99 • Symbolic Farewell

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Extra long chapter.

Smut ahead.


It was the night before the graduation ceremony. You'd successfully finished your exams, and luckily you hadn't seen your parents since Scarlet's birthday. If it was up to you — you would never see them again.

The days and weeks following your daughter's birthday had been alright, though you'd spent some time reassuring Snape that you truly had forgiven him and that you hadn't lied about the pregnancy. It wasn't that he didn't believe you, he just didn't know how to react or behave. But he'd turned protective, to say the least. More than usual.

There was one time in class where you'd slipped and he'd caught you in his arms, which had made other students giggle and gasp. And though you'd been grateful, you'd had to pretend to be the embarrassed student who'd just found themselves in the arms of the dungeon bat. When in reality you craved him to touch you more.

He'd also yelled at a random student who'd knocked into you as he'd walked past you in the corridor. It was merely a brush of your shoulder, still, he'd deducted house points and glared at the boy.

And during dinners he would stare you down, keeping tabs of your eating, making sure you had enough. Truly, he'd been a pain in the arse. But you'd let him, as you were happy to have him care about your wellbeing — and you didn't want him to be distanced from this pregnancy also.

However, you hadn't had any sex. You worried he didn't like the idea of doing it while you were pregnant, but you hadn't dared to ask if that was the case...

Now, you were sitting in his chambers across from each other, he in an armchair and you on the sofa. In your hand you had a glass of non-alcoholic bubbles, and he held his trusted firewhiskey.

His eyes were glued to the crackling fire. You admired his relaxed figure as your eyes sized him up. You loved how he managed to look intelligent. You loved his masculine features. His lips. Your eyes wandered down. Oh god, you loved-

«Your mind is very loud today», he said slowly and had a sip of his drink. Your cheeks immediately went crimson as you sunk further into your seat.

«Sorry», you replied quietly.

«No, I enjoy it», Snape's lips curled. His moments of confidence melted you completely. He glanced at you and parted his lips to speak again, «tomorrow is a big day for you».

You shrugged and sighed, «it's not what I envisioned. Jade won't be there, you know. And although Pansy is nicer to me now, she didn't even come to.. well, it doesn't matter. But, I have Pike and the others. Blaise said he'd come see me later on too», you blurted.

«You'll see her soon», he pointed out, reminding you of her and Theodore's wedding, and had another sip. The sound of the liquid rolling on his lips, seeping into his mouth, it caught your attention and you felt starved by it. How did he even manage to make such a natural gesture sexy?

«Yeah», you murmured and tried to change your focus.

Bloody hormones.

«And you're ready to-», he paused and cleared his throat, the whiskey burnt, «tell everyone?»

«I've been ready for months», you answered quickly, sitting up straight. Reaching out to the table next to you you placed your glass on its surface. «Question is, are you?»

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now