𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝖓𝖔 𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖜𝖊𝖗

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When Felix takes the prize from the collection box—trying to hand it to Hyun-Jin, however, the aloha shakes his head no with a shy expression. "It's yours." He says, "I was trying to get it for you."

Felix blinks at Hyun-Jin, then at the Bbokari plushie, taking in the freckles and bartender uniform. "Oh, it is?" He tilts his head—and god Hyun-Jin wants to kiss him right there, though he just nods. "It is. The series reminds me of you." He tells the omega, and Felix lets out a small laugh from that, grinning. "I can see why." He hums to himself, tracing the six freckles on it's face. "I'll be glad to put this on my bed with the other," As Felix says that his lips quirk at the corners, one of his soft smiles pulling at his features; It makes Hyun-Jin feel gooey inside. "You know I got a plush for you too, actually.

That one right there?" Hyun-Jin looks down at his arms when Felix takes all the plushies he had him hold before—all the plushies except the white rodent-looking one (that he thinks looks very similar to a noodle). This is mine?" Hyun-Jin asks softly, holding it out in front of him. Now that he has time to admire it though, he's pretty sure it is a rodent. "Yeah. I got it because it reminded me of you as well. Do you know what a ferret is? They're long and slinky looking—" Felix starts explaining, albeit hesitantly. He doesn't know if Hyun-Jin has an interest in keeping stuffed animals, so he couldn't help but be worried. "—Kind of like you, because you're tall. It has thick eyebrows and a mole under its eye, so I think it matches. Do you like it?"

"I love it, angel. Thank you." Hyun-Jin replies, completely in awe just for the simple fact the omega got him something. He's sure to treasure it forever, as long as he can. "I'll name it Jinret, then." He concludes. "Jinret?" Felix says slowly, trying to make sense of it. "Yes, don't you think it's fitting?" Hyun-Jin questions, putting the rodent plushie's face up to his cheek to show what he's getting at. A ferret and Hyun-Jin; Jinret. It starts to make sense to Felix then, and Chae too, seemingly as she heard them, coming over to point at him with sparkling eyes. "It's perfect!" She says, "Jinnie and his ferret."

The alpha lets out a laugh at her sudden appearance, moreover when his eyes fall onto the vast array of stickers scattered across her cheeks; Stars, hearts, cats, etc, and the bundle of— more —oversized plushies filling her arms, just like Felix's. It seems they went all out with winning things, while Hyun-Jin spent most of his time on one machine, playing it diligently and impatiently to get the Bbokari— but it was worth it in the end; He's content with it in Felix's care; content with the reaction he received; and content with getting another gift in return.

They left shortly after that—satisfied with their prizes; eleven plushies, two funko-pop figurines, and 4 personal cosmetics. Getting in the car with them all was a struggle, Hyun-Jin had to admit, as the ones Chae got were oversized, long, tall, and thick—so he and Felix had to stuff half of them inside the trunk, while putting the other half in the back with her. (To which she gave them seats, buckling them up almost as if they were real people, making sure they were safe before going off.)


The third, and second final place they go to next— was a famous restaurant, specifically picked out by Hyun-Jin for reasons of a no recording or videoing policy, and because everyone kept to themselves and their respective groups, really.

The whole place was large , Felix could tell at least that much by looking at it from the car, but the inside is just...it's something that the exterior of the place doesn't do enough justice to. Right when you walk inside, a red carpet leading to the main reception desk lays flat out; two elegant staircases are placed at the sides leading to the upper floors; and long windows are displayed all around with the relatively open plan to make everything seem all the more spacious. The floors are exceptionally nice, too; shiny marble flooring—and fancy chandeliers hanging from the raised ceiling seem to glisten brightly as he squints up at them; and the large windows in the room exhibit a nice view of the moonlit nighttime in Seoul.

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