Growing Pains: Part 1

Start from the beginning

At first, Duncan was a bit rigid because he wasn't expecting to get a hug from her at that moment, but not a second or two later, (Y/n) felt his posture quickly relaxed as he smiled and hugged her back. The two of them stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other's company in a comfortable silence before they let each other go. "I should probably head in then. I'll see you tomorrow?" (Y/n) asked, taking Duncan's jacket off of her shoulders as she gave it back to him with a shy smile on her face, "Thanks for lending me your jacket by the way."

"No problem. And yea, I'll see you tomorrow, (N/n)," Duncan replied and he felt his heart skipped a beat as he watched (Y/n) tiptoed and gave him a quick kiss on his lips. "Goodnight," he heard her whispered softly and watched her started to walk away with a sweet smile on her face as Duncan slowly let her hand go. "Goodnight," he called back dreamily with a fond smile on his face, watching her wave at him one last time before she went into the house.

And after making sure that she was safely inside her house, a sigh of relief escaped from his lips as he started walking his way back towards his home as well.


Meanwhile, a pair of glowing eyes watched Duncan and (Y/n) say goodnight to each other and part their ways from the shadows, making sure to keep itself hidden away from Duncan's keen kaiju senses as it watched him walk away.

At first, it merely followed Duncan from the desert to settle the score, but now, it has changed its mind as its eyes have landed on a much better target. And it continued to stay hidden in the shadows and watched the (h/c) haired girl move around the house through the windows, waiting for the perfect chance to strike.


Back With Our Fire Breather,

Duncan was still on his way back to his house, lost in his thoughts when he stumbled upon a scene that made him do a double-take at what he saw.


Leo was escorting an injured Kenny who looked pretty beaten up alone on the streets, helping Kenny stand with one arm over his shoulders.

Instantly becoming worried, Duncan immediately went to help Leo with helping Kenny stand just as the two turned their attention to him. "Oh...Hey, Duncan," Kenny greeted solemnly, letting Duncan put his other arm over his shoulder.

"What happened to you, Kenny? Who did this to you?" Duncan asked worriedly narrowing his eyes. "It's...a long story, man," Kenny replied weakly with a groan which only concerned Duncan even more. "Let's get him to my place first and patch him up, first. It's only a little far from here. We can talk when we get there," Leo suggested and Duncan nodded as the three of them started heading towards Leo's place.

A minute or two later, they finally reached to Leo's house and Duncan carried Kenny inside as Leo opened the door for them and let them inside. "Alright. Stay here, I'll go get some ice pack for Ken in the kitchen," Leo said and quickly disappeared into the kitchen before they could say anything.

Duncan carefully helped Kenny sit on the sofa and gave Kenny some space as they waited for Leo who came back after a minute or two later with an ice pack wrapped in a thin towel in his hand, "Here, put this on your cheek, Kenny."

"Thanks, Leo," Kenny replied, giving Leo a grateful smile as he took the ice pack and pressed it against his cheek, letting out a small groan in pain. "So, what happened to you, guys?" Duncan asked again with concern flashing in his eyes and Leo turned his attention to him as he started to explain. "Well, long story short, I found Kenny being beaten up by some guys while I was on my way back from the store so. I beat them back. And Kenny said he can't go back to his house tonight so, I was bringing him back to my place when we met you. Anyway, make yourself at home, you both. I am gonna go clean up the guest room real quick and be right back," he said and turned to leave while rolling his sleeves up.

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