034 Episode 15: Gaze (1)

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{by RainTL || December 22, 2020}

"Oh my, my dear sister?"

Yeorum licked her lips with the end of her tongue and gave a coquettish smile.

"U, unni. H, hello...?"

With a frightened expression, the baby chicken looked around. She was in the small dorm, and there was nowhere to hide.

It seemed that the time she spent in her immersive state also remained in her memories.

"You look fine now don't you? That's good. Then should we have a little chat?"

"A, ahjussi!"

Yeorum took a step closer while the baby chicken freaked out and turned around. Her eyes facing Yu Jitae seemed to be screaming S.O.S. and after hearing her shout, Yeorum also looked at Yu Jitae.

They seemed to be waiting for a response and soon, Yu Jitae nonchalantly opened his mouth.

"Do what you want."

There was no saviour for Yu Kaeul.

After the permission was given, Yeorum walked a step closer.

"Yu Kaeul."

Her voice dripped with coldness.


Kaeul hid behind Yu Jitae's back. When Yeorum quickly dashed in and arrived behind Yu Jitae, the baby chicken threw her body to his front. And when Yeorum went back to the front, the baby chicken hid behind his back yet again in fright.

Yeorum made a frown.

"Come here."

"Uahh, don't wanna!"

"Thirty if you come by yourself, and forty if you get caught."

"I, I don't want either...!"

They went around Yu Jitae three to four times.

In the end, Kaeul became a victim of all sorts of wrestling techniques after being caught by Yeorum, and the house was filled with echoing screams. After the baby chicken collapsed in tatters, Yeorum then stood up with a satisfied smile hanging on her face.

"You asked if I enjoyed harassing you, right? It's actually not that fun."

When the baby chicken turned her teary eyes at herself, Yeorum let out a moan, "Haang..."

"It excites me."

Episode 15: Gaze (1)

There were lots of people looking for Kaeul.

– Uh... Mister Yu Jitae, what about just once?

Although he completely ignored the phone calls of others, he still picked up the call from Team Leader Yong of the PR team. She was the person who had given a chance to Kaeul, who had been oblivious.

"If you're talking about her being Lair's public model, no."

– I see. Is there perhaps a reason?

Kidnapped Dragons - [Author: Yuzu]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora