73 • Foolish Game

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A/N: By the time I was writing this I'd reached 20k reads, and I'm happy and humble. I didn't see this coming, nor do I understand it. Thanks to everyone. And a special thanks to SeverusSnapeFan233 for always leaving comments aplenty. I dedicate this to you.

Merry christmas to everyone. Here's a quick update and a longer chapter for you. Let me know your thoughts in the comments, I always appreciate them.


«Foolish game?», you asked, surprised by his change of mood, following him down the stairs.

Snape was heading straight to the sittingroom, reaching for the bottle of firewhiskey on a shelf next to the fireplace.

«Severus? Are you drinking now? It's barely noon», you stared at the man as he poured himself a glass. Snape hated himself for doing it, as it only reminded him of the person he promised himself he would never be.

«Just leave me alone for a minute», he said, sitting down in his armchair by the fire.

«Leave you alone? What's going on?», you asked, «you're not angry because it took you some time to find me, are you?»

Snape snorted in derision, «no, of course not».

You crossed your arms over your chest and placed yourself between him and the fireplace, blocking his view of the calming flames.

«Move, Y/N», he said and had a sip, staring blankly ahead, without looking at you.

«I will not, not until you tell me what I did wrong», you said, your lips thin lined and about to tremble.

«I asked you to leave me alone for a minute, won't you listen, for once?», he growled. You frowned and let out a deep sigh.

«Whatever», you hissed and stormed out into the hallway and up the stairs.

Not long after you returned down the stairs with the sleeping toddler on one arm, and a foldable pram in the other. You headed for the door and put the little girl into the pram, making sure she was covered with blankets to stay warm. Then, you began getting dressed.

Snape's daze burst as he heard the noise you were making, causing him to rise immediately and walk into the hallway. «What are you doing?»

«Listening to you, for once», you snarled and put a beanie on before leaving with the girl, «bye».

The dark haired wizard raised his hand to reach for you, but you slammed the door on him. He sighed and ran his hand over his face instead.

Well done.


The neighbourhood of Spinner's End was almost as taken out of a horror movie. There was no apparent signs of the christmas spirit, and simply walking around there made you sad and melancholic.

What a place to grow up in.

You looked down at the sleeping toddler and wondered if this was supposed to be her home once you graduated. You and Snape had not discussed such details, and you were reminded of his tendency to be private and mysterious. There was still a lot about his life you didn't know, and Lucius had the audacity to warn you of his dark past.

But you can tell me every bad thing you ever did and I will still love you.

Sighing heavily you walked down the road determined to at least have a nice walk while it was still daylight. The air smelt of burning wood and smoke from the many muggle vehicles. You wished you could put up christmas lights in the entire street just to make things more cosy. Alas, it seemed as though there was no saving Spinner's End.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant