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Thanks, I appreciate it." Hyun-Jin mumbles and stands up, rubbing at his arm hoping to relieve the sting of pain her nails left. As he steps out of the room he hears footsteps coming from behind him. "So," Min-ho says with a smile, joining him in his walk to the kitchen. "So, what?" Hyun-Jin questions. "How are you going to deal with this situation?" Minho asks, "We may have gotten the article taken down, but people could've seen it before then." He explains, and Hyunjin raises an eyebrow at him.

"You know what that means right?" Hyun-Jin nods. He does know, but he really doesn't want to think about it- He doesn't want to think about people going after Felix or showing up at his house with Chae-yun there. Right now he just needs to focus on talking to the person who took them instead, including the company.

When they get inside the kitchen, Kkami is there waiting- always lingering around somewhere on the first floor as he never goes upstairs. As Hyun-Jin thinks about that, Felix has never met Kkami before..and that's mainly because Kkami likes to go hide when strangers come over. He should introduce them soon. "Good morning," Hyun-Jin says to the chihuahua softly, reaching down to pick him up and playing with his ears gently. Min-ho sees and gives him time to play with Kkami and makes his cereal for him, pouring fruity pebbles and milk into a glass bowl.

"What time would you like to have the meeting? They said they're okay with any time." Min-ho says and places the bowl in front of Hyun-Jin. He then picks up Kkami and takes a seat next to Hyun-Jin. "As soon as possible." Hyun-Jin answers and his voice comes out sharper than intended. Min-ho doesn't comment on it, understanding that he's upset right now. Who wouldn't be? After all, right when Hyun-Jin woke up he was attacked with a phone in front of his face with disturbing information. Min-ho tried to tell Ryu-Jin and Yeji to wait till he comes out but they insisted otherwise.

"Alright, I'll tell them," Min-ho replies, pulling out his phone to text the company to send the person held accountable. Once it's done, he looks back over at Hyun-Jin. "They'll be here within 30 minutes," Min-ho informs, and Hyun-Jin thanks him quietly. Hyun-Jin wonders if Felix saw the news- but that's a low possibility as he's sure Felix isn't one to be interested in that stuff.

He should text him, just to check on him. Felix is still in heat- and it will get worse the longer it progresses until it's over. He should tell him to make sure he's eating properly, taking medicine, sleeping, and just that he takes care of himself in general while he's not there to help. He knows he's overdoing it and overthinking slightly, but that doesn't stop him from sending the text anyway.



:; Felix, are you doing okay? Please make sure you eat and take care of yourself. If you need anything, let me know.


Is what he texted him. Hyun-Jin didn't expect Felix to reply quickly, since it was still early, about 8:32 in the morning. He's probably still asleep, so he can wait till he wakes up. Min-ho watches from where he sat next to him, a small smirk on his lips "That's so sweet of you." He remarks, and the suddenness of his voice makes Hyun-Jin flinch slightly, dropping his phone onto the table. The unamused look Hyun-Jin gives him doesn't match the redness of his face.

Min-ho lets out a stream of giggles, ones that have Kkami jumping off his lap and running to his room. He can barely speak through his laughter as tears form in his eyes. "Sorry sorry, it's just cute." He finally manages to say, covering his mouth. "mhm, sure." Hyun-Jin mutters, finishing the last bite of his cereal before putting it in the sink. Right as he does that there's footsteps rushing down the stairs, the two Hwang sisters. "Are you done?" They say in unison- and that makes him think they've been waiting till he finished- that they've been listening for the sound of the bowl in the sink.

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