𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓭𝓲𝓯𝓯𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓽𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭 🔞

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🔞 parts in this chapter. If you don't want to read please skip.

//this chapter is shameful and embarrassing, I looked over it after a year and 😟

"I need a favor from you," Iseul responds,  keeping her voice neutral and void of any emotions. "What for?" Jae-hwi presses on, suspicious of the sudden change in her tone. "I can't answer that." She giggles, shaking her head with a small smile, finding everything so amusing. "All you need to know is that I need you to come to Seoul to pay a visit to your freckled omega, simply be around him. Your presence alone is surely enough to cause a scare."

"And why would I listen to you?" Jae asks back, raising his eyebrow.

"Well, I have some very important information and gifts for you!" Her eyes sparkle. "Did you know that after you forcibly assaulted Felix, he got pregnant?"  She blurts out while grinning ear to ear, clapping her hands together, the sound echoing through the phone. "You didn't know that did you?" Iseul continues without waiting for a response from Jae, who stares at the phone screen wide-eyed. "It's a girl."

"Are you— Are you serious?" He mumbles to himself, trying to process what she has just told him. It took him some time but eventually the words sunk in, hitting him right in the face. Felix got pregnant from what happened— and he— he kept it? His stomach churns. If that's the case his life is ruined— he's done for. Who else knows? Did Felix—

"You're thinking pretty hard right now aren't you? Well don't stop because there is more." Iseul interrupts his train of thoughts as if reading them. "Did you also know that he's associated with Hwang Hyun-Jin? It's only a matter of time till Felix tells him about you. What do you think happens then?" She doesn't stop.

Jae-hwi perks up at the name Hwang Hyun-Jin, suddenly alert. Everyone knows about the Hwangs. His grip tightens on the cell phone and his breath hitches slightly. "Why is one of the Hwangs associated with someone like him?" He asks, although it's a question to himself rather than her. Why would Felix even be within rank with them? When did this happen? The thought makes his heart drop.

"You don't need to worry." She finally stops dropping bomb after bomb on him, yet it doesn't make him feel any better. "You'll have all the protection of the Chang family and everything you want to your heart's desire if you follow through with my request." A pause before she continues speaking again. "I'm guessing you'll agree now?"

Jae stays quiet for a few seconds, mulling over her offer. If he says no everything ends for him. If he says yes, he'll be rewarded accordingly and be safe. "I do." He answers. "Good. Now you will meet me at the company "Ace" tomorrow at 6 pm in the director's office. If I don't see you there by 7 pm tomorrow, I'm sending a guard for your head. Understood? You can't back out of this."

"Understood," Jae-Hwi responds stiffly, and then Iseul hangs up the phone, letting out a relieved sigh before getting up from her desk.


The next day was the worst for Felix, the utmost exhausting, tiring, painful day of his life. It didn't help that he woke up with his head throbbing, searing with pain, and his eyes felt heavy, even though he slept for more than 8 hours. When he finally does open his eyes he groans quietly in annoyance when he realizes that he's slicking- once again. This time it's worse, excessively wetting everything. He sits up slowly, wincing at the slight ache in his bones and the slight stiffness of his joints, before sitting up. It takes him a minute or two to find the strength to do that, and another one to actually move around, stretching his legs out as he starts to pull off his shorts.

He's gonna have to do the same thing from yesterday.

After he's undressed almost everything (besides the shirt), he scoots back, starting to lay his head and backside against the pillows. He spreads his legs shyly, not daring to look down from how embarrassing this is, focusing on the ceiling above him. He takes a shaky breath, telling himself that this is a better position from before, because he won't be as sore when he wakes up. Felix makes quick work pushing his fingers inside his hole, and with little effort he gets three of them. He lets out a low groan, biting his lip hard, trying to prevent himself from crying out loud, even though he's home alone. He pushes his fingers in harder and faster, whimpering when he pulls them out and pushes them inside his hole.

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