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Hazel's pov:

After waking up in the afternoon, and getting a shower and wearing some decent clothes like a light blue dress, reaching my calf, which had baby pink and light red colored roses with light green leaves.

I walked into the kitchen being hungry as fuck, and saw Jin being busy cooking something. "What are you doing here?" he asks tuning towards me, after noticing my presence in the kitchen, his back was facing me, he heard my footsteps probably, the stiletto making sounds which are annoying as fuck. Who even wears them in home? I wear some boots, or converse highs or some flip flops. No heals which make running hard as hell.

"Yeah, good afternoon to you too Mr. Kim" I deadpanned; he rolled his eyes and repeated the same question.

"Thought of taking a tour in kitchen and might as well help. What are you cooking today?" I offered, I know how to cook, I learnt it since my early teenage, and my mother was a great cook. And I used to cook when I and the girls used to stay together in our shared apartment which was too big that it was – undoubtedly – a whole floor in an apartment here in Seoul. "You know how to cook? I was trying some Italian dishes anyway" my eyes lit up, and my hands started to move on its own, but I had to shove them down in my pockets to not to take over his place and start cooking. Yes, my dress has pockets, good enough to keep my phone into, which I don't have here.

"Yes I do know how to cook, and I might help you a bit with the Italian cuisine. No, a lot with it, I know almost every Italian dish" I managed to hide me excitement when he agreed to let me cook. He handed me a pink apron, similar to his while I took my hair in my hand and tied it into a pony tail with the scrunchie I had in my hand. Thank god that I always used to have it around my wrist, in case of emergency you know.

"So what are we cookin'?" I asked, trying to sound as American, but failing, and getting a moment for us to laugh at that. "Lasagna and Panzenella and mushroom Risotto. Did you ever hear of them?" is this guy insane? I not only heard about that but those are my favorite ones among others. Well, he doesn't know that I'm Italian, too bad, or he'd have known that I know how to cook them better than him probably. "I do know how to cook, very well" I reply and wear the apron and asked him to get me the ingredients, veggies, cheese, chicken, butter, milk, bread, ribbon pasta tomatoes and other things necessary for the items to get cooked and give the best taste.

My mother used to cook Lasagna every month and Panzenella too. She'd cook all three items together on my birthday with Bruschetta, I loved everything she made, I would devour it every day if she'd cook food for me daily, call me fangirling, but I love the food made by my mother and I always used to make my classmates – especially Leonardo and Givenra – jealous of having a person who cooks probably the best in the whole world as my mother. They were my best friends, but things changed since last few years, we haven't talked with each other since then. I turned twenty and then my father made me –

"How do you know so well about these foods, hazel? Are you some sort of genie?" he asked, making a small joke of me, I smiled on the memories of my mother yelling at me to stop entering the kitchen, because, she always supported my aim of becoming a cardiologist – which, I am now, but that's not what I want to say about – and said that these things are distractions, I could always find her for me to cook anything I wanted. And she was scared after my friend, Liliana, burnt herself so bad, that she almost died. Almost. If it weren't for Leonardo who went to her home to return her notes which I took from her, as I didn't attend school when I got my first periods and she was the only person in my friend circle – me, Givenra, Leonardo and Liliana – who could be trusted with notes, since these fuckers never attend class, even if they do, they were never attentive towards teacher, and she was the only person with whom I had many of my classes.

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