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Seo Young consoled Seo Hiah who cried her eyes out.
"Why did they hurt him?, Why?" She wept.
"Sir, it looks like they were beaten but I don't understand these criminals, why did they do this, I don't think they took those kids for ransom, it's like they're using them to take vengeance on someone, how did they even get your wife's number?" Asked the detective
"I don't know, we haven't received any calls from them" said Seo Young
"They could beat them and ask for it, maybe Seo Jun gave it to them due to fear" said Seo Yun.
The door opened and Eun Hee rushed in with Him Chan
"What happened?" She asked.
"Can I talk to you?" Asked the detective to Him Chan and they walked into another room.
"What happened Seo Yun?" Asked Eun Hee
"Nothing to worry about"replied Seo Young.
Eun Hee now looked at Seo Hiah who was weeping.
"I don't understand, what happened?" She asked
"We found something" said Seo Yun
"What was it?"
"The abductors, they sent a photo of Eun Kyung and Seo Jun but they didn't look good in it, we don't know if they're dead or the criminals are trying to make us believe they are when they're not" he explained.
"I need to see the photos please" she begged
"The detective has my mom's phone"
Now Him Chan walked back in with the detective.
"I want to see the photos".
"We don't know what the criminals are planning by doing this but we won't stop until we find them, dead or alive" said the detective.
"Seok please take my wife home" said Seo Young
"Yes Sir but what about you?"
"I and Seo Yun will join later" he said
"My daughter is not dead, my Eun Kyung is not dead" wept Eun Hee
"I know but you have to come home and rest, I cannot leave you all alone in your apartment today, you'll stay at my place and I promise Haneul won't bother you" said Him Chan and he held her as he took her to the car.
"Eun Kyung is not dead, that's a diversion and we won't fall for it"
"They knew we were searching for them so they sent photos to make us stop, we have to do our things on a low key so they don't find out that we're still looking for them. I won't give up until I find my son".
A dark man on a mask carried a tray of food and passed it through a cell.
"Your food" he said and walked out.
Eun Kyung sighed and pulled the food inside and started eating, she turned and saw Seo Jun looking another way.
"Hellooo, they just gave us our one day meal and you're not paying attention" she said but he remained quiet.
"You cannot keep rejecting food, this is the fifth day we're here and you've only eaten twice how do you even cope?" She asked.
"Do you ever feel like we're ever going to leave here?" He asked
"Well.. I don't know, this cell will take millions of years to break and we don't even know where we are, if we're still in the country we don't know. I just don't want to think but if you want to make it out of here you must survive first and that's by eating" she said
"And what if it was poisoned?" He asked and looked at her. "I only ate because I felt like I would die if I didn't" he continued
"If it's poisoned then I know I fought to survive but I couldn't" she said.
Seo Jun sighed, "I'm worried about my Mom, she's always panicking whenever I or Seo Yun sustain an injury, I wonder what's going to happen now"
"Just know she's still alive and the lesser you worry about that, the least you'll be thinking and loosing your mind" she said and pulled close to him with the food.
She then used her hand to raise some to his mouth
"Here eat with me" she said
"When was the last time you washed your hand?"
"Em.. on Friday last week before a big blue van abducted me, at least I remember now eat" she said
"Why would I?, I just said it could be poisoned"
"Does it look like I want to die alone?" She asked and he laughed.
"Eat now, it's better we both die here cause I'm not leaving without you" she said and smiled
Seo Jun now opened his mouth and ate.
"Don't worry, I'll feed you, no need to use your hand" she said.
They were done eating and now resting.
"What do you like doing the most?" Asked Eun Kyung
"I love finding puzzles, during the holidays my dad takes us for training"he replied.
"Training?, What training?"
"It's kinda private" he replied
"Yeah whatever. Do you want to be a doctor?" She asked again.
"Maybe, you?"
"Nah..., I think I want to be a fashion designer, I've seen lots of things and I got my motivation" she paused for a while. " Seo Jun...... Are you scared?" She asked and faced him.
"You want to get scared right?" He asked
"No, just want to know how you feel about here and everything that has happened so far"
"At first when I opened my eyes, I was scared it was like I was shrinking into a tiny hole, my brain was going insane and I was loosing it because they weren't saying anything until I looked at you, you sat down crying, you tried to hide it from me but I always knew. I felt that I had to be strong for the both of us, we needed to get each other's backs so I braced up and became strong. I had to be and this is a very complicated situation but I just know one thing. I'm not leaving without you"
Eun Kyung smiled.
"You're all red" he said and she hit him.
"Stop teasing me" she said and he chuckled.
"Seo Jun I'm sorry"
"For what?"
"If I wasn't stupid I wouldn't have gone across the road like that and we would have been safe"
"Oh shut it, why do you blame yourself for everything"
"Oh please I know you're kinda blaming me for this"
"Why would I?, If I was smart I would confirmed it wasn't Seok before we went outside. Guess I trust you so much" he said.
The cell now opened and a man took the tray.
"Your parents must think you're dead by now. Prepare to meet the boss and he's not that friendly believe me" he said and left closing back the cell..
Eun Hee woke up the next morning, she had her bath and left for the apartment.
Seo Young sat in his room reading a news paper when his phone rang
"Who is it?"
"Hello Sir, I saw your poster on two missing kids, I have information but we have to come to an agreement"....
"We know we can't trust those kind of people" said Him Chan
"It's crazy why won't he want to meet you in person, maybe he just wants to take the money and disappear, we can't fall for this dad" said Seo Yun
"How much is he asking for?" Asked the police detective
"400,000 Won"
"That's a lot of money to give to someone you don't know"
"What kind of information will he have anyway?" Asked Seo Yun
"I have to give it a try"
"Okay listen, when he'll call for the information you tell us so we can track him with the cellphone, if he's lying we'll catch him"
"Dad you must at least know what he looks like" said Seo Yun
"I agree at least".
The cell door opened and Eun Kyung held Seo Jun's hand tightly.
"Here's the boss" said a man on mask.
A talk man on overall black and on a black mask walked to them.
"It's nice to meet you Choi Seo Jun"..
Haneul walked to the door after hearing someone knocking. "Excuse me who are you?" She asked
"Hi, I'm Nari and I would love to meet Eun Kyung's mother"
Haneul now folded her hands. "And you think it's here you'll find her?"
"Excuse me?, Eun Kyung lives here"
"Shut up and get out, whoever you're looking for is not here so leave before I do something I might regret".
"Oops, sorry" said Nari and she walked away.
Him Chan was driving home when he saw Nari, he then pulled over.
"Hey Mr. Him Chan, did you sell your house?" She asked
"No why?" He asked
"I wanted to spend some time with Eun Kyung's Mom because of what she's going through but a lady asked me to get out, I was getting out until I saw you"
"Oh I'm so sorry Nari" he said
"Oh, wow! you got the pronunciation" she said smiling
"Oh I did?"
"Yeah but who is she?"
"My wife Haneul"
"Oh, wife... Do you know where I can find Eun Kyung's Mom?"
"Yeah, come in I'll drop you there"
"Oh good, I really needed a lift" she said.
"How do you know my name?" Asked Seo Jun.
"It wasn't hard to find out after all you're the school head". Now he looked at Eun Kyung
"What do we have here" he said and stretched his hand to touch her but Seo Jun stopped him.
"State your business and leave us" he said.
"Ohhh, the nerve, I always knew you were smart, bold and very tough just like your mother" he said smiling.
"How do you know my mother?, What business do you have with her?"
"Calm down one question at a time. You still don't know me do you?"
Seo Jun now looked at him closely. "It was you!, Lurking around the school!!" He yelled
"Smart kid, you always suspected me but you weren't fast to take action"
"What do you want from us?" He asked
"It's a surprise and if I tell you it won't be a surprise anymore don't you think?" He asked
"What do you know about my Mom?" He asked
"Nothing much, just don't dwell on it. I'll leave you both but I'll be back later" he said and chuckled slightly moving towards the door, he turned back sharply giving a deadly glare to Eun Kyung who's heart missed a beat but Seo Jun's grip on her hand tightened as he still fixed his gaze at the man who smirked before walking out.
Eun Kyung exhaled when he had left.
"This isn't a random kidnap, he knows your Mom and I think he wants to use you to hurt her" said Eun Kyung
"I wanna know what he looks like, just one look".
"How will that be possible, everyone here is on a mask and you don't want to do anything stupid" she said...
Seo Young called the guy in the detective's office.
"I've sent the money to you, now tell me what you know"
"Let me confirm it first" he said and cut the call.
They now waited for an hour before a text came up from the guy.
' Seo Jun and Eun Kyung are dead!!, Forget them cause you won't even have their corpse to bury!!! '
"Oh my God!!" Gasped the detective.
"This is one of the criminals, could this message be true, following the pictures we saw and this?" Asked Seo Young.
"I don't believe it, they're trying to scare us, this should only be between us, Eun Hee and Seo Hiah must not know about this or that something like this ever happened" said Him Chan
" I'll come around next time, I think it'll be a cold night so I have to get home" said Nari.
"Please do Nari I really enjoyed your company, take care" said Eun Hee
"Bye Mrs Eun Hee!" Said Nari and she left.
The night was very cold as Seo Jun rested on the wall and Eun Kyung laid on the ground.
"I think I'll become ice by morning" said Eun Kyung
"Yeah me to" replied Seo Jun.
"It's co..ld" she shivered.
Seo Jun now looked at her. "Come over here" he said
"If our bodies make contact we could feel warm somehow" he said
"Oh God Eun Kyung stop behaving like a kid, it too cold" he said.
Eun Kyung now pulled to him and he wrapped his arms around her.
"It's better" she said. "At least a blanket will be good, they should really show some hospitality here"
Seo Jun chuckled. "You're too demanding these days" he said.
"Yeah. You onc..e mad at me, well.. it's li.. ke you literally getting mad at me without reason, tha..t was beca..use I saw you and Seo Yun right?" She asked shivering.
"Stop shivering, you should be okay by now" he said
"Yeah, except I'm not like you. Tell me why were you mad at me then?" She asked
"I wasn't mad because you watched I and Seo Yun argue though I used it as a reason because my real reason was stupid"
"Hmm, Seo Jun has a stupid reason, I want to hear it".
"Okay. That Friday you saw my reaction due to my allergy so I felt vulnerable, I remembered all that happened that day so I got mad at myself. I remember that kissed you too".
Eun Kyung looked at him.
"Yeah, it's very stupid of me and I hated myself for that but I saw you mad at me so I took your Ice cream which turned out wrongly then I try to make it up to you in the clinic and we're abducted" he said
"It was an accident but I got scared though, I thought you had gone insane, but why are you telling me this." She asked
"Well, maybe because I feel like we might not last long so it's better to make peace"
"You're not serious?, We're not going to die"
"Really?, Tell that to the boss" he said
"Oh have some faith" she said
"Okay, let's give faith a shot"
"Yeah" she said and he smiled.
"Don't become ice by morning" he said
"I'll try but I can't promise" she said and he chuckled..
Haneul walked to the parlour and saw Him Chan seated.
"I want to talk" she said
"Yes!" He replied and she sat beside him.
"There's something coming up and I will need some money for it"
"How much?"
"A hundred won" she said and he looked at her surprised
"That's a lot of money what is it really for?" He asked
"Why do you ask too many questions just give it to me"
"I have to ask so you don't take my money and flee"
"Oh really?, My leaving is bothering you?" She asked
"Yes, I need a wife not someone who can't stay at a place at a time" he said
"Whatever Him Chan, my work is more important than you and I won't quit it for any reason" she said and walked out.
The next morning, Seo Jun opened his eyes but Eun Kyung was still sleeping soundly as she clung to him.
Now someone opened the cell which woke her up and she held Seo Jun's hand.
"You come" he said pointing at Eun Kyung.
"Huh?" She asked
"I said come!!!" He yelled and Eun Kyung made an attempt to stand but Seo Jun gripped her tightly.
"She's not going anywhere"
"Seo Jun!" Called Eun Kyung quietly.
"What did you say?" Asked the man and Seo Jun stood up.
"I said she's not going anywhere"
Now the man pulled out his gun and pointed it to his forehead.
"Oh my God!" Panicked Eun Kyung.
"Let the lady go now!!" Said the man but Seo Jun pulled Eun Kyung behind him.
Now the gun clicked.
"No!!, Please I'm coming with you, don't shoot" begged Eun Kyung in fear.
"You're not going anywhere?" He yelled startling her.
"This is not the time to do this, he's got a gun Seo Jun" whispered Eun Kyung to him.
"We don't want you dead doesn't mean you have to stay in tack" said the man. Before Seo Jun could find words to say, a painfully hit jammed his head, the man had hit him the edge of the gun.
"Oh my God!!" Yelled Eun Kyung but as the man rushed to grab Eun Kyung Seo Jun rushed to him and pushed him to the ground.
Eun Kyung panicked even more as they fought for the gun.
"Seo Jun stop please!!" She begged.
Suddenly two other men came in and pulled Seo Jun up, the boss also got in.
"What's this about Seo Jun?" He asked
"He doesn't have the right to touch her!" He yelled and the man looked at Eun Kyung.
"Wait a minute, you two like each no you love each other" he beamed
"If it's money you want then just call our parents and let us go. That's how a kidnapping operation goes"
The boss laughed. "Kidnapping operation?, You actually think this is a kidnap operation?"
"What else could it be?, You all look hungry"
The man raised a brow before chuckling.
"The guts!" He whispered
"Do whatever you want, but I won't let you harm her, you'll have to go through me" said Seo Jun pissing the boss who grinning afterwards.
"All because of love, love is a stupid thing and if you fall a victim to it, you'll never recover. I've fallen in love once and it didn't end well" he said and took a step forward, in a swift movement he pushed Seo Jun towards his men who grabbed him and slapped Eun Kyung hard on her face.
"The woman I loved choose another man!!" He yelled and slapped Eun Kyung again.
"Stop it!!" Yelled Seo Jun.
"Women, they're never satisfied" he now grabbed her hair.
"Selfish things!" He said and pushed her heavily to the ground
"And do you know what happened to me?" He asked walking towards Seo Jun,
"I suffered and hated myself because I was a fool!!" He yelled and punched Seo Jun, he now grabbed his hair.
"A big fool, no one could understand what I felt, she left me!!" He punched Seo Jun again.
"And never came back!" He punched him again. Now blood dropped from his mouth.
"Stop please" whispered Eun Kyung in tears.
"We're the fools we make of yourselves in the name of love. Choose wisely!" He said and turned to leave.
"It feels like I'm forgetting something" he said and turned to Seo Jun punching him once more and the guys left him to fall on the ground.
"Let's go" he said and they all left with him..
"Seo Jun!!" Shouted Seo Hiah as she sprang up from the bed.
"Mom, calm down" said Seo Yun.
"My Seo Jun needs me, my son needs me please bring my Seo Jun back to me" she wept.
"It's okay Mom, I'm here now" he said and consoled her.
Seo Yun now walked out to where his father was.
"What did the police say?" He asked.
"They have their men in every check point, I'll head to the station now" he said
"Okay Dad" said Seo Yun and he turned to leave.
Seo Young's phone now rang.
"Odd number" he said.
"Maybe one of the many people who has information to give only in the condition of money" said Seo Yun.
"Maybe, I'll take it still, anything for Seo Jun" he said and answered the call.
"Hello, who's..... Wait. Seo Jun?"

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