100 • Case Closed

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A/N: The 100th chapter. This was never my intention. Everyone who is still around gets 50 housepoints and a spank.

Why? Because if you're still here I know that you like it.

Let's go — this is long.


Severus Snape stormed through the corridors at the Ministry. He hadn't wasted a second since the letter from your father arrived. Anger, resentment and outrage rushed through his veins and clouded his otherwise rational mind.

He had ordered you to stay at home with Scarlet, reassuring you nobody was to take the girl away. Nobody.

His dramatic strides through the corridors didn't offer the same effect as it usually did without his robes. However, the stern expression of hatred was probably enough to scare several members of the Ministry.

Snape even passed Miss Anderson at some point, who had tried to get his attention, but he was on a mission. Nothing else mattered.

Some of the wizards and witches he passed had begun talking, having read the articles about him.

Finally reaching the Minister's office, he had walked straight past all the ones trying to stop him from entering. «Move», he had hissed loudly and dangerously.

Inside sat Minister Scrimgeour, drinking his tea in silence, while studying a muggle painting on his office wall. His eyes immediately darted to the dark haired wizard who entered uninvited. «Snape», he greeted, his voice laced with annoyance.

«Give me one good reason they can take her away», Snape growled as he planted his palms on the Minister's desk, leaning forward towards Scrimgeour while baring his teeth in an angry sneer.

«Snape, I do not manage that case», Scrimgeour replied and folded his hands while looking up at Snape with his eyebrows furrowed, «please take a step back, or I will summon security».

Snape huffed and stood back up, crossing his arms, «you  know the case. Answer my question», he demanded angrily.

The Minister sighed and leaned back casually in his chair, «the case has been filed based on deeming Y/N Y/LN unfit as a mother», he replied and cleared his throat awkwardly.

«On what grounds? She is an adult», Snape hissed.

«They believe she is too young, and without the right mindset».

Narrowing his eyes in confusion, Snape let his arms fall to his side as he stepped closer, «and what is wrong with her mindset? Spit it out».

«I assure you, you will all be given the chance to-»

«Answer my question», he growled.

«They believe you've abused your position and authority at Hogwarts to gain her trust and-»

Snape groaned loudly in frustration and turned his back to the Minister, clenching his jaw and his fists. His heart was beating so fast he worried he would pass out.

Scrimgeour cleared his throat, «listen, you were warned of the consequences even after the deal was made between you, us and Albus Dumbledore», he explained, «and now-»

«It isn't true», Snape said through gritted teeth and slammed his fist on the Minister's desk.

«Tell the Wizengamot when your trial date is up, Snape», he replied and sighed, «now, please calm down or the security will see you out immediately. It won't look good for your case, trust me».

«Trust you?», the dark haired wizard hissed, followed by a mocking laugh, «I've risked my life on several occasions for the Ministry and Albus Dumbledore. And what do I get? No supp-»

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