97 • Bad Blood

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A/N: Happy Valentine!


A few days later.

«Here, take this», you mumbled and pushed another item of clothing into Snape's arms. His face spoke of nothing but dismay, but he stood still as you kept forcing more items into his grasp.

You wanted everything to be perfect for Scarlet's birthday, and with some pleading and a rather convincing blowjob later — you'd managed to drag the wizard to a muggle shop to get her a present. He'd even dressed in muggle clothes for the occasion, sporting a pair of black pleated trousers and a dark green corduroy shirt with black buttons.

«By the amount of clothes you've made me hold, I'd guess we have at least ten children», he pointed out, his voice low and his pace slow. You chuckled.

«Let's!», you replied sarcastically as you kept on scanning the many aisles of clothing for toddlers. Snape wasn't amused by your comment as he found a cart to dump the pile of clothes into.

«No thank you», he murmured and fought the urge to conjure an armchair and a glass of firewhiskey. Sighing, he followed you with the cart in his hands, wondering if you even remembered any of the items you'd forced on him.

You went through all the aisles and loved every moment of it. Imagining the little girl in every single item made you fall in love, and you wished you could just take it all with you. «Hey Sev-»

But he wasn't around. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and checked your surroundings, searching for the dark haired man with the cart. But though you couldn't see him, you suddenly heard the familiar deep voice snarling in the distance.

Turning a corner you noticed him struggling with the cart, as one of the wheels had stopped turning. A line of unexpected profanities erupted from his lips, and you couldn't help but to laugh as you observed him sparing no effort in making the cart move again. He kicked it and shook it, yelled at it and then those three all at once. When it didn't work, you noticed he had to take a minute to breathe, as his head was boiling from his swirling anger.

You grabbed an abandoned cart and jogged over to him. «Take this», you smiled as you stopped by his side. His eyes shot from the broken wheel to you, and as his nostrils flared you bit your lip holding back a grin, «having a struggle, are we?»

He huffed and straightened himself up, «not at all», he replied dryly, «do you really need all this?»

Shrugging, you began moving the items from the broken cart to the new one. «No, but I want to pick all my favourites, then go from there», you said and gave him another smile. He sighed.

«Then this might take forever, you know I have work to do», he pointed out and crossed his arms over his chest. You stopped and raised a challenging eyebrow.

Lowering your voice, you looked the man straight in the eyes, «I did not suck you off only to have you complain the entire time», you hissed, «I want everything to be perfect, Sev. I want her to have a nice birthday».

He sighed, «she won't even remember».

«Does it matter? I will», you pointed out and rolled your eyes. Walking away from him with the cart, the man was left standing by the socks aisle. He struggled to grasp how he'd gotten to the point where you literally bossed him around. At the same time, he did find your determination attractive.

He strolled through the aisles and sighed, not as engaged with the shopping as you. Obviously. Snape also knew that you probably wouldn't want his opinion, though he didn't know if he had one. Fashion wasn't.. his forté.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now