72 • Sweet Girl

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The next day you got dressed after breakfast and was on the way out the door when Snape met you in the hallway. He was leaning against the door, with a glass of pumpkin juice in hand.

«Good luck», he drawled.

Your cheeks went red, «thank you».

You knew he wasn't going to be happy when he'd find out you'd lied. But he wouldn't possibly let you go if you'd told him the truth about your plan.

«How are you thinking of getting to London?», he asked and had a sip of his juice.

«I'll apparate, so I won't be long, I promise», you smiled.

He walked closer to you and wrapped his free hand around your waist, «I trust you use the necklace if you're in trouble».

You rolled your eyes, «I'll be okay».

Snape kissed you and sighed as he pulled you closer, «you have to».

«I know», you chuckled and kissed him one more time, «see you soon».


Walking down the streets of London it felt strange that Snape and Scarlet was so far away all of a sudden. But you knew they needed some father daughter bonding without your intervention as well.

You'd chosen a muggle café for the meeting, hoping it would be the safest option. Though you weren't sure if he was going to show up at all, since you'd asked him not to reply; just come.

The café you'd chosen was one where they mostly served coffee in different ways, you'd heard it was busy and hoped that would keep him from doing you harm. Upon entering the café you chose a seat next to a window, for extra safety. At least if he tried to do anything you'd have witnesses.

Snape had given you some muggle coins on the way out, as you'd said your parents wouldn't meet in Diagon Alley. So you'd bought something they called a chai latté, and sat staring at the door, feeling both anxious and nauseated.

The music they were playing was a lot more pleasing to the ear than the one playing in the car, and you quickly understood it was christmas themed by the lyrics.

You'd gotten lost in your own train of thoughts staring out the window when the bell by the door rang. This burst your bubble.

«No thank you, I have a table», you recognised the silken voice speaking to the staff by the register. You immediately laid eyes on the long white haired wizard who came towards you with his cane swinging.

What the fuck am I doing?

«My sweet girl», he spoke in greeting as he inclined his chin, looking down at you.

«I might be sweet, but I'm certainly not yours», you hissed. He chuckled grimly as he took a seat opposite you.

«I recall a time where you so exquisitely said so», he began as a smug smile formed on his face, «while dirty thoughts about me swirled in your mind, followed by a round of superlative fucking».

Your cheeks turned red as you tried to keep a straight face. He surely didn't care for the audience in the café.

The most important thing was not to let him win.

«I called you here for a reason, Lucius», you said, ignoring his comment. He cleared his throat and crossed his legs.

«Severus unable to please you, so you're running back to daddy, is it?», he suggested with an arched eyebrow. You fought the urge to roll your eyes, instead your nostrils flared in anger. But you managed to put on a fake smile.

Pit of Snakes (Lucius, Draco, Snape x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat