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《 A/N … I appreciate every single one of you who have stumbled upon this story of mine and would be absolutely grateful if you could leave a like or sneaky comment on this. It helps me know I'm on the right path but also keeps me motivated to write more stories like this.
Much love. 》


The smell of coffee woke me up, and I stretched, groaning loudly as I did before my eyes finally managed to open and I looked at my bedside table, spotting a cup still steaming, just sitting there and I frowned slightly as I sat up, kind of confused before I heard clanging and banging coming from the kitchen along with some scottish swearing and I giggled slightly, remembering that Johnny had stayed. “Are you ok out there?” I asked out to him as I sat up, then grabbed my cup and had a sip, sighing in appreciation for how truly amazing it tasted.

Johnny appeared at the door, leaning his arm above his head on the doorframe, looking a little frantic before he smiled widely. I noticed he was sweating a little and I instantly threw my legs off the edge of the bed, frowning at him. “NO!” He rushed in, waving his arms at me. “It’s not ready, so sit.” He tried to order me but I nearly choked on my drink with how adorable it was.

“Ok, ok.” I replied quietly and sat back down on my bed, folding my legs. “But I am going to have to teach you how to order people around…Gaz and Roach were right, you’ve gone soft.” I poked my tongue at him cheekily and I don’t know what it was but something in his stare changed over and he approached me completely calm but seriously before he grabbed my drink and put it on the table again and I went to argue before he turned back to me and grabbed my chin.

“You will sit here, and you will wait until I am done…is that understood?” His voice went so low and so serious that I actually couldn’t repsond, I was just completely fucking shocked and I knew my cheeks had heated slightly but he didn’t let me go. “Is that, understood?” He asked more gruffly and I felt my entire body melt into his hand.

“Crystal Sir.” I replied, barely a whisper but his lips curved slightly before he smirked and I shuddered slightly.

“Good…now you just stay here, like the good girl you are.” He purred before he let me go and left back out to the kitchen. I fucking melted right there on my bed, falling back as I held my chest, trying to calm my heart rate down. I knew he was a hardass when he needed to be but that! Oh he fucking knew what he was doing with that and I bloody played right into it. 

I laid there for a while, trying to breathe deeply as I got my heart to slow just enough that I could sit up and finish the coffee he had made me. Wait? What the fuck was he doing? He made me coffee, and I could smell food. Was he really making me breakfast? After this weekend? And how I had been treated him over the last 3, nearly 4 months? Guilt hit me again because it should have been me making him breakfast, not the other way around. 

“Jessie, its ready.” I heard him call out a few minutes later and I jumped up, empty cup in hand before I hurried out of my room and into the living area, where I found him, standing by the kitchen bench, looking rather proud of himself and as I moved closer I could see why.

“Fucking hell Johnny…you went all out.” I exclaimed as I took in the full plate in front of me. He had done, eggs, bacon, tomatoes, sausages, hash browns, mushrooms, toast and baked beans. I dropped the chair as I looked at it all before I looked over my shoulder at him, tears in my eyes. He leant down and wiped them away gently before he kissed my cheek.

“Only the best for my girl.” He said quietly before he sat down next to me and I scrunched my nose at him. “Sorry…you know what I mean though.” He added, having seen my displeasure for him calling me ‘his girl’, because I was not ready for that shit yet. Or at least I think I wasn’t ready for this, breakfast and coffees and kisses and the cuddling and-

FEAR IS FOR THE WEAK [GHOST//SOAP X OC]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt