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A/N ... I appreciate every single one of you who have stumbled upon this story of mine and would be absolutely grateful if you could leave a like or sneaky comment on this. It helps me know I'm on the right path but also keeps me motivated to write more stories like this.
Much love. 》


A gentle brush across my back and warmth woke me from the best sleep I'd had in months and when my eyes opened, landing on Johnny's, I remembered everything that had happened last night and a smile crept across my face, as his lips twitched upwards, matching my smile. "Mornin beautiful." He said softly, his voice husky and rough and his accent was extra strong which sent a shiver down my back before I reached out to him, running my hand over his chest.

His hand was on my back, gently running up and down, soothing me oh so very much but also setting that spark inside to flicker again and fuck it felt nice. I stretched out, my bones cracking slightly and I giggled at it, my body sounding older than I felt, before I gasped as Johnny's hand moved higher up my back to my neck. "If you start that again." I said softly as his eyes moved to mine and narrowed slightly. "I will tie you to my bed." His eyes darkened at my words before he rolled to me and I instinctively rolled to my back, letting him lean over me.

"Are you threatening me?" He questioned me quietly as he leant forward and planted a soft kiss against the crook of my neck and I arched up to him, biting my lip. He chuckled deeply and continued kissing my neck gently, slowly moving down to my collarbone and it was an effort holding that whimper in as his mouth moved further south to my chest, while my fingers found his hair, grasping it tightly. "We have all weekend...and I'm completely fine if you want to stay right here." He whispered against my skin and I pulled him back to me, kissing him deeply.

I felt him climb over me, situating himself between my legs as my own squeezed him, while my fingers clawed the back of his neck. I managed to catch my breath when he pulled back, and just smiled ever so lovingly down at me. "Right here...with you, has always been my safe place." I replied quietly with a shy smile and his eyes shifted slightly. "But didn't you say you had a plan this weekend?" I questioned him softly with a raised brow.

At the mention of that, it was like he remembered whatever that plan was and he kissed me quickly before he jumped up off the bed. "YES! Shit, we need to get ready." He said excitedly and I giggled as I sat up, watching him hurry around the room, grabbing his dirty clothes before he dumped them in the basket near my door, then went to my cupboard and started going through my clothes.

I just watched, in stunned silence as he pulled a few items out and then went to my chest of draws and grabbed underwear and a bra for me, before he turned to me and pouted. "Get up woman...the day is wasting away." I chuckled myself, hearing how dramatic he was being in a playful way before I got up, my legs still slightly weak from last night, and managed to get my underwear on before I fell back to the bed and he huffed slightly before he dropped to his knees and helped me pull my jeans on. "I wasn't even that rough with ya and yer stumbling like bambi on ice." He teased gently.

My eyes widened at him and he froze, looking up at me like he'd done something wrong. "Theres...more?" I asked quietly and he lost it laughing as he pulled my pants up, then got up himself and moved to his bag, pulling his own clothes on. He didn't answer me but holy crap did I want to know if he was serious, if there was more to him, because he never did come across as that kind of guy but if there was a hidden darkness to him, I absolutely wanted to find it and nurture it.

We got dressed and he made it rather explicit that I had to wear my boots and a hat so I grabbed my cap and braided my hair while he packed a backpack with food and a few bottles of water and curious as I was, I wanted to see where this was going because he seemed incredibly determined, with whatever it was. I slipped my braids over my shoulders and pulled my hat on before he shouldered the bag and came over to me, thermos in hand. "Coffee for my queen." He said as he handed it to me and kissed my cheek quickly before he opened the front door for me and we left my apartment, my mind swimming.

FEAR IS FOR THE WEAK [GHOST//SOAP X OC]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora