𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓽'𝓼 𝓮𝓷𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱

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The room went silent after that statement, all of them exchanging shocked glances. Hyun-Jin blinks twice, his mouth slightly agape. The sentence, "Do you wanna kiss my mommy?" repeats in his head, over and over and over. Does he wanna kiss Felix? Of course he does. 

The sound of Felix clearing his throat brings everyone's attention to him. "I'm so sorry about her." He says, looking at Hyun-jin apologetically, scratching the back of his neck, and looking down. Felix's ears are stinging red with embarrassment. "When she says kiss she means like..." He explains and waves his hand around dismissively. Hyun-Jin can understand that partially- because the two words are similar, and the fact that Chae-yun is young so she probably didn't know. "Exactly," Seung-min speaks up. "She asked me that too when I became his friend." He adds to the conversation, making the situation less awkward. 

"I see-" Hyun-Jin says, but before he could finish he's cut off by Chae tugging on his sleeve, bringing his attention to her. "You don't wanna kiss my mommy?" She questions, staring up at him wide-eyed. Her face is scrunched into a look of utter confusion and hurt. Her lips are quivering, and her eyes are fogging up with fat tears. She's about to cry. "No, I do." He answers quickly with a thumbs-up motion, hoping to make her feel better- and it does. She smiles at his response and nods enthusiastically, wiping her face with one of her hands, while the other keeps a death grip on the cloth of his shirt.

He glances at Felix, finding him already looking at him. The omega has a light blush coating his cheeks, and Hyun-Jin can see how tense he is, the tight set of his jaw, and his brows furrowed ever so slightly. "You okay?" Hyun-Jin asks Felix and he nods. He's thinking about how Hyun-Jin said "I do." as he wants to kiss him- but that just means he likes him. Which is nice. "Is the food done?" Felix asks, changing topics. "Oh right. It should be." Hyun-Jin mutters and stands up, running out of the room to get to the stove so the noodles don't overcook.

Chae-yun runs out after him- saying she wants to watch. That leaves Felix and Seung-min in the room. Seung-min comes over and sits on the bed next to Felix, "So, was Hwang Hyun-Jin the one who helped you?" Seung-min mentions, looking over at him curiously. Felix yawns lightly, leaning against the wall behind his bed. "Yeah, did Chan tell you what happened?" He asks and Seung-min shakes his head yes. "He did, but he never said who exactly- just one of the Hwangs. so I figured it was him." He explained and Felix hummed in consideration, looking down at his lap.

"Did he buy you these blankets?" Seung-min points to the ones they're lying on, soft grey and black colored ones. He rubs over the fabric with his palm. "They feel pretty expensive..." He adds and Felix shrugs, looking at the blankets in question. "Yeah he did, they're supposed to help me during my heats. I don't know how much they are since I never looked at the tags." He explains and Seung-min nods, a thoughtful expression on his face.

He flips over one corner of the blanket looking for the tags, mumbling, "I'm just curious." After a few seconds of searching, he found it- and his eyes went wide upon seeing the price tag. "They cost $437 each." He informs Felix, and now his eyes go wide. "That's crazy," Felix mutters, running his hands down his face. "I need to pay him back-"

"—No you don't." Hyun-Jin's voice cuts him off. They both look up to see Hyun-Jin standing in the doorway, and something's different about him. He's wearing a pink apron- decorated with heart and flower designs, and it's a bit too small for him as it's tight around his torso. Felix doesn't have an apron for cooking so that makes him and Seung-min assume it's Chae-Yun's, and that she probably put him up to wearing it. The sight is amusing but very cute. It gets better when they notice Hyun-Jin's hair is also in two messy pigtails, completing the look. The alpha clears his throat when he sees them staring, a light blush on his face.

"I happened to hear your talk while I was coming back- and you don't need to pay me back." Hyun-Jin continues from earlier. His expression is now serious and stern, but the way his cheeks are tinting pink tells him otherwise. "But you spent a lot of money on me, it's only right if I do." Felix tries to reason and Hyun-Jin shakes his head no. "I won't accept it, and if you do I'll just buy you more." He states nonchalantly, and Felix opens and closes his mouth at his words, unsure of how to respond, because wow. That's even worse. He doesn't need more. Seung-min lets out a laugh and pats Felix's shoulder sadly, mouthing "you're stuck."

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