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《 A/N … I appreciate every single one of you who have stumbled upon this story of mine and would be absolutely grateful if you could leave a like or sneaky comment on this. It helps me know I'm on the right path but also keeps me motivated to write more stories like this. 

Much love. 》


Warmth was radiating near my hand and I frowned slightly before I felt the brush of flesh against mine and I inhaled sharply, feeling Ghost's hand right there. Had he purposely done that? Would he do that? Would he really be open to being that close to me like that? Just as my brows relaxed, a smile playing on my lips, I felt his pinky finger reach out to mine, gripping it softly and I turned to him, eyes opening to find his already on me.

"What…are you doing?" I questioned him quietly.

He looked up at the ceiling and his eyes softened slightly. "Touch calms your nerves. Johnny does it all the time." His reply was so blunt, so honest that I nearly skipped over what he'd said and I tensed slightly.

"You can't just say that and expect me to just roll over and go to bed." I huffed. "And he doesn't 'touch' me Ghost, he grounds me, big bloody difference."

"You talk too much." My brows narrowed again on him. He was making my head hurt, being nice but also an ass. "Ground yourself with me." It was quiet yet gruff the way he said it and while I wanted to argue with him, I found myself rolling towards him instead.

A scoff left my mouth as I assessed him and his eyes snapped open. "No way in hell, Ghost would allow anyone to use him to ‘ground’ themselves…you wouldn't cope with it." I knew I was dancing a dangerous line here but I didn't care, he had pushed my buttons enough, now it was my turn.

"Because I don't like touch." He was so blunt with that reply, so dry with its delivery that I suddenly felt very uneasy, like he was taunting me again and I went to argue but he moved, pulling me to him, into his arms before he spun me, and I gasped slightly, realising he was holding me, hugging me, big spoon style. "Shut your mouth and go to sleep. " He said quietly, his right arm wrapped lazily around my waist, while my head rested on his left.

"No! You just want people to fear you so no one tries to get close because you worry if they do what? They won't like you, the real you…or do you fear intimacy? Because it means showing your weaknesses to someone…or because it's easier to keep people at arms length so if they leave, it doesn't hu-"

His hand came up so quickly, covering my mouth that it took me a while to register he'd even done it and I growled deeply, letting him know I was unimpressed. "I will gag you." He threatened me quietly. The alcohol in my system was making me far more cocky than I would ever be, especially with him, with my superior officer yet that didn't stop me from sticking my tongue out and licking his palm.

Instead of letting me go like I was hoping he would do, because who likes having their hand licked am I right. No, instead of letting me go and complaining, his left arm came up and wrapped around my waist as he held me tightly against him, nearly squeezing the air out of me. I tried moving but he had a death grip on me and I couldn't even move my arms because he'd pinned them too so I growled, deeply in my throat, warning him to let me go.

"You think you know me Harrison." His voice rumbled dangerously next to my ear and my eyes widened slightly, knowing he could feel how hot my cheeks were. "You don't know me." I felt him move closer, his balaclava brushing against my ear and I squeezed my eyes shut, my heart pounding in my chest. "Now…close your mouth and go to sleep." He released me, his hand slipping from my mouth and I inhaled shakily, not knowing what to do and words, words had escaped me.

FEAR IS FOR THE WEAK [GHOST//SOAP X OC]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu