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A/N … I appreciate every single one of you who have stumbled upon this story of mine and would be absolutely grateful if you could leave a like or sneaky comment on this. It helps me know I'm on the right path but also keeps me motivated to write more stories like this.
Much love. 》




"Hen, we're all good here." Ghost said gruffly into the coms while König and myself exited the building behind him and I watched as König bend down, cleaning his knives off in the snow, seeing the blood seep into it below him as it melted in his gloves. "Hen? How copy?" Ghost said again, a little more agitated and I frowned, looking over to him before my gaze followed his to that cliff Jessie was perched on. "Jessie?" He called out louder and when no reply came again, he took off.

I spun and grabbed König's shoulder before I hauled him to his feet. "Jessie? Jessie? HEN!?" I called down the coms line too as I ran after Ghost, hearing no reply from Jessie myself. "Fuckin hell. Jessie, where are ya? Jessie!" I continued to yell out, hearing Ghost's calls before König joined in, both in English and German but all I wanted to hear was that accent, her voice. God just let her reply, she's taking the piss.

We rounded the top of the cliff and Ghost took off right, the direction Jessie had gone, his feet pounding in the snow and I jogged after him, gun out and loaded, while I heard König cock his behind me. I nearly ran right into Ghost, bumping him slightly before he dropped to his knees and picked up Jessie's vest, spinning to us, his eyes had all but glazed over and I found her pistols and blades buried not a few feet away and I was about to move when we all heard it. A cry through the coms and then-

"Get to the border. Please just go."

It was a whisper, but it was Jessie and she was begging us to go, to leave her behind but Ghost just moved, following the footprints in the snow, his rifle in his hands and I quickly fell into step with him, feeling the tension seeping off him. I was angry. Angry and scared for her, for Jessie. She hadn't even been on the team in the field for more than a month and she had already been captured or worse.

I was right behind Ghost prepared to do whatever necessary to get her back when my phone pinged. "Ghost wait." I called out and grabbed his shoulder but he rounded that anger on me, growling loudly. "I'm fuckin angry too Simon but stop for one second and look." I snapped back before I thrust my phone into his hand. "She set her GPS off, we got her location. And I want her back too but we need to think about this." 

"There is no thinking! I'm getting her back." He yelled back and I was prepared to go toe-to-toe with him but König grabbed us both and shook us before he held a finger to his mouth and pointed up the mountain. 

I frowned and went to argue when I heard that dull thudding sound. "That's a fuckin helicopter!" I called out as Ghost pulled his rifle up and aimed into the air, preparing to fire on it. "Simon!" My hand yanked his rifle down and he stared at me, his eyes were fuckin crazy. "You might hit her." I said more calmly and watched him narrow his eyes before his shoulders dropped. "We need to alert Price and we need to get out of here, once we do that, we can get her back…I'm not leaving her out there, you know I won't." 

"What if she doesn't have hours Johnny?" He questioned gruffly but I heard his voice straining.

"It's Jessie. She will find a way to stay alive, Simon. Trust in her, but if we die here, no one's going to save her, so let's go Lt." I replied sternly, feeling like an ass for ordering him around but without us, she had no chance. I don't know if Ghost realised that but he shrugged off whatever was up his ass and stood up straight before he dialled Price and we went back to the ATVs.

FEAR IS FOR THE WEAK [GHOST//SOAP X OC]Where stories live. Discover now