032 Episode 13: Changes in the Seventh Iteration

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{by RainTL || December 19, 2020}

Episode 13: Changes in the Seventh Iteration

The Regressor's instincts sharply rose up and he could feel the odour of blood and rotten flesh seeping in.

Wei Yan was headed to a certain alleyway, which Yu Jitae followed into. Although he walked over a path clumped up in dust, his feet did not leave any footsteps behind. His heart rate gradually decreased, and the little sounds of his joints were blocked by mana.

Wind avoided him.

It was his first time walking into Lair's restricted area, even out of all the regressions he had.

There, he could feel several gazes.

Turning his eyes around at the partially destructed buildings, he found crimson eyes glancing from behind the curtains of the broken windows.


They were lage eyeballs floating around, and appeared to be keeping a close eye on the restricted area following the commands of the demons.

Wei Yan followed down the stairs of a certain building to its basement. That place was the epicentre of the odour he had been feeling.

"What happened."

Standing on the stairs leading down to the basement, Wei Yan asked with a cold voice. From deeper inside the darkness, a sigh escaped.

"He has completely gone mad. Some of us went up and tried to stop him, but we couldn't calm him down."

"How many sacrifices."

"It's two. One male and a female. One of them is a cadet."

Hearing that, Wei Yan similarly let out a sigh.

"... That thing is far from being human."

A sacrifice. It was a jargon of the demons, and referred to the victims used in keeping their desires under control.

"You may go. I'll take care of the rest."


There was no response.

"What are you doing. I'm telling you to go."

"Are you planning to keep him at Lair, sir?"

"Why would you ask that?"

"The lord feels uncomfortable about it."

The lord referred to the head of Undetectables, the organisation of demons.

"I'll take care of it."

"There has been an order. To get rid of as many unstable elements as possible."


Wei Yan's voice changed.

"So what."

His previously gentle tone was long gone.


"So what, huh. Oi you impertinent guy. Are you my lord or something?"

"That's not the case, but."

"But, what."

"But the lord is feeling displeased about it so I was just trying to warn you..."

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