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"Haneul!" He called and she smiled
"It's good to see you too Him Chan, I don't want to talk here, treat me on a meal somewhere nice" she said.
Both of them sat in a restaurant and Haneul ate.
"Are you really back?" He asked
"Oh please Him Chan don't ask such questions I'm eating for goodness sake"
"You're eating?, When is all these going to stop?, You just run off anytime you want and I have to lie to Hwang all the time, he is not going to be a kid forever and he needs his mother by his side"
"I am his mother and I'm trying, I work and you know it. My work is so hectic that's why I can't be with you both"
"Then let us stay with you, even if it's for the holidays. Eun Kyung and her mother will leave and I can come with Hwang to stay with you"
"Firstly you can't come because you'll be a burden and I don't want any distraction, secondly who is Eun Kyung?" She asked
"That's my brother's daughter, she got a scholarship in a school close to my house and I'm accommodating her it's nothing personal. Hwang even likes her presence and wants to be around her all the time"
Now she hit her hand on the table. "And you're encouraging it?.., Hwang is my son he is mine!!"
"Then act like any mother would"
"I won't let you take him from me, I have to see my Hwang, get my son for me!!" She yelled and some people in the restaurant turned to them.
"Stop yelling Haneul, people might think I'm doing something bad to you" said Him Chan
"What are you doing then?, If I don't see my son I will shout and they will look at you as a terrible husband and father, bring my son now!!"
"Okay okay, calm down I will" he said and brought out his phone, he now dailled Eun Hee's number.
"Please bring Hwang to my location and don't tell Eun Kyung about it. His mother wants to see him" he said and after getting a reply he ended the call.
"They will be here soon" he said.

"Why did you ask your Mom that?" Asked Seo Jun
"Because I know something was wrong, it's too important that's why she didn't want to tell me, I just hope everything is fine "
Seo Jun now tapped her shoulder.
"You shouldn't worry, I'm right here" he said
"Oh really?"asked Eun Kyung
"I guess" he replied and Eun Kyung hit him a pillow hard on his face.
"No pillows Eun...." Now she hit him again
"I just said no.." she hit him the third time and Seo Jun grabbed a pillow. "This means war" he said.
"Yeah, bring it on villain" she said.

Eun Hee walked into the restaurant and saw where they sat.
On seeing both of them, Haneul rushed and hugged Hwang tightly, she now lifted him above the ground.
"Mom!" Called Hwang all happy
"Hello my love, it's mommy and she loves you so much" .

Seo Jun had left the room when his phone rang, Eun Kyung picked it from the table and mistakenly answered the call.
"Oh no!" She exclaimed.
"Seo Jun, I'm outside the school waiting for you, the clinic is far so just start coming, they won't let me drive in yet" said the voice
"Seok?" Called Eun Kyung
"Em.. Eun Kyung is that you?, Is Seo Jun there?"
"No he's not" she replied
"Please deliver this message to him, I can't wait forever" he said
Seo Jun walked into the room.
"Everything okay?" He asked
"Yeah!, Seok called, he said he's waiting for you outside"
"Seok?, That's odd"
"I don't know but he sounded like he had been waiting for long, you should go" she said.
"Yeah, what about your uncle?, It's pass six and he's still not here even your Mom. Don't worry I'll ask Seok to go" said Seo Jun and he picked up his phone
"No, look I'll be fine and I know they will be here soon so just go. I can walk you though" she said
"Hmm, okay".

Four of them sat down as Haneul fed Hwang.
"I think I should go and pick up Eun Kyung, she's been in the school for long" said Eun Hee and she stood up.
"I'll drop you, I forgot about it" said Him Chan
"No it's okay, you're busy now" she said
"I promised to pick her up and she just recovered. Taking the bus won't be so good for her"
"Excuse me?" Said Haneul standing up.
"This is absurd and stupid, your wife just came back after being away for a while and you plan on leaving with this woman?, Why is she even in your house when you have a wife. There's more than I'm seeing"
"Haneul it's not like that, Eun Hee and I are family"
"It's not supposed to be like that. You want my husband to leave I and my son here because of your daughter?, That's not happening so just leave, get out" she yelled.
"It's okay Him Chan, I'll go pick up Eun Kyung and by next week or weekend we would be leaving" said Eun Hee and she walked out.
"Why are you this way, these people are family" he said
"Are you going to close this topic and let's have a normal conversation like husband and wife?" She asked and sat down.

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