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《 WARNING mentions of anxiety attacks.

A/N ... I appreciate every single one of you who have stumbled upon this story of mine and would be absolutely grateful if you could leave a like or sneaky comment on this. It helps me know I'm on the right path but also keeps me motivated to write more stories like this.

Much love. 》


For the rest of the week, I trained hard with Soap. He seemed to enjoy hand-to-hand and had found a way to pull his punches just enough to not hurt me drastically but enough so that I still felt it all, which I was thankful for. Gaz had spoken to Price and told him there was absolutely no reason for me to train with him and Roach with weapons, something about me being too good though he had mentioned that knife work with Ghost would probably be beneficial and to my surprise Price rejected that.

I had made popcorn for a movie night, knowing I had tonight and tomorrow to enjoy relative peace until the team was sent out and I'd be here alone, training with Roach and keeping busy in my office. My blanket was around my shoulders, snuggled up tight in it with just my fingers free as I stuffed some into my mouth, hitting play.

The couch dipped and I looked over, finding Ghost perched in his normal spot. I had gotten used to his presence, well kind of. I no longer felt tense when he would just pop up anywhere, instead it actually became comforting in a really weird way, mainly because he always seemed to be close by I'd learnt. He had been assessing my progress with my training, watching silently in the shadows and it was strange but something I got used to quickly.

I smiled softly at him as his gaze moved to me, but he remained quiet and blank and that too was something I'd grown accustomed to. "What are we watching?" Soap asked as he jumped the back of the couch, taking up most of the space between us and when I went to ask him what he was doing he winked and stole some of popcorn. "Oh Gaz and Roach are already off base with Price."

"What? And no one thought to tell me?!" I growled, preparing to get up but Soap nudged me and I froze, his eyes holding mine.

"They are just getting set up...relax Harrison...ya ain't on the clock until we leave ok." He waved his hand between himself and Ghost and I exhaled deeply as I slumped back into the couch, shuffling to get comfortable until I turned to him.

I handed him the bowl of popcorn and he took it gladly until I pressed my feet into his side and pushed him over, grunting as I struggled to move him but once he was in Gaz's regular spot I quickly moved and laid down, my feet still pressed against Soaps leg. "Thats bloody better." I sighed deeply pulling my blanket tighter around myself.

"The hell it is!" Soap yelled playfully at me. "I am not cuddling Ghost." He grabbed my legs and lifted them, before I felt him move and then he lowered my legs, laying them over his lap. "Thats better." He huffed out and I eyed him closely before I shrugged and turned my attention to the screen.


After the first movie finished I got up to pee, stretching my back out and when I came back in I narrowed a death stare in at Soap, who was grinning cheekily at me. "You prick." I huffed, pouting slightly because he had stolen his spot back, and had one leg up on the couch, lazily back with my damn blanket on. "Right this means war." I threatened him as I stepped closer.

"Aww hear that Ghost, she's threatening me." Soap said smugly and Ghost turned his head to me, his eyes watching me intently before something crossed them and for once I understood it.

Before Soap could even question the grin that crossed my face, I launched over the back of the couch and landed on him, pinning him under the blanket with my legs while I began tickling his sides. "No...NO Harrison don't! SIMON YOU TRAITOR!" He squealed out, trying not to laugh himself but I was laughing maniacally as my fingers dug into his ribs, feeling him bucking underneath me. "Jessie...seriously."

FEAR IS FOR THE WEAK [GHOST//SOAP X OC]Where stories live. Discover now