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《 A/N … I appreciate every single one of you who have stumbled upon this story of mine and would be absolutely grateful if you could leave a like or sneaky comment on this. It helps me know I'm on the right path but also keeps me motivated to write more stories like this. 

Much love. 》


I couldn’t stop bouncing on my feet.

The excitement building inside me needed to come out somehow so bouncing on my feet was all I could do as I waited just inside the main hanger, waiting for the SUV to come back with my team. Rodolfo had left over an hour ago to retrieve them, and the sun was beginning to set, thankfully cooling the weather down so I wasn’t a sweaty nervous wreck when they got here, just nervous.

I felt Ghost behind me, his gaze on me and I turned around, spotting him leaning against the wall, arms lazily folded across his chest, watching me closely and I could read his eyes even from here, spotting a slight smirk hidden under that mask. I poked my tongue at him, scrunching my nose slightly as he kicked off the wall, stalking slowly to me, and I felt my cheeks blush as I watched how he moved, the slight sway in his hips before he stopped in front of me.

“Eyes up Sergeant.” He growled softly, nodding behind me and I spun, watching the SUV pull into the base. My heart skipped a beat as it stopped in front of the hanger and the doors opened, as my eyes scanned my men as they stepped out. Gaz was first out, in his khakis and baseball cap, looking like a bloody college kid or freshly weaned cadet. Price was in his regular blue button shirt and cargo pants with that dorky brimmed hat on, quietly talking to Rodolfo. Roach climbed out, smiling widely as he spotted me, geared up and ready to go and I smiled back but I scanned for Johnny but he still hadn’t climbed out.

A squeal left me as Gaz bounded up, and scooped me into a big hug, squeezing the crap out of me. “ God I have missed you Hen.” He sighed deeply as he swung me around, and I squeezed him back just as hard, missing him far more than I thought I would have before he put me back down, a huge grin on his face.

“Missed you to Gaz…better have been behaving yourself.” I replied with a slight smirk, my brow raised because as brilliant as he was at being a soldier, he was incredibly bloody cheeky and always up to no good when Price wasn’t watching.

“Always princess.” He pecked my cheek quickly, before he stepped aside, going to Ghost as Price grabbed his shoulder and I smiled softly up at him, seeing a warm smile spread across his face and I wasn’t sure if I should hug him and I actually really wanted to but he grabbed my shoulders, his grip strong but soft.

“Heard you and Ghost have been busy…Sergeant.” I grinned widely, beaming up at him, proud and excited to have a rank and that he obviously was aware, if not responsible for giving me it.

“Only a little bit busy Sir.” I replied. Price let me go and moved to Ghost, patting his shoulder before he, Ghost and Gaz walked off, Alejandro calling out to them.

"SWEETS!" Roach bellowed before he too, picked me up and spun me around, squeezing the air out of me. "Oh god I've missed your face. So much prettier than Johnny and Gaz." He chuckled softly while I giggled, squishing his face in my hands.

He popped me down and I raised a brow at him. "I don't know about that Roach, they are both incredibly handsome." He groaned in frustration, rolling his eyes before I smacked his ass and pointed to the team. "Off you go 'sweetcheeks'." I teased and he pouted but jogged off towards the rest of the team.

“Hey Hen.” I bit my lip, turning slowly back around, my gaze landing on those baby blue eyes, before I scanned his face, spotting the crooked smile and my cheeks heated, the air rushing out of me as I took him in. He was still as handsome as ever, that blue shirt that was nearly too small for his body, showing off his strong built torso and those dark wash jeans that I swear was the only pair he owned.

FEAR IS FOR THE WEAK [GHOST//SOAP X OC]Where stories live. Discover now