25. I'M 141

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A/N … I appreciate every single one of you who have stumbled upon this story of mine and would be absolutely grateful if you could leave a like or sneaky comment on this. It helps me know I'm on the right path but also keeps me motivated to write more stories like this.
Much love. 》


I narrowed my eyes at Johnny,  my cold hands still pressed to his warm flesh underneath his shirt. "I do know skin to skin but I just wasn’t sure." I replied quietly, letting my hands warm up on him.

"Because of last night?" My eyes widened and my heart stopped. Oh so he did fucking hear us?! Why had no one said anything? Why was he saying it now? Because Ghost wasn't within ear shot? "Look…whatever you and Lt have got going on. I'll respect those boundaries but I'm not about to let you freeze to death ok." He added sternly.

Oh my heart. He was such a fucking gentleman. I moved my hands higher up his chest and turned them over, feeling him shiver slightly with how cold my hands were while I sighed deeply at how warm my hands were getting because of him. "Nothing is going on with us…that was just, a goodbye I guess."

He tensed slightly and I noticed his jaw clench. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah…yeah I am this time. I got closure, and we're good again, he's not cut me off. So yeah, I'm ok." I shuffled closer and dropped my head to his chest, wrapping my arms around him as he pulled me closer. "I was hoping we weren't that loud though, sorry if we woke you."

He growled lowly as his fingers twitched against my back and then he shuffled slightly. That movement, I thought he was trying to move to get comfortable and I guess he was, until I felt something brush my thigh and I gasped as he froze. "Johnny, tell me that's your pistol." I whispered with my eyes wide open but he didn't answer me and I sighed slightly. "You should take care of that."

"You told me not to." He replied so quickly that I actually had to push back from him and stared at him, shocked and dumbfounded.

"Johnny, I was teasing you…seriously though you should because that's not good for you." I hissed at him, smacking his chest but he just shrugged and rolled to his back. "I'll go do a perimeter check, you got 5 minutes." I whispered and as I went to get up he grabbed my arm gently and I turned back to him, frowning slightly.

"I'm fine, sleep." He grumbled but I could see he wasn't ok.

"Sort it out." I replied flatly.

"I'm. Fine." He snarled back and I crawled under the covers with him before I rolled to him and draped my leg over his hips, feeling him shudder slightly. "Jessie. Not cool." He groaned through his teeth.

"No, you're not fine. Now as the medic of the team, I'm ordering you to fix that." I replied flatly but with a slight hint of amusement in my voice because he had to follow orders if I gave them for medical reasons. His eyes moved to me but he didn't move and I narrowed my eyes at him but he remained quiet, unmoving, almost cold. "Now MacTavish…or I'll do it for you." I whispered as I shuffled right up to his ear, my nose brushing against him slightly.

His hands were on my leg immediately, gripping it tightly as he groaned in his chest. "You're a fuckin witch." He grumbled quietly and something in me clicked over. Like it had that day I'd worked him up and I smiled softly against his neck, deciding that fuck it, I would fucking do it for him if he wasn't going too and I was going to enjoy it.

I moved my hand, slowly walking my fingers over his chest and up the opposite side of his neck, feeling his chest rise as his breathing became heavier, before I placed a gentle kiss against his jawline, feeling his hands twitch on my thigh. My fingers gently brushed against his neck, up behind his ear and back down while I grazed my lips over his jawline, nipping him gently before I moved my leg off him and slipped my hand down his stomach to his pants.

FEAR IS FOR THE WEAK [GHOST//SOAP X OC]Where stories live. Discover now