20. . . . I LOVE YOU

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《 A/N … I appreciate every single one of you who have stumbled upon this story of mine and would be absolutely grateful if you could leave a like or sneaky comment on this. It helps me know I'm on the right path but also keeps me motivated to write more stories like this.
Much love. 》

I sat in the bathroom for 5 minutes, just taking deep breaths to calm my nerves, calm the mess in my head, before I slowly got up, washed my face with cold water and went back out to find Johnny to figure out what we were doing for dinner.

The building was quiet, oddly quiet and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as I checked the living area, seeing no one there. It was odd, incredibly odd so I quietly made my way to the bedrooms, knocking on König's room first and when no reply came I opened the door, finding it empty before I moved to Ghost and Johnny's room, knocking quietly. "What?!" That was Johnny's voice but he sounded pissed, if not slightly startled.

"I couldn't find anyone, fucking sorry." I replied bluntly, preparing to walk away when I heard a thud followed by a quiet bunch of Scottish cursing before the door opened and Johnny smiled crookedly at me, his cheeks slightly flushed and he was panting. "Oh god!" My own cheeks heated immediately as I threw my hand to my face, covering my eyes, embarrassed for him and myself. "I'm just- uhhh shit- I'll leave you to it." My voice cracked but his loud laugh grabbed my attention and I opened my fingers, peeking at him through them.

He was doubled over, laughing at me. "Hell Jessie! I was doing sit ups!" My hand dropped immediately before I narrowed my eyes at him, then dropped down and tackled him back into the room, catching him off guard and slammed him into the floor, hearing the wind rush out of him. I didn't even give him time to catch his breath before I started tickling him, jabbing his ribs because I knew how much he hated it and I felt like getting him back.

A yelp left him before he started laughing, gasping and practically squealing out. "That's what you get, MacTavish! Don't laugh at a woman's discomfort, you prick." I giggled evilly as my hands moved over his stomach, his shirt had lifted and my fingers dug into his bare flesh, feeling the sweat under my palms. "Suffer!"

This was something we hadn’t done in months. We used to sparr all the time, he had enjoyed teaching me new moves or improving what I already knew but on the odd occasion we'd just have fun, stupid fun. Like tickle fights. And god did I miss that, missed the innocence of base, of how easy the job was there but this, right now was what I'd trained for but why was it making me question myself?

He grabbed my arms, somehow getting the upper hand and I snarled at him playfully, struggling in his iron grip before I stopped holding myself up, dropping my ass to his crotch and felt his grip loosen enough for me to pin his wrists to the floor next to his head. He stopped fighting. His eyes darting between mine, his chest heaving as he panted, and I smiled in victory, before I leant forward and kissed his forehead quickly. "Did you really think I was, you know?" He asked quietly. I sat back, giggling stupidly as I let his wrists go.

"Having a wank." I replied bluntly and his cheeks heated slightly. I was about to say more before his hands moved up my thighs, slowly grabbing my ass and I froze, looking back down at him, frowning slightly. My body heated, sending a shiver down my spine which caused me to physically shudder and his fingers twitched against me, before he let me go and I quickly got up, helping him to his feet. "So where is everyone anyway?" I finally asked, straightening my shirt out, ignoring that heat inside myself.

"König said something about last minute jobs and I think Lt went for one of his long ass walks. Why?" I tapped my knuckles to my chin, deep in thought before I heard the bedroom door close, locking, and I looked up, my eyes landing on Johnny standing at the door. My brows drew together at him, at the door before he moved to me, swiftly grabbing my face and I inhaled sharply, feeling him pull me closer until our noses brushed against each other. "Jessie." His voice was raspy, lustful and I shuddered again before I grabbed his shirt, tugging him closer.

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