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A/N … I appreciate every single one of you who have stumbled upon this story of mine and would be absolutely grateful if you could leave a like or sneaky comment on this. It helps me know I'm on the right path but also keeps me motivated to write more stories like this.
Much love. 》


We were in the back of Nikolai's c17, how the hell they got it here and out still had me stumped but I wasn't arguing with it, it was so nice to be back in this bloody thing.

I still hadn't allowed myself to accept that I was out. That they had come for me and we had made it out, alive. All of us.

But so had Makarov. Ivan had said he was gone and I thought he meant dead but no one had killed him and when we got close enough to the garage, I realised his car was missing, the fucker had escaped!

"Jessie?" I spun to Price, seeing his eyes studying me carefully, full of worry and pain and I tried not to cry, but of all of them to look at me that way, it hit harder because it was Price, because he never showed emotions like this, his worry like this and I cracked, tears falling from my eyes instantly as my legs gave out but he caught me, dropping to his knees with me as he pulled me into a hug.

Which just made me cry harder, as my arms wrapped around his neck. He never hugged. NEVER. And I knew why he was. Fear. "I wasn't sure you would come." I sobbed, feeling his arms tighten around me.

"I leave no man behind Jessie. There was no way we would leave you behind." He replied quietly, and I nodded, knowing he really wouldn't. He hadn't left Johnny behind when he got captured. I just thought I'd be different, because it was me for them and I felt guilty at that thought, because any of them could have died getting me back. "We got you Jessie." He whispered before he pulled me to my feet and slowly pulled back.

I smiled weakly at him, wiping my eyes before he grabbed my face and kissed my forehead softly. Just like a fucking father. Oh he was too much sometimes, no wonder he never showed emotions like this to us, it was nearly too much. He led me back to the rest of the team, I had yet to acknowledge them properly, to allow myself to in case I woke up back in that room but Gaz stood and grabbed my face, making me look at him.

"Just a scratch princess." I smiled stupidly as his eye ran over the cut on my cheek before his frown disappeared and he pulled me into a hug, a big, warm, fuzzy, Kyle Garrick hug and god I had missed these. I sank into him, hugging him back tightly, just embracing him in silence because words right now, I had none for them all and he was saying enough with his hug.

When he finally let me go, Roach was up instantly, hugging me properly and I giggled stupidly as I hugged him back, hearing his tiny whisper in my ear and I nodded, kissing his cheek as we parted before I looked at the other 3 still seated. My three. My small team I'd been with for the last week and guilt hit me, seeing them looking at me. Guilt for letting myself get caught. For not killing Makarov, and for telling them to just leave.

"I'm so sorry." I cried out, dropping my head to my hands before I felt warmth on my right, and then my left, and then I was being slightly crushed. I looked up, realising all three were embracing me and I giggled out before I slipped from their grip. "One at a time, don't fucking suffocate me again." I said playfully, trying to lighten the mood but I saw Ghosts eyes and grabbed his wrist. "Sorry, too soon." I smiled softly at him before König scooped me up and hugged me tightly.

I squeezed him back, missing him terribly. "Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass wir dich wiedersehen würden, schön. Es tut mir so leid, dass wir das zugelassen haben." He said quietly and I heard the crack in his voice. Was he crying?

FEAR IS FOR THE WEAK [GHOST//SOAP X OC]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ