Looking For A Rat Pt.2

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No one's POV:

Red Hood: "This is where we'll train"

We see the reunited bat family standing in front of a door in a Overwatch base

Itsuka: "What's this room?"

Nightwing: "It's a simulation room. We used this to train in environmental situations"

Red Hood: "This room will gives us all the room we need to train"

They enter the room to see a decent size room that's blue squares

Shinso: "It's tinier then I expected"

Red Hood: "One second"

Red Hood goes to the pad on the side and starts pressing a couple buttons. The room then changes to that of the batcave.

Kota: "Woah"

Shinya: "Where are we?"

Nightwing: "We're in the batcave"

Itsuka: "How did it copy everything if Batman kept it a secret?"

Red Hood: "The place where we found the outfits had a computer full of information on everything. Including your training regiments"

Red Hood presses a couple more buttons when a small obstacle course appeared

Red Hood: "Kota run in the obstacle in the meantime while I get Itsuka and Shinso situated"

Kota: "You got it"

Kota ran over to the obstacle race and began to run it. Red Hood turned back to the computer and attached his mask to the computer.

Red Hood: "I'm uploading your training regiments into the computer so you can start your training immediately"

Shinya: "Upload mine too. I want to get some training in as well"

Red Hood nods and does so. After a minute he was done.

Red Hood: "Just choose what you want to train here. Nightwing you're in charge of seeing this over while I train Kota"

Nightwing: "You got it"

Red Hood goes over to Kota while Itsuka, Shinso, and Shinya start training with their ancestors skills. Red Hood watched as Kota cleared the course in a minute and a half.

Red Hood: "Impressive"

Kota: "*pant pant* Thanks"

Red Hood: "Do it again"

Kota: "Huh? *pant* Why?"

Red Hood: "Your time is terrible. An agent could clear that in thirdy seconds. Do it again"

Kota: "*sigh* Fine"

Kota then ran the obstacle again trying even harder. This time he beat his time by a few seconds which Red Hood told him to run again. He did it a couple more times until he tired out.

Red Hood: "You did good Kota. Sorry if I was hard on you but this makes for good training"

Kota: "*pant pant pant* Was *pant* your training *pant pant* harder then this?"

Red Hood: "Yeah it was and still it is. When I first started my training there were multiple times I wanted to give up but I didn't. My dream of becoming a hero kept me going"

Kota: "Then what's *pant* keeping you *pant pant* going now?"

Red Hood: "Remember Hana? She's the person that keeps me going. She's always been the person in my corner rooting for me to get stronger. I want to become strong so I can protect her at all cost"

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