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A/N … I appreciate every single one of you who have stumbled upon this story of mine and would be absolutely grateful if you could leave a like or sneaky comment on this. It helps me know I'm on the right path but also keeps me motivated to write more stories like this.
Much love. 》


We had eaten, packed and cleaned the building, preparing for our earlier departure in the morning.

The boys had gone to bed but I was still cleaning the dishes when I heard my phone buzz once. A message. I ignored it, emptying the sink before I dried and put the dishes away, only once the kitchenette looked spotless did I pick my phone up and look at what had been sent.

Snapchat message from Gaz. I smiled wickedly and opened it.

“How come you got lumped with Ghost and Soap? And who the hell is that GIANT? Why did I get stuck with ‘dad’, and Roach but you got all the fun?” I dropped to the couch and sighed deeply before I replied.

“Hey…’dad’ is fun too and so is Roach. The big guy is König. And as for being ‘lumped’ with them…I wasn’t. Stop being a baby, we will go on a mission together soon enough but right now we need to be spread out and Price knows who works with who the best so I’m with Ghost and Soap. Luv you Gazzy-poo.”

I knew he would either reply immediately or it would be a few hours to days before he did again so I got up and quietly entered the bedroom I was sharing with Ghost, trying not to wake him as I slipped my bra and pants off before I climbed into bed. Johnny and I had put the mattresses back this morning, back on their respective frames and he had asked if I was sure I'd be ok, sharing a room with Ghost again. I wasn’t even sure but there was nothing we could do about it.

My phone buzzed again but I ignored it. We would be up and out of here by 0900 tomorrow and it was already 10 pm so I needed to sleep, or try to. I rolled over, facing Ghost and froze as my eyes landed on his, he was staring at me. “I didn’t mean to wake you.” I whispered. Probably should have just slept on the couch so I didn’t wake him.

“You didn’t.” He replied gruffly and I sat up, instantly worried I had actually woken him and he was just saying I hadn't to keep the peace or something. “I was waiting for you.” He growled lowly and a shiver ran down my spine as my skin prickled and my lower belly heated.

I watched him as he turned his face to mine, no black paint around his eyes, just his regular balaclava on and saw the smirk clear as day under it. “Why were you waiting for me?” I asked as quietly as a whisper and he tilted his head slightly at me, almost like he was confused why I was asking that. But I truly didn’t know, it’s not like he had waited because he wanted to cuddle me or anything. Did he?

“Stand up.” It was a gentle command and I wanted to stay in my bed but I stood up slowly, watching him assess me intently until he moved over in his bed and nodded to the gap next to him. My face scrunched slightly, confused with his actions. Did he really want to cuddle? Was he really giving me that? Did he really stay awake for me?

A low rumble sounded in his chest and I bit the inside of cheek, my fingers fidgeting with the hem on his shirt as I spotted his eyes narrow slightly at me. There was something in that look, the one I couldn’t quite read and it made me shudder slightly before I took a hesitant step forward and another, and then I was standing at the edge of his bed, looking down at him as he stared back up at me. "Are you ok? After earlier? With König?" I asked quietly, nervously. I had checked on both Johnny and König but I hadn't had a chance to check up on Ghost.

FEAR IS FOR THE WEAK [GHOST//SOAP X OC]Where stories live. Discover now