Chapter 28. Out Of This Place

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Bernard was busy kicking the door when I thought of an idea. "What if we take the bed or the draw or sofa to kick the door down!"

"Good idea, snowflake."

I got up but felt straight to my knees. "I forgot I can't walk!"

He ran over, helping me up. "Let's try and get you walking first." He looked at me and I looked at him, our faces were so close to each others. 

He managed to get me to stay standing up. "Now try walking."

I put a foot in front of my other foot but I almost fell.

"Steady." He spoke.

I managed to walk 5 steps.

"You did it Snowflake!" He called.

I then walked around the whole room.

We managed to pick up the sofa and when we tried to barge down the door, that didn't work. We tried everything. Nothing worked.

I sighed. "It's hopeless."

"You can't say that yet!" Bernard exclaimed.

"Oh well."

"I'm head elf, I've let all the elves down. I'm not giving up am I?" He asked.

I sighed again. "You didn't let them down!"

"I let myself down at least."


"Reasons I can't say."

I shook my head. "I'll repeat that, how?"

"I can't tell you snowflake!"

I sighed. "I guess your right, darling."

He smiled.

"Well, I know your head elf, but that doesn't mean it's always your fault if something goes wrong!" I looked at him. "We will get out no matter what!" I exclaimed. "And I've always got your back!" I winked from the other side of the room."

"Your confident now."

"Have I ever steered you wrong?" I playfully said.

"I- How dare you use my line." He chuckled.

"Now..." I looked at the door. "Come on!" I ran ahead to the door. 

He managed to run at the same paste and we finally bust down the door, falling into the snow, face first.

I laughed. "At least we're out!" 

He laughed to. "Yep!"

I rolled in the snow for a bit. "Now, I'm practically home."

He got up. "Are you ready?"

"No!" I exclaimed, rolling in the snow for a bit like a child.

He chuckled and managed to pull me up. 

"Noooooo." I cried as a joke.

"Come on." He said.

I gave him puppy eyes. 


I smiled. 

"We do need to get back soon."

I then snapped out of the child fun. "Oh in the name of snowmen!" I cried. "Forget this, I'll be a child another day. THE ELVES!" I cried, sprinting as fast as I could.

"You don't need to go that fast!" Bernard called.

"I do! The elves are like family to me!" I then tripped over something, causing my knee to bleed.

"Snowflake!" He ran over. "Are you ok?"

I nodded. "Yes, just a cut."

He nodded. "Sure?"

I nodded.

He shook his head and reached into his satchel. "You need this first." He placed a plaster on my leg.

I chuckled. "It was only a tiny cut."

"For a gorgeous elf? No chance, I'm not taking any risks. Now let's go kick some toy Santa butt!"

I chuckled.

We ended up running as fast as we could. 

"How far is this place from the workshop?!" I said, gasping for breath, I stopped.

"I don't know, it's still not in sight." Bernard stopped to, gasping for air.

As I was gasping for air, I noticed my thigh was becoming ice. "Bernard..." I muttered.


"My's practically ice."

"Snowflake." He said. "This isn't normal."

"I know..." I sighed.

I then noticed an elf, walking towards us. It was Judy!

"Judy?" I asked.

"Yes?" She asked.


"Hello you 2, where is the REAL Santa."

Bernard gave in. "Looking for a wife."

Judy frowned. "Oh..." She then noticed my leg. "Oh dear...what's happened to your leg Y/N?"

I slightly touched my leg. "I-I don't know."

She looked at Bernard. "Carry her."


"Carry her, she can hardly run now!"

Bernard turned to me, and picked me up.

"Now, stop going this way! You want to go this way." 

We followed after her. And we were there in about 10 minutes. I noticed dad, he was Scott Calvin now.

The Ideal Holiday (Bernard x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin