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《 A/N … I appreciate every single one of you who have stumbled upon this story of mine and would be absolutely grateful if you could leave a like or sneaky comment on this. It helps me know I'm on the right path but also keeps me motivated to write more stories like this.
Much love. 》


“Well dinner was a raging success.” I giggled next to Johnny in the passenger seat while he drove back to mine. Price had given him the week off and he had already packed a bag and picked the 4x4 truck instead of the sedan this time. I did wonder why but I decided to not ask, instead I just wanted to see if he’d mention why or if there was a particular reason.

He smiled slightly and I leant forward, looking at him until he looked at me. “Sorry…I’m still pissed Roach kissed you, again.” He grumbled and I dropped my head to his shoulder while I closed my eyes.

“That’s just Gary…You know he does it because it pisses you off right…but how can you be pissy with him, when you shared a bed and my mouth with Simon?” I questioned him flatly and he tensed slightly before his arm moved and I sat up, preparing to pout when he pulled me closer, wrapping it around me.

“That was totally different Jessie…we discussed that prior to anything happening.” I snorted and sat up, narrowing my eyes at him while I tried not to laugh.

“So you did discuss it? What the fuck, were you two prepared to fuck me at the same time too?” His eyes snapped to me before he hit the brakes, nearly going up the ass end of the car in front and that was what made me lose it laughing. “Oh god…you were!” I dropped back to the window, holding my stomach as I lost it, crying and giggling.

He said no more, even once we made it inside my apartment, he said no more until I punched his arm gently and he spun to me. “It was HIS idea, not mine! I didn’t really like the idea if I’m honest.” He grumbled as I dropped to my bed, pulling my boots off. He stood there, slightly awkwardly and I shook my head at him.

“Now why would you not be into that? I am curious.”

A sighed escaped him as he dropped to the bed next to me, face buried in the pillows. “Because I did not want the first time…I didn’t want him to judge me…he knew you’re body, I don’t…what if I couldn’t…fuck, Johnny shut up.” He groaned out into the pillows and I felt my cheeks heat up along with my lower belly. It was kind of cute that he was so worried about that. I got up and pulled his boots off before I jumped back onto my bed.

“So you pride yourself on getting women off then?” I asked innocently as I laid back down.

“I am not selfish if thats what you're asking.” He rolled his head to me and I bit my lip seeing how serious he was, which only made him frown at me before I reached out and started playing with his hair.

“Duly noted.” I whispered, laying my head down next to his, watching his pupils dilate before he groaned quietly as I dug my fingers into his hair, dragging them over his scalp just how he liked it.

So much was running through my head and I didn’t even know where to start, with trying to voice any of it and even those intrusive thoughts just got stuck in my throat and my mouth closed because I kept coming up with nothing to say, specifically to him.

Truth was, since being around him last week, every inch of me wanted to be around him permanently, and I actually hated how cold my bed had been since he left, but who was I kidding?! I'd lost Simon 4 months ago, and while I had loved him, I knew that deep down, it was never going to happen the way I wanted it to.

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