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A/N ... I appreciate every single one of you who have stumbled upon this story of mine and would be absolutely grateful if you could leave a like or sneaky comment on this. It helps me know I'm on the right path but also keeps me motivated to write more stories like this.
Much love. 》


"Harrison? Harrison...Jessie. Oi, Jessie." I squirmed and stretched, confused why I could hear Soap in my room. Room. My eyes shot open and I realised I was not in my room, I was in Johnny's. "Why the hell ya still in my bed?" My head rolled to him, my nose scrunching up the moment I saw that cheeky fucking look in his eyes, matched with a cheeky grin and I smacked his chest as I sat up, groaning slightly as my head spun. "Take it easy...I was just takin the piss." He said softly behind me and I nodded as I dropped back down, rolling up against him and let his heat warm me up.

"Did you sleep ok?" I mumbled quietly.

His arm came down around me and I shuddered slightly at how warm it was against my back. "Like a rock...how bout you?" I rolled from him, hugging his arm instead and he chuckled softly before he rolled over, hugging me gently. "One thing I'll give being brought up in the cold, I'm a walking heater."

"So warm...I slept great actually...sorry I was going to leave but I ended up passing out." He squeezed me gently and I sank back into him. "Seems like you ain't complaining though." A low hum escaped him and I felt so very at peace where I was, my eyes growing heavy again and I was nearly about to drift off when someone knocked aggressively on the door.

"Soap! Harrison is missing." I choked on a giggle, before I felt Johnny struggling not to laugh behind me. "JOHNNY!"

"Ugghh." Soap got up, and I instantly went rigid as I watched him swaying slightly before he opened the door, rubbing his face. "She's right here Simon fuck, don't panic." I sat up, blinking against the lights from outside and smiled crookedly at Ghost who looked between the two of us and huffed, leaving. "Ahhh, big baby." Soap groaned as he closed the door and came back to the bed, dropping to it face first. "He's going to give me so much shit for this now."

"Why the fuck was he so worried? And how did he know I wasn't in my room? And why won't he talk to me?" I questioned, pouting before I got up and made my way to his door. "Get up slacker, you need to eat and rehydrate before tomorrow." I grumbled quietly before I exited his room and went straight to my own, hissing at the corridor lights.


My arms were folded across my chest as I watched Ghost and Johnny gearing up and it hit me how lonely this place was going to become. I had, in a week, grown so attached to the team, especially Johnny and knowing that they were going out into danger, and I wasn't there to help, it tore at me but until I was ready, I had to remain behind. Ghost stepped up to me and I smiled weakly. "Please be careful out there." I said softly before he slipped past me, and I sighed as I watched him go before I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned back to Johnny.

"Ay...chin up Hen, it's us...we'll be fine." He said softly, trying to calm me but it did the opposite and I threw myself into his arms, feeling him hug me back.

"You just jinxed it you idiot." I whispered before I let him go, my chest sore from crushing it against his vest. "Just be careful." I sighed before I followed him out to the tarmac where the plane was waiting for them. He hurried after Ghost and as he climbed up onto the tailgate I felt tears threaten my eyes but I bit them back and the moment the tailgate lifted, I went back inside, unable to watch it leave with my team, instead I went to my room to cry like the stupid baby I was being.

FEAR IS FOR THE WEAK [GHOST//SOAP X OC]Where stories live. Discover now