talking to a man, he looked like Seo Jun so she thought he could be their dad.
"Give us a minute Seok" he said and Seok walked away.
Eun Kyung's heart missed a beat when he walked close to her.
"Good morning Sir" she greeted.
"Good morning dear, how are you?" .
"I'm good" she replied.
"Your name?".
"Jo Eun Kyung"
"I'm Seo Young, their dad. I'm sorry for what happened yesterday with you and Seo Jun, don't think bad of him. He isn't a violent person".
"I can never think bad about him. It was my fault, I shouldn't have let him take beer".
"Beer?" He asked and Eun Kyung looked up at him.
"He took beer?, How many?"
"Emm...." Stammered Eun Kyung.
"Honey that's Eun Kyung why are you keeping her outside" said Seo Hiah who walked out now.
"She said Seo Jun took beer. I need to have a word with Seok".
"Oh no it isn't Seok, it was me, I made him take the beer, Seok is totally innocent. It's my fault" said Eun Kyung.
"Just let her be" said Seo Hiah.
Seo Young looked at Eun Kyung before he walked away.
The two ladies walked inside the house.
"You'll meet Seo Jun soon but I want to talk with you".
"If it's about yesterday then it won't be necessary, I didn't understand what happened to him so I can't say anything to anyone"
"That's nice, do you want to have anything?" She asked.
" No thank you" replied Eun Kyung.
Suddenly a glass shattered in Seo Jun's room and Seo Hiah rushed up with Eun Kyung behind her.
In the room, there was Seo Jun and his dad
"What's happening here?, We have a guest for goodness sake" said Seo Hiah.
"Talk to him" said Seo Young and he walked out of the room.
"Are you okay honey?" Asked Seo Hiah.
"I'm fine. Let's learn Eun Kyung" he said and Eun Kyung reluctantly walked in.
"Just leave us Mom" he said and closed the door when his mother was out.
Both of them sat down and he taught.
They stopped for a while and he went down to get water for Eun Kyung who said she was thirsty.
The door to the room opened and Seo Yun walked in, he seemed to be looking for Seo Jun but walked in after seeing Eun Kyung.
"I thought you both stay in the study, you're in his room now".
"Yeah, it's fine too. What do you want?, Come to bother me now?" She asked
"Bother?, I'm your knight in shining armor, you cannot do without me" he said with a grin on his face.
Eun Kyung now chuckled
"You really need to stop giving yourself a special place in my life, you're wasting your time" she said and he chuckled and sat close to her.
"What if we become a couple in the future?".
Eun Kyung burst out in laughter
The door now opened and Seo Jun walked in.
"Leave now" he said.
"Chill bro, I'm having a one in a million time here" said Seo Yun.
"We're studying" said Seo Jun.
"It won't take time, so chill"
Seo Jun now walked up to him and held his shirt.
"Just leave" he said as if in a whisper.
"Chill" said Seo Yun slightly annoyed.
"Seo Yun, leave now!"
Seo Yun now stood up and pushed Seo Jun to the wall.
"Oh God!" Said Eun Kyung standing up to them.
What's your problem anyway?, Can't you give me some privacy?!!" He Asked.
"Please let him go Seo Yun" begged Eun Kyung.
"What!, Can't talk?" Asked Seo Yun.
"Just let him be" panicked Eun Kyung trying to pull Seo Yun from him.
Seo Yun now left him and moved back.
"You're not a senior to me so don't you dare tell me what to do!!".
"We'll talk about this later" said Seo Jun.
"Later?, What are you ashamed of?, Oh too scared to tell Eun Kyung that you took beer and messed up yesterday?, You were acting like a freak all through yesterday and we had to baby sit you because you were out of control!!!..
"Classes are over Eun Kyung, please go home" said Seo Jun.
"No she won't leave, you're too careful about yourself so you feel you're too perfect to make mistakes, let me tell you there's a part of you that sucks and no one will want to be with such a person, they will just pretend to tolerate you!!" Now Seo Jun punched Seo Yun hard on his face and they began fighting.
Eun Kyung hurriedly called Seo Hiah and as she ran up with Seok to separate them, she took her bag and left.
Eun Hyung got home and sat in her room.
Hwang now knocked on the door.
"I know you'll tell me to walk away but just listen first, I'm trying to make some cheese but it's looking like a salad".
Eun Kyung now burst into laughter.
She now opened her door and walked out. "How is that even possible?".
"Possible, when you don't know what you're really making, anything is possible. Please help me will you?" He asked.
"Sure" she said and left with him.
It was late at night when Him Chan got back. He saw Hwang sleeping peacefully while his favorite cartoon show was on, Eun Kyung was at the other end and she seemed to be reading.
"I'm sure you'll do it better this time" he whispered and she turned to him.
"You're back, I'm sorry about Hwang, he didn't want to sleep Inside" she said.
"Yeah I know, just keep doing what you're doing, I'll take him inside" he said and carried Hwang from the ground.
Eun Kyung slept off by 2:00am and by 7:00am on Monday morning she was up, she had her bath and walked down.
"Hwang, your uniform is beautiful" she said.
"You've seen it for long and you're just commenting now?, But how come you're up early?. Looks like you've changed alot and decided to take life more seriously".
Eun Kyung now held his ear. "Eun Kyung stop that hurts"
"The next time you say something like that to me and I get hurt, I'll pull out your ear".
"Okay, okay I'm sorry" he begged and she left him.
" Just try it again".
"You don't have to be mean all the time grumpy" he said and she laughed.
Him Chan now walked down the stairs.
"Oh, Eun Kyung you're ready, I was thinking of how to knock on your door to wake you up".
"Oh God" said Eun Kyung
"I said it" said Hwang.
"Let's go, today's exam starts by 9:00am".
Three of them got into the car and left.
Eun Kyung walked to her class and met a rowdy environment, people where walking around while some sat at a spot reading.
She walked to her seat and sat down.
"Hey " said Nari walking up to her.
"Your crush is in the library".
"Would you stop it already?, Be serious Nari".
"Sorry, how are your preparation?" Asked Nari
"Well, I think I'm prepared"
"Then let's march to the hall, you need to pick a comfortable seat".
The school bell rang and the students rushed to the hall, Eun Kyung had been checking for Seo Jun but she hadn't seen him or Seo Yun.
They sat down and the question papers were shared. The exam now started.
After some hours, the exam came to an end.
"Those questions are really something else" said a girl that passed Eun Kyung.
On looking back, Eun Kyung sighted Seo Jun walking with Choon Hee and Eun Woo.
"Seo Jun" she whispered and tried walking to him when someone blocked her.
"Going somewhere?". Eun Kyung scoffed
"What now Seo Yun?" She asked.
"You're not missing after this exam, that's weird".
Eun Kyung now folded her arm. "What's that supposed to mean?, Are you mocking me?".
"Calm down Eun Kyung, you freak out so easily".
"Did you talk with Seo Jun?" She asked.
"Why would I?, He's too full of himself just because he's the smarter one".
"Are you listening to yourself?, You sound more like the one so full of himself, Seo Jun didn't react or say anything, he just stood there while you said so many terrible things about him and now he won't even talk to me. I'm not getting involved in your family matters but you have to make peace with your brother, I wonder how you both can cope being apart when you're twins, so absurd" she said and walked away.
"I really love the way this exam went, it was so easy" said Choon Hee.
"Yeah, Seo Jun we need to make preparation for the school debate " said Eun Woo.
"Yeah" he replied.
"Are you okay?"asked Choon Hee noticing his mood.
"Yoo!!" Yelled Seo Yun as he walked to them with two of his friends.
"Hey, take these two ladies out on a treat, my treat" said Seo Yun.
"Don't show off Seo Yun I can pay for my own meal" said Choon Hee.
"I wasn't, anyways there's no harm if one person skips the offer, I want to talk to my brother, alone" he said.
"Why alone?" She asked.
"Just go Choon Hee, you act so much like Seo Jun's girlfriend even when he hasn't asked you out yet" said one of the boys.
"And how is that any of your business?".
"Let's just go Choon Hee"said Eun Woo and she left with her.
Both brothers were now left by themselves.
"Look I'm not the apology type and you know it so just help out" said Seo Yun.
"Okay. 'Seo Jun, I'm sorry for how much of a fool I was yesterday and I promise to be of my best behavior from now on' " said Seo Jun.
"There's no way I'm coming out like that. Oh please can't you tell that I want things to be okay between us?, I'm sorry Man"
Seo Jun now chuckled. "Apology pending".
"Yeah whatever, I'll buy you candy later" said Seo Yun and he laughed.
Seo Yun now sat close to him.
"Sorry bro" he apologized.
"Why?" Asked Seo Jun.
"You won't take beer anymore" he said and burst into laughter.
"I don't think so"
"You're allergic bro, I can't loose you" he said and hit his shoulder.
"Get your hands off me" said Seo Jun and he jokingly pushed Seo Yun's hand off.
"So you wanna tell me why you're mad at Eun Kyung?" He asked and Seo Jun looked at him.
"Is she complaining to you?" He asked.
"Complaining?, No, she's just bothered but why are you angry" he asked.
" I said so many bad things not her".
"I'm not angry, I just wanted her to write her exams without thinking about yesterday".
"Lair!, But what do I care, I'll play soccer soon, care to join me?" Asked Seo Yun.
"There's still another paper tomorrow" .
"A football won't hurt".
"Cool but I'll pass" said Seo Jun.
Seo Yun now scoffed.
"So boring, see you later" he said and left.
Seo Jun now stood up from the seat and walked out when he saw Eun Kyung. Their eyes locked together and he looked away.
"Seo Jun" called Eun Kyung and she rushed to him.
"Hi" she said
"The results will be out by Friday, we have another paper tomorrow so let's study. I'm heading for the library" he said
"I want to talk" she said.
"Let's get to the library" he said and walked away.
Both of them reached the library and Seo Jun brought out a book.
"Seo Jun please listen to me" said Eun Kyung
"If it's about yesterday then forget it, I don't want to talk about it"
"It's actually about Friday" she corrected
Seo Jun now looked at her. "I acted stupidly I know, can you drop it?" He asked.
"It's not about that.."
"Eun Kyung!!" He called
"Sorry" she said softly.
"Let's continue" he said.
They were done for the day and walked out of the library.
"How was your exam?" Asked Eun Kyung breaking the silence between them.
"Good" he answered and Eun Kyung opened a can of water and drank.
"But I'm hopping you'll do better than me".
Eun Hyung now choked with the water.
"Excuse me?".
Now Seo Jun looked at her.
"You're literally the perfect guy so how can you say such?" She asked.
"I just did. And I'm not perfect" he replied.
"Oh whatever"
Now Seok's car parked by their side.
"Get in" he said
"Wait!" Said Eun Kyung and he turned to her.
"Seo Jun do you think I studied well for this exam?" She asked.
"I don't know, you could ask your flashlight" he said.
"What does that mean?" She asked.
"If you used it frequently during night hours, I'm sure it can give you feedback" he smirked and got into the car.
They stopped by Eun Kyung's house and she got down.
"Bye" she said but he didn't spare her a glance before the car drove off.
"Stupid" muttered Eun Kyung
She walked into the house and rang the doorbell. The door opened and Eun Kyung could only gap at who it was.

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