Chapter 55. We Were About To Kick Santa's Butt

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As soon as Tulip and Y/N got Bernard out, they headed for the door.

Tulip opened the door and smiled. "Awre we weally gwoing two kwick  Daddy's bwottom?" 

Y/N and Bernard chuckled. "No, we're technically-"

Then our arms started to turn into sprinkles.

Tulip gasped. "Mummy! Bernard! Wot's hawppwning!?"

Bernard grinned. "The Escape Clause!"

Y/N grinned. "Yes!"

"Will we ewer swee agwain?" Tulip asked.

They shrugged and Y/N hugged Tulip as tight as she could, as they were turning into sprinkles. "I love you, Tulip and don't forget that." 

Bernard got down on one knee and patted Tulip's head. "Your a smart kid." Bernard smiled. "I hope you will always stay like this, kiddo."

Bernard stood up and so did Y/N. "Bye, Bernard."

Bernard smiled. "Bye, Y/N."

"I DON'T WANNA GWO!!!!!!!" Tulip screamed.

Y/N sighed. "Non of us do." 

Bernard forced a smile. "All we can do is stay strong!" Bernard managed to say.

Tulip frowned and began crying.

A tear escaped Y/N's eye, she managed to bend and smiled. "Don't cry, dear."

Bernard smiled. "And we might be able to see again, we just have to hope and not give up." He grabbed a marshmallow. "Before you go, eat this."

As Tulip's last tear escaped her eyes, she took it and ate it.

As the last sprinkle, sprinkled. As they all disappeared, who knew what the future could ever bring? 

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