For a few moments, the receptionist was impassive to see Rubab's expression but soon enough she softened her eyes.

" Let me talk to sir," The receptionist replied dryly.

A nervous smile formed at the corner of her lips. She noticed the receptionist dialling a number.

" Sir, someone named Rubab Mirza wants to meet you?" Rubab heard the receptionist talking.

" Yes, sir. It's Mirza," Rubab heard the woman affirming her surname. She wondered why Mr Yazdazi was affirming her surname. Did he know that she would come to meet him?

Rubab heard the woman hanging up," Ok, sir."

Rubab looked at the woman with hopeful eyes. She wetted her dry lips nervously.

" 28th floor. Mr Yazdani agreed to meet you," The receptionist informed.

Rubab's eyes lit up. She did not waste another second. Thanking the receptionist she took the elevator. She had to meet Mr Yazdani as soon as possible.

It didn't take a long time for her to reach the 28th floor. She didn't have to struggle a lot in finding Mr Yazdani's office. Since there were no other rooms on the 28th floor she realized that the whole place is Mr Yazdani's office.

Gulping down nervously, Rubab twisted the doorknob. She was already sweating though the air conditioner was on. She felt her throat getting dry already.

Rubab blinked her eyes nervously the moment she looked inside the office. A man in his late 20s was sitting on the chair. His eyes were glued to the papers that were scattered in front of him on the table. Rubab assumed him, was Mr Yazdani since he was wearing an expensive suit.

She also noticed a girl who seemed like obeying the man. Rubab assumed her as his assistant.

" May I come in?" Rubab asked politely.

Rubab waited for permission but the man acted as if he did not even heard Rubab. Even the assistant seemed untroubled by Rubab's presence. Rubab started feeling awkward about their attitude.

Rubab cleared her throat to grab their attention. " May I come in?" Rubab repeated.

The man raised his eyes at her. The moment her eyes met his eyes she stumbled backwards. Those were the same dark brown orbs that had been haunting her! Rubab grabbed her abaya tightly. She could feel her eyes bulging out of her sockets.

Her eyes travelled all over his face nervously. He had a sharp jawline with thin dark pink lips. His skin was dark brownish. Not too fair. Not too dark. He had thick black eyebrows that were narrowing at her. And, those dark brown orbs? Rubab was astonished beyond level.

" No. No. He can't be the same person," Rubab chanted keeping her voice low.

Except for the eyes, there was nothing common between these two people. The person in her dream always looked cute. A bit fragile while the man sitting in front of her was the complete opposite. He was looking tough. There was something in his demeanour that made Rubab uncomfortable.

" I will see the remaining files later," The man told the woman. His voice came out like an order that the woman obeyed instantly.

Rubab's nervousness reached its peak hearing his voice. The tone was harsh and deep. She already prepared herself for insults because no way this rude-looking man will talk to her politely.

" Come inside," The man permitted.

She saw him crossing his legs and leaning on his chair comfortably. He did not even glance at her when she walked inside. He was scrolling his phone.

" I did not permit you to sit," the man said.

Putting his phone inside his pocket he glanced at Rubab who was half-standing. She felt his words insulting. Her butt was a few inches above the chair.

" My apologies," Rubab tightened her lips.

The man questioned keeping his face straight," Why are you here?"

" Since you asked for my surname from your employee I guess you know me or you know why I am here," Rubab answered back. She was trying hard to control her outburst.

" Rubab Mirza? One of my mistress's surnames is Mirza. Recently, I just banished her from my service. I couldn't pay her last time. So, I thought it was her who came for her payment," the man hooted.

Rubab kept herself cool even after his insulting words because she needs to be on his side. But, her eyes reflected something else.

" I am Zulfikar Mirza's sister," Rubab introduced herself.

" Which Zulfikar Mirza?" the man sounded as if he did not know anyone by this name.

" Oh! That thief? That fraud!" the man sniggered.

Rubab yelled at him," My brother isn't a thief."

" Someone framed him. You are misunderstanding," Rubab's voice came out like a whisper but the man heard her.

He stood up. Rubab cowered backwards seeing him striding at her. Rubab's pupils dilated with astonishment seeing him towering over her with his huge height. He was looking like a hulk with his broad muscular shoulder.

" Why should I believe you?" he questioned taking a step forward. Rubab took a step backwards.

" Do you have any evidence of your brother's innocence?" He questioned further taking another step.

This time Rubab took two steps backwards lowering her head. She felt her hands sweating feeling his heated glares at her.

" If you have nothing important to talk then don't waste my time," The man sounded extremely rude.

Rubab raised her head," I request you. Please, take back your complaint. My brother did not do anything."

She couldn't hold back her tears anymore. Tears glistened on her cheeks.

" My mother is a heart patient. My father's health condition isn't good either. Recently, my whole family went through........." Rubab's shaky voice was interrupted by him.

He answered looking impassive," Why should I care what your family went through?" His eyes were hard as flint.

" I am requesting you," Rubab joined her hands in front of him.

Darwish did not even show a single bit of pity for her. Her shaky voice, red eyes and helpless requests didn't work on him. He seemed like made of stones.

" And, what are you offering in return?" he questioned narrowing his eyes at her.

Rubab couldn't answer since she did not even understand his question. What can she give him? Does she have anything valuable to give him?

" Why are you silent? If you don't have anything to offer then how can you expect me to withdraw my complaint?" he snorted.

Rubab was puzzled by his words. He is a millionaire. He got enough money. She wondered what he was asking from her.

" What do you want?" She questioned. Her voice came out like a whisper.

Rubab felt goosebumps seeing the smirk playing at the corner of his lips. It seemed like he was waiting for her to ask this question.

Note- What do you think of Darwish? What will he ask from her? 🤔

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