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Hazel's pov: 

"Leonardo?" i ask, yeah i know him, since diaper days, our parents are best friends and it's obvious that we would be knowing each other, we're best friends. We share every ups and downs with each other and you'd never imagine that we even used to share things like losing a pencil with each other, sounds cringe right? But's that's the truth, I love him, and he loves me, but we're not 'in love' with each other, we had to part our ways five years ago when my father bought me to Russia, and he stayed in Italy since he was there since he was born.

"Come stai?" (how're you?) he asks me bringing me back to reality while hugging the shit outta me.

"Sono buono. E tu?" (im good. What about you?) i asks him in return before breaking our hug.

"Glad that you didn't forget italian in these five years" he says.

"Oh! Even I'm glad that you didn't forget me in these five years" i deadpan him rolling my eyes and we both laugh.

 "You know, im married, to girl of my dreams" i am happy to hear that.

"That's really nice, im happy for both of you, but I guess that your wife, Mrs. Givenra Leonardo Rossi is having a hard time in handling you, right" I joke.

"What? No! Ci capiamo and how do you know it's her?" (we understand each other) he asks dramatically which makes me laugh again.

 "Hey, I know you're an old hag, but as far as i remember, you have a sharp memory, she was my classmate in school wasn't she? And you were always heads over heels for her though we -including you - were best of friends" i say. Yeah we were in different classes, he's two years older than me, and his girlfriend, i mean wife, was a good friend of mine and like I said, we shared everything, he said me that he loves her.

  He pouts but turns his face into a serious one, such a swing,   "Hey, i know what you are doing, like what you were doing these past five years, uhh, what your father is making you do." he says out of a sudden bringing me back to where i was left in mission and then i realize that Pres is alone with that Jeon guy, i give him a sad smile and he huggs me before going towards a black ferrari which was parked few meters away from here.  I decide to text Prescilla.

But, wait, no phone in my hand? Didn't i bring it here? Shit! I left it at the counter of the bar, I slapped my forehead, and make my way inside again, and i bump in another person, again.


I look at his face before saying something and i see my old friend.


"Taehyung?" i know he's a mafia too but you know, i can't do anything to my friend.

"How did you come here?" he asked me.

 "Come where?"

 "In this club"

 "Why? Shouldn't i come here too?" i said raising my brow.


Just, wait for a few mo-

"No, i mean, wait, you're just playing around, i thought that you really got hurt when i said that" he says, i squint my eyes but give him a warm smile which he returned with his boxy one.

"Uh, hazel, im sorry but i have to do this" he says.

 "do what?" i ask totally confused, he injects  something on my neck and i pass out.

I guess it was me whom they were chasing past these days.

Taehyung's pov: 

"Is the work done?" Jin ask me.

"Yeah it is" I reply dryly.

 "What is it?" he asks.

 "I feel like backstabbing to my friend"

 "Awh come on Tae, she is here to kill us, hired by our enemy gang, remember?" I sigh and Jungkook pulls out the Limousine and we all get in it, also with her.

We reach our home and she wakes up, in her room where we all are sitting in front of her 

 "Where am I? And why am i here?" she speaks, more like a whisper

"You're in our mansion and for a good purpose" a bold voice which belongs to Hoseok said, "Good purpose my ass, tell me why you bought me here" she replied him back.

"What do you want from me?" she asked him.

Hazel's pov:

"What do you want from me?" i asked him, he's more handsome than Jungkook though.

Hazu, once again, It's a mission, you need to concentrate on it, not on the men!

"You don't have money to give us, I know, so give me the information you have" he said.

Pfft, i don't have money? He won't even imagine how much of money a person like me can have, i have millions with me.

"I don't understand what you are talking about" I said, acting unaware of what he asked me, though i know what information he asked me about, "Don't act so innocent woman, all of us know what he is talking about" Yoongi said, what are they thinking about? I'm not the one to spill things.

"Believe or not, i don't know what you are talking about" saying that, i got up, but there was a chain tied to my ankle which stopped me from moving more ahead, i moaned in pain as it started to hurt me. But i again sat on the bed where i was sitting before. 

Yoongi whispered something is Jin's ear and then he motioned everyone to go, now it was only me and yoongi in the room, i observed him for a while, he looked ethereal, i shook of the thoughts and looked at my ankle which had already turned red. He observed my actions and brought some ointment from the bathroom and took some keys out of his pockets and unlocked the chains and applied the ointment "I'm not doing this because you are in pain, it's because you are friend of my best friend and also we don't hurt people we abduct unless they harm us" he said. 

"I don't care" i said and later he took the chain with him, outside the room before pasting a sticky note on the door, which was saying 'come downstairs to have your food at 9pm'

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