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Eun kyung placed Seo Jun's head on her laps. "Why did you do that?, They're all stupid and you got hurt" she wept.
"That's enough Eun kyung, I'm the last thing we should worry about" he said
"You shouldn't have done that" she wept
"If I didn't do it would I have gotten this?" He asked and brought out a phone
"Seo Jun why did you do it?, If they find out we'll be dead" she said
"Yes we would be but at least we'll managed to escape won't we?, I'll call my dad now" he said and began dailing his number.
"Then what after?" she asked.
"This" he said and showed her the key to the cell.
"Oh my God we're so dead" she said
"I agree with you if we're caught" he said
The phone now rang.
"Come on pick up".
"Hey dad... Dad.. it's me, it's Seo Jun!!"
"Who's.... Wait. Seo Jun?"
"Yes Dad, I need you to listen to me, we're leaving here right now but I'll leave the cell phone on so you could track the location, I don't have time so I'm leaving" he said.
"Let's go now!" He said and opened the cell.
"Where did you learn to do that?" Asked Eun kyung.
"Maybe I'm not the perfect kid after all" he said and held her hand.
"We run!".

Seo Young drove like never before and arrived at the police station.
"Track this now!!" He yelled running in.
"What's happening!" Asked the detective
"Shut up and track this!!" He yelled and some police men searched for the location
"Found it!" Said one
Seo Jun and Eun kyung walked through the corridor slowly trying not to make any noise.
"This is dangerous, there must be another way out" she said looking around.
"Aha" she said after seeing a way blocked with a big stone.
"Seo Jun this way" she said and they pulled off the stone used to block it.
"Where does it lead to?" Asked Seo Jun.
"Anywhere but here".
Suddenly the sound of gun shots were heard and the voice of people.
" I think they found out go go go!!" Yelled Seo Jun and Eun kyung got in and he followed afterwards...

"They've escaped Sir, it looks like he robbed me when he was fighting with me" said the man who had the phone.
"A seventeen years old boy tricked you, you should be ashamed" he said.
"I'm sorry Sir, I..I.." a bullet in his head shut him up.
"Find them and kill them" he commanded.

The tunnel led Eun kyung and Seo Jun to a bush.
"Let's go!!" Said Eun kyung and she tried running but Seo Jun grabbed her hand.
"This place is hidden so I don't think they entertain visitors" he said.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"There could be land mines here"
Seo Jun now took out the rope on his sneakers.
"What are you doing?" She asked
He now tied it on her wrist then on his.
"Making sure you don't step on a land mine. We crawl let's go"..

"I've contacted my men close to the location, it's a dangerous one but they'll check it out until we get there. You have to go home"
Seo Young now looked at him.
"I'm going to get my son and Eun kyung back, incase you say another story. Seo Yun have you contacted Him Chan?" He asked
"Yes Dad"
"Okay, go home and tell your Mom the good news, Seo Jun and Eun kyung are coming back today hopefully"
"But I want to come with you Dad"
"You can't it's too dangerous and your Mom will need someone incase anything happens to us"
Him Chan now rushed into the building.
"Good, let's go Him Chan" he said and they left.

Nari knocked on the door and Eun Hee opened it.
"Eun kyung is coming back today" she said all happy.
"What's up Nari?"
"I'm serious Mrs Eun Hee, they got a call from Seo Jun saying he's escaping and they found the location, they're going there now"
"Escaping?, Who escapes from people like that, I think they went too far, what if something goes wrong. Those criminals will never let them live".
"Em.. Excuse me, Seo Jun and Eun kyung escaped would you rather them stay there and you get worried again. They did the right thing what we should be praying for is that they come back safely, they've been in captive for long, if it were me, I would do the same"
"Oh God Nari I'm so scared"
"Don't be, it's under control" said Nari.

Seo Jun and Eun kyung crawled as he observed the land mine and dropped stones on them.
They now reached a huge fence.
"Woah, how are we going to climb it?" Asked Eun kyung.
Seo Jun now looked around, there was a part of the fence that wasn't so high.
"Come" he said and crawled. Suddenly they saw a man walking on the grass.
"Eun kyung down!" He said and they got down.
The man now noticed a movement in the grass. "Got you" he said and grabbed Eun Kyung's hair but she pushed him and he fell on a land mine which clicked.
"The land mine" gasped Seo Jun.
" Run Eun kyung run!!" He Shouted and both of them began running.
The man now stood from the mine and it exploded drawing attention to their direction.
They reached the fence and Seo Jun lifted Eun kyung up as she climbed over.
The men now ran to where they sound came from and on seeing Seo Jun and Eun kyung they opened fire.
Eun kyung finally crossed the fence and Seo Jun climbed it, Eun kyung grabbed his hand.
"Pull yourself up!!" Yelled Eun kyung and as Seo Jun pulled himself up, a bullet hit him on his left shoulder.
"No!!" Screamed Eun kyung as Seo Jun's grip loosened.
She looked up and saw who shot the gun, it was the boss and he had a good aim, others were shooting from afar that's why they missed. He was now loading up a bullet and she was sure he would aim his head.
"Please Seo Jun just pulled yourself up" she begged fretfully, she was sweating and her hands where shaking, Seo Jun was bleeding and might be killed, she really wished they never tried to outsmart the kidnappers.
"Put all you got in it" she quivered.
Seo Jun inhaled deeply and pulled himself up and as Eun kyung pulled him too, they both fell to the other side.
Eun Kyung hurriedly stood up rushing to lift him from the ground.
"Come on Seo Jun, they can't catch us now" she wept and raised him up putting his hand across her shoulder as they walked..

"Can this car move any faster?" Asked Him Chan.
"Yeah maybe, if it had wings, you think I don't want to get to my son on time?" asked Seo Young.
His phone now rang, it was the detective.
"My men gave me a report, they said they heard gun shots in the location. Don't worry, we have backup coming"
"What did he say?" Asked Him Chan when Seo Young was done with the call.
"They heard gun shots" he said
"Gun what?, Oh my God" he panicked
"Don't worry, Seo Jun is experienced in stuffs like this, I have faith in him"
"I don't understand" said Him Chan and Seo Young smiled.
"Family gist" he said..

The police now surrounded the whole bushes where the building was.

"Sir, we've noticed the presence of the police" said a man
"So you want to pull back, how exactly did Seo Jun and Eun kyung leave this building and also jumped the fence, you're all useless" said the boss
"Sir what are we going to do about the police Sir" asked the man and the boss looked at him.
"Play with them, you'll see what will be your fate if those kids make it out alive. Seo Jun is wounded and certainly that girl won't leave him so they'll be slow in movement, they're just high school students and you all are trained for this" now he stood up.

Seo Young and Him Chan reached the venue which was surrounded by the police
"Any sign of them?" Asked Seo Young
"No, my men are waiting"
"Waiting for what?" He asked
"This forest is surrounded by loaded criminals, we can't just run into a trap"
"And two kids are in that trap. You're not serious" he said and grabbed a gun form one of the men.
"Calm down Mr. Seo Young it's dangerous!!" Shouted the Detective but Seo Young already got into the bus with Him Chan following from behind.
"Hurry men in and open fire if necessary!!" He yelled and they all ran inside.

Eun kyung walked faster with Seo Jun who was loosing so much of blood.
"" he said exhaustedly and fell on the ground.
"You can't quit now" wept Eun kyung.
"Go Eun kyung, you have to go now!" He said breathing heavily.
"No, not without you. I'm not leaving without you please Seo Jun stand" she wept and pulled him with all her might.

The police and the criminals clashed and opened fire, bullets flew in the air and Seo Young with Him Chan laid down on the ground.
"Eun kyung stop" said Seo Jun
"Why?" She asked
"Someone is coming" he said.....

A dark man saw Seo Jun on the ground breathing heavily and pointed his gun to him.
"I thought your girlfriend will be with you till the end , guess they're all the same. Women"
A heavy block hit his head hard and he collapsed on the ground.
"Not all women let go so easily" She now rushed to Seo Jun
"Pick the gun, we'll need it" he said and she picked it up.
"Let's go" she said and helped him up when someone pulled her hair from behind and slapped her hard across her face making her fall heavily on the ground with Seo Jun.
"You think you can go away so easily?" Asked the boss and he pointed his gun to her.
"Stop!!" Said Seo Jun breathing heavily.
"You're dying and still care about her?" He asked
"I'm not like you who gave up on the woman you love"
He now walked to him. "You're smarter than I thought" he said.
"We'll meet again" said Seo Jun
"Very certainly, in your afterlife" he said and pointed the gun to him.
"No!!" Yelled Eun kyung and she jumped on his shoulder biting his ear.
"Ahaa!" He yelled and pushed her to the ground.
"How dare you?" He asked and pointed the gun to her.
A bullet was shot and Eun kyung covered her ear as blood splashed on face. On looking, the man fell to the ground. Seo Jun shot him on his left shoulder, he was on the ground.
"Let's go now!!" Yelled Eun kyung helping Seo Jun up.
"His face, check" said Seo Jun
But the sound of guns drew closer.
"We don't have time"she said and helped him walk.
"I can't see them, are you sure they really left the building?" Asked Him Chan all worried,
"I don't know, I'm getting worried" said Seo Young.
They had returned back to their car and left the police to do their work.
The battle continued as the two groups shot each other.
"I see something!!" Yelled a police man, someone is coming directly to us!"
"Prepare to shoot"
Eun kyung threw the gun aside and walked forward to where the police men could see her, on reaching them she collapsed.
"Hold your fire!!!"
Some police men now ran to them and took each of them.
"Finish this and fall back!!"

Him Chan looked up and saw a police man carrying a girl on uniform.
"Eun kyung!!" He yelled and rushed to her.
Seo Young looked further and saw Seo Jun covered in blood and unconscious.
"Jesus!!" He whispered and ran over there.
"Take them to the hospital straight!!" Yelled Him Chan and they put both of them in a car which Him Chan was also in and drove away immediately.

Seo Hiah paced up and down worried.
"Why haven't they called us yet?" She asked all worried.
"Calm down Mom, it will be successful and I know it" said Seo Yun.
Seo Yun's phone rang and he picked it up.
"Hello dad how did it go?"
"Oh, okay" he replied..
"Hospital?, How did it happen?" Asked Eun Hee all worried
"Okay I'll be there. Let's go Nari they're in the hospital"
"They just came out of a lion's den, they have to go to the hospital for check up. Let's go".

Seo Hiah rushed to the clinic and saw Seo Young and Him Chan.
"What happened?, Where's my son?" She asked.
Eun Hee now rushed in with Nari.
"They were both unconscious when they were rescued and we just took them here, the police arrested some of the criminals and will be questioning them soon" said Seo Young.
The nurse now walked out.
"Nurse how are they?"
"The girl, Jo Eun kyung suffered injuries and we're attending to it the boy Choi Seo Jun was shot..."
"Shot?" Asked Seo Hiah in tears.
"He lost lots of blood and will need blood transfusion but don't worry, he'll be fine we'll make sure of that. We have to get him ready for an emergency surgery but we will need your consent"
"Okay" said Seo Young
"Thank you" said the nurse and she left with Seo Young.
"Shot?, Oh my God Seo Jun" wept Seo Hiah.
"It's okay Mom, he'll be fine" consoled Seo Yun.
"Oh God please save my son, save my Seo Jun"
"He'll be fine the nurse gave us her word"
"It's alright now, Eun kyung is fine "Said Him Chan
"Yes, thank God" wept Eun Hee.

Him Chan's phone now rang, he exhaled and picked the call without looking at the caller.
"Daddy please come home" wept Hwang.
"What is it Hwang?, Why are you crying?" He asked
"Please come home, I'm scared"
"Why are you scared?, Go to your Mom"
"She's gone, everything's gone dad, please I'm scared come and get me" he wept.
"Is everything okay?" Asked Eun Hee.
"No, it's Hwang I have to go get him"
"What happened?"
"I don't know, looks like Haneul left again. I'll just go home and confirm" he said and ran out of the hospital.

Him Chan reached home and hurriedly ran inside, he tried knocking on the door which just opened right away.
"Hwang!!," He called running into the house.
"Hwang it's daddy please come out" he begged.
"Hwang... " He stopped on seeing Hwang under the table as he embraced a toy weeping quietly.
"She's gone daddy" he wept.
Him Chan now brought him out of where he was and cleaned his tears.
"Eun kyung is gone, Aunty Eun Hee is gone, Mom is gone, why are they all leaving me?" He wept.
"But I'm right here and I'm never leaving you. Your sister Eun kyung is back now, she's is in the hospital and will come back to stay with us soon" he said.
"Your Aunty Eun Hee also misses you" he said
"Thanks dad" he said and hugged Him Chan.
"Promise you won't cry anymore"
"I promise dad"
"That's my boy, let's go get some Ice cream, give me some minutes I'll be back"
"Okay Dad"
Him Chan now walked into his room but it was all messy. His clothes were all scattered, he now thought of his box where all his life savings were.
"Oh no" he said and rushed to the box but it was open, Haneul had taken everything inside it.
"Oh My God, Haneul....."

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