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A/N … I appreciate every single one of you who have stumbled upon this story of mine and would be absolutely grateful if you could leave a like or sneaky comment on this. It helps me know I'm on the right path but also keeps me motivated to write more stories like this.
Much love. 》


“Sir?” I questioned Price quietly as I dropped to the table with him, coffee in hand and he looked up at me, slightly concerned and I couldn’t blame him given how anxious I sounded and I was but it wasn't, thankfully, anything to do with the team. “I need to go off base today for an appointment and normally I’d be ok to go alone but I uhh- I.” He gently grabbed my hand, squeezing it as his face softened.

“I don’t want you going anywhere alone for a while. Take whoever you need and tell them thats an order.” He said softly, but sternly and I nodded but remained where I was, slowly drinking my coffee. I didn’t need to leave yet, I’d made my appointment yesterday and had a few hours to kill yet. “Jessie, are you ok?” I turned my gaze back to Price and smiled weakly.

“Honestly Sir…no.” He tensed slightly and I squeezed his hand back. “But I’ve survived worse…I will be ok. Are you?” It had bugged me slightly, how upset he got when he hugged me on the plane. I knew he cared for us all but that, he showed emotions, big time and I worried about him, even when I tried not to, it was my job to be attuned to them and their emotional and mental states as well as their physical states.

He smiled warmly but it didn’t reach his eyes and I raised a brow at him, warning him I knew he was off. “I know I don’t say it enough, but all of you, are very dear to me.” My own face lit up with an overwhelmed smile. Because that right there, was the equivalent of an ‘I love you all.’

I got up and finished my cup before I quickly washed it and as I went to leave, I stood behind Price before I hugged him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, his own hands coming up to hold my wrists. “We love you too Sir.” I whispered softly before I kissed his cheek and let him go, leaving the common room to find Johnny.

There were only a handful of places he could be. The range, his room, or the gym and I found him in the latter, working up one hell of a sweat with the rest of the guys and while I did have places to be, watching them, all sweaty and jacked up, well, I did have time to spare. So I put all the training on being stealthy that Ghost had given me to good use and carefully entered the gym, setting up on one of the benches at the back of the room and laid down on my stomach, watching them all.

I know. So wrong of me to oogle at them all but can you really blame me? I mean would any women give up the opportunity to watch 5, incredibly good looking guys work out? Especially these guys?

Gaz never went topless but he never needed too. His shirts were always soaked through, like it currently was while he was busy jogging on the treadmill, with Roach on the one next to him, and I could have sworn they were silently competing, Roach of course matched Gaz, he just had a thing about being topless, even cleaning him up in my office was a tall order for him if it required removing it, though it was definitely psychological because the guys body was immaculate.

König was busy bench pressing and when I saw the weight on the bar, well fuck did my eyes fall out of my head. The dude was so strong I reckon he could actually crush a mans head with his hands. No one even bothered spotting him because he lifted it with such ease, he could probably lift it one handed and still not break a sweat.

And then my eyes moved to Ghost and Johnny, both on the mat, sparring, and both without a shirt on. Oh those naughty thoughts that ran through my head watching them. It was an effort to remain calm and not give away I was in here.

FEAR IS FOR THE WEAK [GHOST//SOAP X OC]Where stories live. Discover now