Chapter 20. Curtis Finds A Solution

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After a few days after dad found out, I was just walking to get hot chocolate but then someone grabbed me by the arm. "The heck-"

I realised it was Bernard and sighed a sigh of relief. "Hey Snowflake."

I smiled. "Hey Darling, why are you kidnapping me?" I chuckled.

"You'll see." He winked. "It's not special by the way."

I laughed. "Ok."

"One of Curtis's solutions, you know what he's like."

Curtis led Me, Dad, Bernard and himself to a machine, in the mechanic room.

"Ok, everyone! Can I get the room for a minute?" Curtis said to everyone shooing the elves out the room. "Thank you!" He shouted. "Can I just- One minute! Take a cocoa break! Have a nice long break, relax everyone!" He said, shooing some more.

After the last elf left the room, Curtis shut the door.

I turned to Curtis. "Why are we here?" 

"I want to show Santa some improvements on the pantograph." Curtis replied.

"Well me and Bernard aren't Santa..." I muttered to myself so no one could hear me.

"We don't have time for this! We need an actual solution!" Bernard exclaimed.

"Give him a chance." I rolled my eyes.

Curtis ignored my boyfriend's comment and turned to dad. "Walk with me."  He said. "I've tripled the R.A.M and reconfigured the circuity." He said to my father.

"I see, you've externalized the power source to make better use of the electromagnetic energy." Dad kept his eyes on the machine.

"No." Curtis said. "It's just there because it looks really cool." 

I snickered and Bernard noticed. "Are you laughing?" He asked me.

"No, I'm running." I said.

He chuckled and so did I.

Dad chuckled. "Yeah it does." Then he looked like he realised something, which, he did in a way... "Wait a minute!" Dad exclaimed. "You tripled the R.A.M!? I see where this is going...I am not getting in that machine!" Dad cried.

Bernard seemed to be reasonably happy by what dad said. "Besides, creating a copy of Santa wont solve our problems."

I nodded. "Unless...if your calling us stupid." I simply said. "Plus, it would be a toy."

"But this would be a special toy!" Curtis called.

Dad looked very annoyed now. "And whys that?"

Curtis smiled. "I added a fuzzy logic circuit. The duplicate will look and think just like you."

"That sounds like a horror film." I said with a flat tone.

Curtis ignored me. "When your with your family, dealing with Charlie, looking for a-"

Dad cut Curtis off. "The toy Santa will be melting up here."

"No the toy-"

Now Bernard cut him off. "Me and Y/N can perfectly deal with stuff up here."

I smiled.

Then Bernard turned to dad. "Santa, if the elves find out we made a switch..." Bernard cupped his cheeks with his hands and gasped. "No No No! This machine is not the answer!"

I giggled at his action, but then I noticed a small brown mouse scurry across the floor and ran into the conveyor belt that led into the pantograph. I gasped in terror, I love animals what would happen to this little guy, I couldn't believe my eyes. This mouse was too cute for this thing! It could die because of the machine, my heart pounded as quick as it could go, I turned to Curtis...I was terrified. "No! Curtis stop the machine!" I cried, with a worried tone.

Curtis frowned. "I can't! The machine- It's too late!" He shouted with a worried tone.

We all ran as fast as we could to the other side, I was shaking. I grabbed onto Bernard's arm like a little kid, I was so worried for the little creature, Bernard noticed I was shaking and managed to make me let go and he turned around to hug me, which didn't take long because I was more than scared, I was petrified.

After the engine powered down. A big puff of smoke. The mouse came out fine, I let go of Bernard and smiled, I didn't feel scared anymore and another mouse followed, like it had always existed. I breathed a huge sigh of relief. "Thank goodness for that." I said, shaking still a little bit. I looked at Bernard and then back at the mouse that soon scurried off.

Curtis didn't look worried about the mouse at all now. "You can't get much better than that! And I promise it wont hurt a bit."

I ran up to dad. "You don't actually-"

Dad ignored me. "I'm going in."

I gasped and so did Bernard. "Oh I can't watch this!!" Bernard called, running over to a corner and I followed. "It's going to be ok, Curtis upgraded it." I hugged Bernard to calm him down but Bernard was still worried. "That's what I'm afraid of!" He exclaimed, I let go and crossed my arms. "Well, what would you do if dad was hurt because of it!" I called, Bernard ignored me and still was scared in the corner, I couldn't remember the last time Bernard being this scared since ages ago, when I went with the E.L.F.S to go save dad with Charlie years ago. I sighed and hugged Bernard again to calm him down. I rubbed my hand on Bernard back to calm him down. Bernard put his head into my neck and I tried not to laugh as he was so scared like a little puppy,  I don't know why I found it funny. I soon turned my head around to see as the machine started to smoke. I silently begged that my father would be ok. But then I noticed dad come out and grinned. "He's ok, B." I said, not smiling. He pulled out of my hug and turned to dad.

The Ideal Holiday (Bernard x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin