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A/N ... I appreciate every single one of you who have stumbled upon this story of mine and would be absolutely grateful if you could leave a like or sneaky comment on this. It helps me know I'm on the right path but also keeps me motivated to write more stories like this.

Much love. 》


Someone cleared their throat behind me and I startled out of my trance on the paperwork.


I squealed as I spun around, and I went to scold him for scaring me like that until I saw the state he was in. I hadn't even scented the metallic tinge in the air, but I should have because he was covered in blood, so much blood and I prayed stupidly that it wasn't all his. "How bad is it?" My voice dropped off, my eyes scanning him before I looked up into his. Something in them made me move to the door and close it, giving him privacy before I grabbed gauze, solution, a needle and sutures then donned my gloves and sat down in front of him.

This was the first time he'd ever been in here, or needed to see me and even though I was nervous, I forced it aside because this was my role here and given everything I had done and still not lost my position, I wasn't about to lose it because I couldn't keep my cool around him. I could feel the tension in the room and it was killing me especially because he just sat there. "Come on...you don't need permission to remove your gear Lt...I can't fix you if you don't." I said softly but sternly.

He removed his vest, dropping it to the bed next to him before he got up, and I pushed my stool back a bit, giving him room before he turned and slowly pulled his hoodie off his body. My eyes took in his back, how even under his shirt, I could tell he took care of himself, watching his muscles tense and contract as he slipped his head out of the hoodie before his fingers gripped the hem of his shirt and I felt my cheeks heat as he pulled that up his back, pulling it over his head.

I gasped slightly, before frowning at the scars that covered his back. I knew some of them weren't just from the job, I knew he had a troubled past but these scars just proved how truly horrible it had been. He turned back around slowly and my eyes took in the fresh wounds on his beautifully chiselled torso before I instinctively reached out to him, catching myself before I grabbed some gauze and soaked it, looking up at him. With anyone else on the team I didn't need permission to do my job but with Ghost, it felt wrong not to have his consent.

A simple nod was all I got from him so I took that as my permission and gently started cleaning him up, starting on his shoulders and chest, going through more gauze than I'd like before I had to move lower over the panes of his stomach, where I found more scars and a bullet graze on his left side. I knew I was frowning, because it just left me utterly gobsmacked that Ghost could ever be injured, he was a legend after all, yet here he was, just a man in need of stitching up.

His left side I could only wrap up but I worked silently and he remained quiet, unmoving, not even flinching when I pierced his skin with the needle, which didn't exactly surprise me. At one point, while stitching the cut on his right peck, my gaze moved up where I found him, his eyes watching me intently and I felt my cheeks heat slightly as I studied them briefly, the most gorgeous shade of brown I'd ever seen. Dark yet bright. Cold yet warm. It was like looking into a pool of shadows that somehow blended into honey. So many mysteries laid behind those eyes and all that, hidden behind his skull mask and balaclava.

They seemed to soften slightly the longer I stared into them until I remembered what I was doing and dropped my head back to my hands, focusing on stitching him up. "Ok...all done." I croaked, sliding my stool back before I got up, and cleaned everything before I froze and spun around. "Shit...do not put any of that back on." I warned him.

FEAR IS FOR THE WEAK [GHOST//SOAP X OC]Where stories live. Discover now